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Christian Prayer Requests
  • "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.

  • Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months."
    (James 5:13-17

Prayer Testimonies

"Prayer Requests"

Please pray for Israel!
Please pray for world peace!

Iris: U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

Please Pray That Kaylynn's Faith, Strength, Wisdom, Knowledge, Belief In JESUS To Be Totally Restored To Her Please Pray That A True Miracle Will Be Done About Her Job And Housing Situation That JESUS Will Show Her And Prove To Her Over And Over Again That Every Thing Is Made Possible With Him.

Please Pray That She Will Be Filled With The Holy Ghost, Faith ,Miracles,And Alot Of Joy In Her Life  Please Pray That  She Will Surrender Her Life Fully Unto Him. AMEN.

Please Pray For Ashley And Elijah To Surrender Their Lives And Hearts And Souls Fully Back Over To JESUS Too. AMEN.

Hana: Australia

Please pray for my mother (Najeeba). 
She is very, very sick. Her leg is swollen, 
she did put all types of creams, took medication, but still not working. 

Please pray for her healing. She is becoming very, very weak. Thanks.

Priscilla Wallace: United States

Honestly, I haven't been working for a couple of months now. Hopefully, I'm getting a job soon. There's this guy I've been dating for a few months now, and this man has been lying to me about everything.

On top of that him and I both are doing drugs and Everytime I work myself up to quit he brings me more drugs.

He's been lying and stealing from me. He claims he doesn't have any money and asks me for some all the time and he's been staying with me so when it comes to household items or hygiene items I provide everything yet come to find out he's saving all of his income without me.

We argue a lot and he does get physical. I've asked him to leave plenty of times, and of course, I accept him back or ask him to come back.

There's just something in my heart that's telling me he's doing something bad behind my back and using me to gain something.

I'm asking for a second chance with my husband and children. I haven't been the best and I've tried blaming many people besides myself and it took me a long time to realize that.

I need deliverance from my addiction, healing & extended time to get "Me" back.
Please help me with my finances. Please, Heavenly Father, take my prayer into consideration, it truly is my will. I do wish to claim my inheritance. I believe in you please believe in me. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

Brandi: United States
Please pray that Brandi's out of pocket expenses are paid through Campus Medical Care Assistance Fund.

Susie: United States

Please pray for the healing of my grandson Michael, who has pneumonia for the third time. He's having a very hard time right now.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters! Please say a prayer for me as my back continues to heal and the weather is turning colder for strength, and GOD'S amazing provision! GOD bless you, Brother Danny,   10/10/24

John Thomas: United Kingdom

Please pray for me to be delivered from black magic and the spirit of anger and talking devil's in the ear with blasphemous words. Lincolnshire UK

Ashok: India

Dear brother/ sister, 
I have been unemployed for so long. I have applied for a clerical post at UCO Bank; kindly pray for me to get this job and a posting in the Nayagarh branch. 

Thanking you

Jenny: United States

Please agree with me to lift many angels to flight in asking Father to do everything possible to prompt Ron to reach out to me soon for honest, tender dialogue, amends, and peace in Christ.

Grace: South Africa

Please pray for healing for Joseph Abels Solomons, his kidneys is no longer functioning, The hospital send him home to die. Father God the doctors might have given up hope but father God you have the final say, Father God you are are a miracle working God, a God who make the impossible , possible, Father God I'm pleading before you to reach out your healing hand to Joseph, Father God Please touch Joseph's body from head to toe, Father God blow life into his body, Father God touch His kidneys so that it may start functioning, Father God please do not leave nor forsake Joseph, Father God let Joseph's miracle healing be his testimony to the world, Father God please heal Joseph Abels Solomons in the mighty name of Jesus

Daniel: United States

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters I need your help my friend sister Barbara the Sunday school teacher in N.C had a setback she is in the hospital with severe pain which will delay her cancer operation she needs us right no that has got to be such a heartbreak for all concerned for this great women of GOD!GOD richly bless you  brother Danny   10/5/24

Neha Nikita Andrad: India

Please pray for Neha Nikita to be blessed with suitable, loving, holy, understanding, rich catholic life partners having no parents who will keep Vellu Judy with them, Neha to be placed in a Bank job or govt job in Bangalore, Nikita in the best Company of Engineering with high package in Bangalore, bless Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore, bless their finances lives intentions prayers studies future health.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters; praise the LORD! I want to give you an update: a church put me in a hotel room for three nights, but I slipped in the tub, took a bath, and hurt my side badly.

Please pray I did not crack any ribs or throw my back out! Thank you, my friends. This is rough. Brother Danny   9/30/2

Valentine Judy Andrade: India

Neha, Nikita to be blessed with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners having no parents who will keep Vellu Judy with them, Neha to be placed in Bank job govt job in Bangalore, Nikita in the best Company of Engineering with high package in Bangalore, bless Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore, bless their finances lives intentions prayers studies future health.

Mwangala: Kenya

Kindly,I need prayer; since December last year, my health condition has not been so good. I believe in Lord that all will be well after your prayer. May you pray for my internal organs to function normal and my full health be restored in Jesus's name.

Anthony: United States

Please pray for my cat. He has some medical issues he’s dealing with. He’s my best friend.

Leon: United Kingdom

Please pray that I achieve my financial goals in investing and trading. £1,000 a day trading forex. I will let out my nets for another catch. Please pray for my success in Jesus' name and for me to break this generational curse of poverty.

Elizabeth Falconer: United Kingdom

Please pray for me to be healed.

I have been bedridden for almost 6 years following a physical and nervous breakdown. During this time, one truly awful thing happened one after the other, and I felt life wasn't living and wanted to die. 

My weight went to 66lb, and in August, I was admitted to hospital suffering from malnourishment and severe electrolyte imbalance. I was told if I didn't go to a specialist far from home, I would die. 

I was there for a month being fed through an ng tube. Whilst there I got COVID, a UTI and dropped foot! I was then transferred to a hospital nearer home for another month, where the Ng tube feeding continued. 

I was diagnosed with Generalized  Anxiety Disorder and prescribed antidepressants, but they haven't helped. I also suffer from Crohn's Disease, Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis and Polyarthritis.

I am in constant pain and struggle to eat due to anxiety and digestive problems. The physical illnesses are awful, but the mental illness is unbearable and has made me suicidal. 

Afraid it is impossible to explain, and only God knows what it is, but I am bombarded with faces, names, films and LOTS more, and my mind torments me to know who or what they all are! 

This happens 24/7 and causes horrendous panic attacks. I get hardly any sleep, which doesn't help. Haven't slept properly for many years.

I know that God is a miracle worker and could heal me in the blink of an eye. Jesus never turned anyone away who came to him for help when he was on earth and reached out in love to heal. 

He is the same Jesus now, so desperately need him to stretch out His precious hand to heal me and make life worth living.

Please also pray for my sister Margaret, who cares for me. She has Lymphoedema in her right leg and arthritis and swelling in her left ankle. She also gets pain in her back and has a chronic cough. I long to see her well and happy.

Thanks so much, and God Bless

Jerasimos: Australia

Please pray for us urgently, Jerasimos and Jocelyn Dimitroulis. For GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to miraculously bless prosper and reunite us quickly as we are currently living in different countries and do not have the financial means to reunite quickly.

Please pray for us urgently for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to bless us miraculously with ongoing prosperity, financial abundance, our own blessed large house and anew safe car, and for all evil to be totally destroyed. GOD bless Jerasimos and Jocelyn Dimitroulis

Tim: Country

Urgent financial miracle breakthrough for pastor Tim.


Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, descend upon me. Please purify me, mold me, fill me with yourself, and use me. Banish all the forces of evil from me; destroy them, vanquish them so that I can be healthy and do good deeds. Banish from me all curses, hexes, spells, witchcraft, black magic, demonic assignments, malefice and the evil eye; diabolic infestations, oppressions, possessions; all that is evil and sinful; jealousy, treachery, envy; all physical, psychological, moral, spiritual and diabolical ailments; as well as all enticing spirits, deaf, dumb, blind, mute and sleeping spirits, new-age spirits, occult spirits, religious spirits, antichrist spirits, and any other spirits of death and darkness. I command and bid all the powers who molest me-by the power of God Almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ my Savior-to leave me forever, and to be consigned into the everlasting lake of fire, that they may never again touch me or any other creature in the entire
world. Amen.

Tim: United States

Urgent financial miracle breakthrough for pastor Tim.

Jenni: Country

I am a widow and am financially overwhelmed. I have to make urgent repayments, but I don't have the funds. The illegal lenders are harassing and threatening destructive actions at my workplace, residence, and family. This must not happen, as it will destroy my job, life, and my boys. 

Please pray for God’s intervention, mercy, favor, and divine protection over the Ky boys and me, my job, and our house. Please pray that God will stop their evil intentions and silence and freeze their actions. 

Please pray for miraculous provision, as I urgently need funds to pay debt, mortgage, and bills, and that the utility will not cut off my electric supply. 

So desperate, helpless, scared, alone, breaking down but clinging to Jesus. Pls help.

Neha Nikita Andrade: India

Pray for Valentine's flight to settle in Bangalore. Neha is to be placed in a Bank job and a job in Bangalore, and Nikita is to be placed in Engineering within the best Com high package in Bangalore.Vellu, Judy, to be blessed with good health and good jobs in Bangalore.Neha , Nikita to be blessed with suitable loving holy understanding rich healthy catholic life partners having no parents who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always.Healing of Neha, Nikitas'seyes, and uterus, healing them from PCOS problem, healing Judy from cancer, depression, anxiety phobia panicattacks, phobia, insomnia, ligament tear of the upper left arm and left foot diabetes, Roby's eyes, and whole body, Vellus liver, Arun from diabetes.Bless Neha, Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore as joint fly.Bless Vellus fly to get BPLCARD without any obstaclespray Judy gets pension with arrears at the earliest, Vellus fly to get 3BHKHOUSE good ventilated house closer to the Church and parkpray Valentine's family to get legal share of property from Roby.Bless Vellus Fly and his siblings and families, Judy's fly and her siblings and mind with good health of body and mind,bless our finances, lives, intentions, prayers, studies, future health, and the teaching profession. Salvation for the departed souls of Mathias and Andrade D'souza family tree and genealogy. Salvation for the souls in purgatory. Deliver us from ancestral bondages, spells, curses, sessions, dominion,trials, tribulations, and affliction, pos traps of the devil and the demons right now.

Daniel: United States

Hi, wonderful brothers and sisters, praise the LORD! All I can say is I must be doing something right. The devil stole my backpack off the church steps last night as I turned my head for one second, praying for God's help to get everything back and to be patient with myself; kind of kicking myself a little bit right now!GOD richly bless you   ,brother Danny  9/18/24   p.s The security guard at the Church is going to check the cameras and told me to check back at 4

Also: I would not ask, but this week, the U.N. will be meeting in NYC high security, and then the high Jewish holiday'shigh security, and yours truly on the Church steps right in the middle of it all, but truth be told, will be sleepin what a great time to witness! GOD bless you  now more than ever   , brother Danny   9/17/24

Jeanine: Country

Father God, if you say the word, this medication will not have side effects for Gerry, and her B.P. will be under control. The side effects are horrible for her Father. You are the only one that can remove them. The medication works for B.P. but causes horrible headaches. Please cast the side effects on the sea! In Jesus' name, I pray! AMEN & Amen

Gaurav Shreevaur: India

Hi I am posting this general prayer request because I am feeling anxious and alone. God is not answering my prayers heis acting like he doesn't exist I don't feel anything even I don't know if I am saved or not or neither can I ask for protection or anything. I am depressed. There are big problems in my life, but I am not thinking about those. I am from a Hindu family, I live in a Hindu village with no church and no Christians feel like God forgot me, and that has also happened because of my mistake I was worshipping false gods, and my mental condition was not good. I did many crazy things. I am anxious about my future, also, I do nothing. I have Wilson's disease for treatment, I don't have money, I have fatty liver, ocd, and anxiety. also, my father's life is at risk; the doctor said he could die. There will be risks. I have no one except my parents. I also don't have any brothers and sisters. I am isolated. I have no friends, that'sall.

Valentine Judy Andrade : India

Neha, Nikita, to be blessed with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners having no parents who will keep Vellu Judy with them, Neha to be placed in Bank job govt job in Bangalore, Nikita in the best Company of Engineering with high package in Bangalore, bless Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore, bless their finances lives intentions prayers studies future health

TJ: United States

Praying for the blood of Jesus, Gods protection, provision, divine intervention & miracle Breakthroughs for immediate shelter/ housing  & steady full time employment for Leland. Praying Leland is released from Everything not of God & the fiery darts of the enemy. Praying for mental/physical healing & Godly friends/mentors to help him get on his feet as he stays in alignment with God's Will.

Sally: United States

Please pray, husband Felix's, salvation, marriage, and deliverance from addictions\; that the LORD restores my marriage and removes his stony heart. Thank you

Jerasimos: Australia

Please pray for us urgently, Jerasimos and Jocelyn Dimitroulis, for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to quickly unite us, bless us, and prosper us. We are currently living in different countries, and we have no income stream, or financial support, or home of our very own for us to unite anytime soon
GOD bless 

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters. Many of you are praying for sister Barbara, here is an update: the date for her cancer operation is October 10, and it is a lengthy and invasive afterward. After three months of healing and additional chemo, she is trying so hard to be strong, but she needs your prayers at this critical time, so please keep her in your prayers. I  know that many, many doctors and nurses are going to be witnesses to the love of JESUS! GOD richly bless you, Brother Danny  9/12/24

Raymond: United States

Please pray for Raymond and lynwood asking for prayers for protection against witchcraft and lack of money please pray for our health and lack of money please pray I get money please pray I get this house located at hwy 23 edgefield sc by Strom Thurmond high School, pray for my old van stop backfiring a 03 Kia van I don't have any money to get it fixed please pray all our enemies leaves us alone forever.

Ronald: United States

I come to thank you for your time to pray for me  and be concerned about the welfare of other people. I need a financial blessing of a large sum I have been out of my work sometime now  and bills are piling up and it seems that no one will let me work anywhere

Michele: United States

I need a financial blessing today.  I believe for a miracle.  God being my source.

Tim: United States

For my grandson Daniel that his mom would not leave his father for another guy. His mom is in relationship with another man not his father and Daniel is distressed over this and wants the relationship to end. That God would stop his mother from moving away with this man.

For my daughter-in-law Alma. She is in a bad relationship with another man while the father of her children works 2 jobs to support them. That God would end the bad relationship and bring her closer to the father of her children.

Mathias: United States

I pray the Lord Jesus Christ for a recovery from my illness, cancer and cirrhosis. Doctors have said I am in late stage, but I know the almighty God hasn't said his last word. Ohh Lord, my faith is on you and I know you control everything. Just says a word and I will be heal. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Savior. Amen

Sage Suede: United States

Pray for Victim of Character Assassination.I am a local celebrity- Sage Suede. Changed my name legally to Andrew Crown for my safety (formerly Noll) after being stalked. Please correct the satanic lies in the community.

Thanks for bringing God's light back to the people. I am just working on music with people globally and modeling for equal rights.

Anthony Roberts: United States

Pray for me and every area of my life and family and future generations in Jesus Christ name amen.

Sarah: United States

I am asking for prayers right now over my whole life. I feel as though a week ago God tugged at my heart and told me to leave my job immediately and I complied. There was just a lot of wickedness and I feel he showed me the truth. I knew for awhile some things weren't right.

I've put in for jobs and only have had one interview since then and it didn't go great. Please pray for me to find a job fast and to somehow be able to afford everything until then. Also to lift up my spirit and have good things and good people around me again.

I trust in God and I know he has a purpose for all of this. Please let him lead me to where I'm meant to be and to watch over my kids. Thank you and God bless.

Steven: United States

Could you please pray for my marriage. My wife's name is Leah, and my name is Steven. She asked for a divorce a little over a month ago and is wanting the divorce to happen so fast. We just put our house on the market.  She says she is no longer in love with me after having an affair last year. I'm standing for our marriage and need as much prayer for us as possible. We have 4 teenagers ( Mitchell 12, Jonathan 14, Chase 14, and Hannah 17) and have been married for 20 years. I need God to do a work in me as well.  I believe this is a spiritual battle and she's being deceived by the enemy. Thank you so much, Steven

Susie: United States

Please pray for my grandson Michael’s peace of mind and physical and mental healing.  He has a fracture on both feet and a fracture on his knee.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters! I know you are probably already doing this but GOD has laid it in my heart to ask for prayer for all the children going back to school Elementary and High School, and college and the teachers and the warfare they will face, and for GOD to be there with them 24/7 GOD bless you, Brother Danny   8/28/24

Mark: United States

I'm a 65-year-old disabled man.  I'm a Christian.  I'm being evicted, and I have nowhere to go.  I feel overwhelmed and need prayer.

Victor: United States

Please pray for my mom, Persa Dedaj.  She has kidney cancer in the abdomen area.  Please pray for her to be cured of her cancer.

ANNETTE: United States

Need to sell home ASAP and close by Sept 16th or pay approx penalty late fee of $2300 monthly for new senior citizens' residency.

I'm trusting Almighty God, honoring His word, and blessing me in His perfect timing. IN JESUS Name and by the power of his blood. Mal 3:10 and Gen 12:3

Thank you and bless you.

Tim: United States

Urgent financial miracle for pastor Tim God's wisdom favor.

Daniel: United States

From a friend of mine, her coworker

Urgent prayer request from Fellowship Bible Church:

"Asking for millions of prayers for a mother who accidentally ran over her two-year-old daughter with her riding mower and who was airlifted to Children's Hospital and is in surgery right now, still alive but in extremely bad shape. I'm asking everyone who has access to a prayer chain to please put this child on that list ASAP, as well as pray for her mother."

My wonderful brothers and sisters please say a special prayer for sister Barbara the retired Sundy school teacher she has 2 chemo procedures left for her pancreas and then maybe an operation she is the nicest sister and a grandmother! GOD please help and heal and strengthen sister Barbara    brother Danny  8/10/24

And please say a prayer for me it is like take your breath away hot in NYC! Prayer makes all the difference! GOD bless you, Brother Danny

Susie: United States

Prayer is needed for my great grandsons Zeymar (4 yr) and Yadriel (2 yr).  Their bipolar mother took them in one of her rages and said that she wouldn’t ever let us see them again.  Please pray for their protection, safety, and well-being and that she won’t mistreat them.

Purushothaman: India

I want to get enough money to pay the two months' emi i have financial problems I want to pay two months emi and also I want to get a new job please pray for me Dear God Thank you for this wonderful day please solve my all the financial problems please help me to solve the financial problems two months emi problems. And also I want to get a new job with good salary.  Please me Lord Jesus Christ in the Name of Almighty God Lord Jesus Christ I Pray Amen 🙏.

Teresay: Country

Please pray for miguel diaz, He was found on fire in a car he is having surgery tomarrow please pray he will not be per mentally paralysed and that he will have  minimal physical emotional &  mental permanent damage. . Please pray for his faimly to be kind and caring and for him to know god and follow his word thank you

Mainy: India

In the name of the Father and in name son and in the name of the Holy spirit, I am mainly from India asking for restoration and reconcile my broken relationship with Kiran Kanth and lead to god-marriage, listen my prayer Lord, and answer me, Amen.

Andrew and Nicole: United States

Devine financial miracle from God God to break poverty curse over my life and remove financial curse God to change my mindset about money and not think poverty and God to help me praise God and become poverty free.

Susie: United States

I need prayer for healing of my heart and for my blood pressure to stabilize. My blood pressure is high and then goes low.

Tim: United States

For my grandson Daniel, that his mom would not leave his father for another guy. His mom is in A relationship with another man, not his father, and Daniel is distressed over this and wants the relationship to end.

For my daughter in law Alma. She is in a bad relationship with another man while the father of her children works 2 jobs to support them. PRAY That God would end the bad relationship and bring her closer to the father of her children.

Tammy: United States
Please pray that God WILL heal my marriage and that my husband will return home. Please pray that God would fill his heart with Christ-like love and forgiveness.

I ask that we could have a new season of marriage together with God as our new foundation. Thank you.


For Jeramy and family: Depression leave. Courage, wisdom. Flying/ moving to VA with family. Strength for that. No Covid! No problem with the process.

Put your Angels around them. They have an infant. Long flights. Courage to make this happen and no fear! God knows more than I do. No sickness after flights.

Asking for Grace, Favor, and miracles for my family. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen & Amen

Samuel at Trusting in Jesus

Please pray for my granddaughter, Ashley, whose 37-year-old husband has just suffered a fatal heart attack. She has four children and another on the way. Please pray as you feel led.

Marsha Author: Country

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, I lift up and ask for prayers for my intentions. I will name and title as Adam was permitted and commanded to name the animals of God's Creations, I in the authority of Christ Jesus, in the blood covenant with Jesus Christ and Yahweh because of Jesus Christ as the lamb of God Crucified and risen, his death for my salvation, take up this right from the time of Adam, the first human, and in so doing I bind these names to my intentions,
CtMikail1, CtaMikail12, and CtRachel-Mitchel, in the authority of Jesus Christ, 
I ask for these intentions to be lifted up to the Lord, our Lord, and King, in the name of Jesus Christ regularly for all or any willing to do so; I am grateful and thankful for the prayer warriors and disciples of Christ, Yeshua, our Savior, and may The Lord bless you and us, amen.

I invoke the will of God spoken forth and revealed by His Own holy power for me past, present, and future in the holy names of Jehovah, Yahweh, and Jesus Christ, amen.

Willie Richie: United States

Heavenly Father, My Precious Lord,


Lord, Bless Margaret and Willie and restore our FAMILY and RELATIONSHIPS. Lord, Forgive us of our Sins and teach us how to LOVE. AMEN!

Andy: United States

Marriage restoration

Monique: South Africa

Dear Prayer Leaders. Please pray to God with me, to come into our litigation process, in our efforts to negotiate with the bank for the spirit of God's will to lead and dwell in the conscience and rest on the understanding of all who is assigned to assist us. We are desperate, anticipating uncertainty while feeling powerless. We begging God for the wisdom to help me prepare my thoughts and speech. We hoping for the service standards and steps during our communication with the bank representatives to give us the grace period for non-payment, as to find employment. We feel the fear of being close to improvishment. Please pray for us to bear this enduring trial where we have no money to bring us security, no employment to offer us the opportunity to negotiate. We heavily rely on God as Tithers, and in fasting, we look to Him, begging for His grace, timing, provision, and protection to meet our needs through His will, timeously, and to shut up the attorney who is deceiving us and family who is gossiping about us while we pressurized by expectations from our service providers to make payment. Oh, Jesus, we need you. I need you; I am limited. You all I have, Lord. We surrender as we desperately wait, Lord.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters. This is a bit of an emergency:

Last night, late in front of the church on the steps where we sleep, a man showed up. He was severely intoxicated and wanted to fight and harm everyone there.

The church knows this man and had him arrested last year, but I will not be able to let the church know until Monday, so I just need prayer for safety for the next two nights.

I'm so sad and so tired of this! GOD bless you, Brother Danny,  7/27/24.

P.S. Sister Barbara wrote back and asked me to thank you. She said her last round of Chemo went much better.

Joan: United Kingdom

Please pray for inner peace and pray for my mind. I have been doing things out of character and giving away my blessings.

Tiffany: Country

Please pray for our nation, please pray that my car can get fixed easily and not have to bring it to a repair shop and that I can afford 200.00 for a puppy for God's 2 kids he blessed me to be a mom to and that I'll have the energy to potty train it also. Please and thank you.

Roger: United States

Please pray for us here at Village Shalom Nursing Facility! 
We need The Lord Jesus to help! 
We need Christ to fight for us! 
We need protection against the evil of one person that recruits others that use Satan evil devices! 
The harass and harm elderly people in nursing facilities if we refuse to submit to them!

Margaret  Lawson: United States

Dear God, 

Heavenly Father, ORDER our FOOTSTEPS and PROTECT our HEARTS and Lives.  FATHER Bless Willie Richie and Margaret Lawson according to your Will. LORD YOU'RE MAGNIFICENT WONDERFUL AMAZING and POWERFUL.

Father God Enlarge our Coasts and Territories. Father God teach us how to LOVE. Father we LOVE You.  We Pray Ask and Receive your Abundance in our Lives....


Ashley: Zimbabwe

Please pray for me. I'm 24, dropped out of college because of finances, and I lost my job as well.

I have been praying for an opportunity to get an apprenticeship so that I can be independent, work, and go to school as well.

You can't really apply for loans here and need tight links to get apprenticeships. Please pray for me so things may just work out.

Frankie: United States

Trix Anna.  From my childhood, needs to get saved!
Salvation, a sovereign move of God!!!!
She made a record years ago. Her School was Jackson.

Anthony Roberts: United States

Pray for me

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"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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    Oct 01, 24 11:28 AM

    How to accept Gods Plan of Salvation and be born again. Ask Him to come into your heart in your own words, or use the following prayer as a guide.

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“Were not all cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner? ”(Luke 17:17)

Thank you all my brothers and sister in Christ; it has been one year already when I joined this website. Thank you for not being tired in supporting my Father and Family in this battle. Arrion

Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802