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"Prayer Requests"

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Christian Prayer Requests
  • "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.

  • Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months."
    (James 5:13-17

Prayer Testimonies

"Prayer Requests"

Please pray for Israel!
Please pray for world peace!

Ashley: Zimbabwe

Please pray for me. I'm 24, dropped out of college because of finances, and I lost my job as well.

I have been praying for an opportunity to get an apprenticeship so that I can be independent, work, and go to school as well.

You can't really apply for loans here and need tight links to get apprenticeships. Please pray for me so things may just work out.

Frankie: United States

Trix Anna.  From my childhood, needs to get saved!
Salvation, a sovereign move of God!!!!
She made a record years ago. Her School was Jackson.

Anthony Roberts: United States

Pray for me

Glory: India

I am tortured and tormented night and day with blasphemous spirits. The devil is making me commit eternal sin. It's like I'm dying. I have rebelled against God all my life. I don't want to go to hell.

I'm unable to pray, read the bible, and can't worship cause of blasphemous spirits. I'm begging you to please pray for my soul. It's like there's no hope for me. I'm desperate for your prayers.
From India

Mainy: India

In the name of the Father, the name of the Son, and the name of the Holy Spirit, I am Mainy from India, asking for restoration and to reconcile my broken relationship with Kiran Kanth and leading to a godly marriage; amen.

Andrew: Egypt

Please pray for my father as he is diagnosed with cancer.


Please pray for this part-time job to come through urgently, 3 days per week. I feel the barrier is my fertility and that everyone knows I am trying to have a child through IVF.

Please pray for justice regarding disclosures and for this not to hurt my chances of getting the right part-time role.

Please help, Lord, I need to leave this place; it is toxic and hard to be here every day. Pray for good news.

Unsure what the hindrance is but I repent for any wrong doing such as being negative and ungrateful.

Please, lord, save me out of this toxic workplace.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters. I wanted to update you on sister Barbara!

I wrote a few weeks ago and asked for prayer for sister Barbara! She is a retired Sunday school teacher who has stage one pancreatic cancer!

She wrote back and said life was tough right now because she just had a chemo session, and it was rough, and now she has to have another one. She is unsure if she can take it, so please say a prayer for her.

This is really sad, GOD, and we are desperately crying out to you. Please help this wonderful woman of GOD!

GOD bless you, Brother Danny   7/23/24


Please pray for healing of womens issues and healing of the cause of pain; thank you very much for any prayers.

Christina: United States

Today is my birthday! I just turned 28 today. Last year I made a prayer to have a good year and for some friends. I still haven't got that prayer. So my prayer for this year is to have a good year and to make some friends or to maybe find love. Thank You God Bless.

From Trusting in Jesus:


Alicia: United States

It's been almost 3 years since my only child, my son was killed. I was a single mother. And I had accepted Jesus Christ 6 months before it all happened.

I'm struggling. I feel like life has no purpose without my son. I don't understand why God couldn't at least take me, too. I'm really trying to keep going, but some days it's too much.

I can't stand being around people now. I'd rather be alone at home because the world keeps going, but it feels like my world has stopped.

Shivansh: India

Pray for me. I have my unit - 1 Graduation exams coming up, and I need all the prayers so that I can successfully score good marks so my parents can be happy because the death of my maternal grandfather really saddens them.

Manoranjan: India

Hey lord, my grandmother is in the hospital; please save her.

Susie: United States

Please pray for the safety, protection, well-being and health of my great grandsons Yadriel and Zeymar.  Also that, every evil plan to wrongly use them fails. 

Krishna: India

God, please save me from debt. I'm in a very big problem. Even I don't have money to survive. Please help me.

Ralph: Country

Please pray: Ralph Sabinada Falculan will receive Esau's birthright and Isaac's blessing for the first-born son through the blood of Jesus Christ and the grace of his Mother. He will top the Chemist Licensure Exam in the Philippines this October 14, 2024 as a prodigy and genius and will unlock the Mangekyo Sharingan like Itachi Uchiha. He will have a good job in Virtual Staffing Solutions, Caibaan, Tacloban City. He will be good at having girlfriends. Please and Thank you Xara! I desperately need help!

Christina: United States

I have been praying for years and months for friends and to maybe find love and i still haven't got any of these things yet. I'm about to give up.

LaRose: United States

I need money and lots of it now!

Anna: Canada

For the healing of Lolita Castelino's cancer and that she finds a doctor to treat her soon, and that she gets full healing:
For my relationship to be healed with Richard and to get restored soon,
For me to get a new job and for school
For my family to become financially blessed and stable and for my friends and loved ones
Forgiveness of sins and for the souls in purgatory in Jesus Christ's name. Thank You, Jesus. I love You Jesus.

Myra: South Africa

Please help me in prayer to find a way to pay all of my debt and be debt-free.

Christine: United States

Please pray with me AGAIN!  
I'm very upset and anxious.  My doctor filled out paperwork wrong, for a claim, and now I'm DANGEROUSLY CLOSE to being kicked out of my department or WORSE! Please pray with me that my doctor submits the paperwork to the company's satisfaction this time.  
If I'm fired or thrown out of my current position,  finding work will NOT be easy, and/or getting my hours reduced. Thank you for praying with me!!

Theresa: United States

I have to be able to use my voice and my eyes normally as God wills to serve Him as He wills. Please pray for me again and again all day and night that God binds everything that is coming at my eyes, vocal chords, and body and rebukes and destroys it in Jesus' name. Please pray for ALL my needs right now and all day and night for all protections that they are ALL taken care of by GOD in every way.

Dawn: United States

Pray for my pets they are getting killed and poison my baits in the home they were innocent creatures they are God's creatures they don't deserve to die and suffer please pray that God will save them and that they will survive and not die I love lots of them please pray and it was surviving live I have a loss of my pets I don't want to lose anymore of them and that's on afraid of losing more of them please bring the God will bless them and they will survive please pray I live in a group home is three staff in the group home 😔 or putting me down mentally threaten me to affect me from the home please pray I don't lose my house 🏠 they're ruining my peace where I'm living my conservator my family wants to find other housing I am very happy where I'm living the two staff bless the owner a ruining and destroying where I'm living causing problems spraying lying and gossiping against me to my family please find my family I'm not listen to any of the lying and gossiping pray that I could stay where I'm living and that these three staff will be discharged from the group home but the higher manager the higher coordinator but discharge them from the group home where I could be at peace where I'm living amen 😭😔💔 this prayer is very important thank you 💔

Willie Richie: United States

Dear God, 

Heavenly Father Please Bless Willie Richie and Margaret Lawson.  Enlarge our Coasts and Territories.  Please Father God show us your Grace Goodness Mercy Forgiveness LOVE and Protection.  Please Father God bless us with more of your Holy Spirit. Please... Father God teach us to LOVE and Respect.  Please Father God open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings we can't imagine or contain. Father God Please... help us!!! WE THANK YOU AND WE LOVE.. IN JESUS HOLY NAME WE PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE AMEN AMEN AND AMEN !!!

Margaret  Lawson: United States

Dear God, 

Please help us...

Heavenly Father Please Bless Willie Richie and Margaret Lawson.  Enlarge our Coasts and Territories.  Please Father God show us your Grace Goodness Mercy Forgiveness LOVE and Protection.  Please Father God bless us with more of your Holy Spirit. Please... Father God teach us to LOVE and Respect.  Please Father God open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings we can't imagine or contain. Father God Please... help us!!! WE THANK YOU AND WE LOVE.. IN JESUS HOLY NAME WE PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE AMEN AMEN AND AMEN !!!

Julie: United States

I'm really struggling and reaching out for prayer for God's powerful healing & strength to get through the difficult circumstances, Please. Thank you so very much.

Susie: United States

Please pray for my great-grandson Yadriel’s  (he’s 2 years old) protection, safety, health, and well-being.

Andrew Pick: United States

  • God to help me lose weight and God's protection from foods that aren't good for me God to help me not overeat before bed and remove side effects from bipolar medicine causing weight gain God to draw close to me and feel God's presence and God helps my stomach fat go away and stomach becomes flatter praise God.
  • For Jesus to draw close to me uplift my spirit and healing from depression low energy God to bless me to have a blessed day God to bless my prayer life and remove distractions from the enemy distracting me when I pray andwisdom for what to pray praise God and all my prayers are effective and God hears them thank you Jesus and remove curses over me preventing my prayers getting answered.
  • Healing from acid reflux also pray for healing for voice and throat acid causing nausea bulimia pray God heals me Long life and good health and peace protection.
  • To get on a healthy schedule live healthy lifestyle for my mental health Healing from depression bipolar disorder symptoms Healing from mental torment and protection over my mind and mental health Healing for health and bring good health Good doctor reports and God heals my body restore it to health and prayer for wisdom what to eat and what not to eat and weigh what I'm supposed to for my height and protection from sickness disease and remove bad habits that causes me to be sick depressed and spiritual happiness and assurance of salvation increase faith.

Gary: Country

Please pray for me and my wife. We nerd to downsize our house. We are older and take care on my 92 year old mother in law We found a house but must sell our existing house since we put in a contingent offer. If we don’t sell soon we will not get the smaller house with first floor living. Thank you. May God bless you.

Lara: United States

Pray that I can overcome my anxiety about everything in life, especially finances. I need to get my car fixed without paying too much and I need to find a better place to live soon. Thank you.

Charlesy: United States

Will you pray that God will deal with those who around me that God will replace what I've lost and that let everything they put their hand to for the next 90 days Fall apart even if I happen to be related to the person that did it please pray that God won't open doors on me that I can move in with my friend that he will get the big house and that I will get my section 8 back soon thank God will be with me tomorrow as I do my Bible study and the guy would deal with those who have done me wrong and keep me safe from danger scene and unseen

Angela: Country

I am asking for prayers for my dear friend Nof. He just had heart surgery a few months back. He needs another one. His heart is in severe heart failure. Part of his heart is not functioning and he still has a couple blockages. He also has diabetes. The main concern is his heart right now. I ask for prayers for healing and restoration in his heart. Full recovery of the functioning and health of his heart please. I believe in the power of prayer and Jesus healing touch. Thank you and God Bless!!! 🙏

 Norah: Country

Please pray for my son James, and his son Levi. and his mother Hannah who I am afraid that my ex-husband has put in harm's way. Again. Please pray for him. I'm afraid they are using his Uncle, a police officer, to trap him to benefit their selfish needs. Please pray for this situation.

Lezyth: Philippines

Please help me pray for my father in Heaven, who died last September 2020, and for my grandmother who died last October 2020. God bless. Thank you.

Duran Ashcraft : Country

Please pray that Tony Peru may forgive and Love Duran and that both may be blessed in the Name of Jesus as they do good works for the Lord God.

Jeremiah: United States

Pray that I will be able to have a better living situation as things are looking very uncertain for me and God's favor and protection.

Amrit: India

My job transfer to Chatra District (Jharkhand), which is 141 km from my hometown, Ranchi, has put a significant strain on my family and my health. I kindly request your prayers for a transfer closer to my hometown, in the name of our saviour Jesus Christ.

Andrew Pick: United States

Jesus to draw close to me, uplift my spirit, and heal me from depression and low energy; God to bless me to have a blessed day. 

Dawn: American Samoa

Please pray please pray for my family that they see God the God will touch their heart and save them please pray for my sister she's safe on the road my sister's name Amanda my mom's name Janice mom has a tumor cyst on her son please pray God will heal her please pray that God will forgive me my sins save my soul rest my soul of peace and rest that one might hasn't you just ends are forgiven that I be at peace in heaven with God please pay for my pet mouse I try to protect them people killing them and that's cooliness they are God's creatures they deserve to live like every other living thing baby bait and poisons please pray for that safety in their protection the guy will watch over them they don't die for many dating poisonous that I don't lose anymore of them lots of them have died from Poison of Bates it's very cool to hurt them they don't deserve to suffer new God's creatures please play I live in a group home the owner is very aggressive and nasty towards me she's trying to evict me from a group home she's spraying lying gossip to my family he sprayed on my family when I believe any lining gossiping against me from the group she's my conservator now please face you would speak up and fight for my battles that she will make sure and fight for me to keep my house and this landlord that wants to go home is very aggressive and nasty she's against me and my family please pray we get new staff the old staff rehab is very nasty and aggressive towards me and all the residents please pray that they will be peace at the house that we will see new staff and the old one can be fired or cut down their house where the house could be at peace again amen 😭😇❤️

Sally: United States

Please pray for husband Felix's salvation, marriage, and deliverance from addictions. LORD, restore my marriage and remove his stoney heart. Thank you

Linda: United Kingdom

Please, can you pray for my stomach to heal? Thank you.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters. I need your help if possible.

Please pray for Pastor Jerry, who is still in pain with the kidney stones. He is trying to be strong, but I know it has got to be very painful.

Also, I met a wonderful sister named Barbara, a Sunday school teacher for many years who needs prayer badly for stage 1 Pancreatic cancer. May GOD richly bless you for taking your time to pray for them, brother Danny!   6/28/24

Christina: Malaysia

Pls pray for ms kay kamala. For amputated leg, kidney failure,  now in incubated in hospital.

Julie Andrei: Philippines

Hi, I'm Julie. Can you help me by praying for me? I am in so much pain, and I really don't know what to do.

I came out of a narcissistic and emotionally abusive relationship with my ex almost 6 months ago, and I am still suffering. Even though I am trying my best to move forward, I am struggling. I feel like I am losing myself and my hope. Please, can you pray for me, because I can't do this alone? I am experiencing a lot of emotional trauma. I am in so much pain.

Sometimes, I can't stop thinking about how everyone has free will to do whatever they want, good or bad. As you mentioned, God created me and knows me better than I know myself. God sees, hears, and knows everything.

So why do people like me, who only want to love and be loved and are ready to do everything for genuine love, always get hurt?

Why does it seem like those who hurt us can escape the consequences of their actions and there is no justice in this world? Why does God let this happen, especially to those with pure intentions who get brokenhearted?

It hurts because I know I did everything, and I should be content knowing I played my part without regrets, but I am the one who still feels the pain now. I'm healing and trying to move forward.

I am so tired, and I want to surrender to God by listening to His wisdom and more.

I would really appreciate your prayers. Thank you so much.

Nataliya Dmytrenko: United States

Please pray for the restoration of all things to the Ahava and Dmytrenko family from Alabama that Satan stole using witchcraft. Pray for their protection.

Duleep Chanmugam: Sri Lanka

Please pray in agreement with me that God chooses/finds me a godly wife as I wait patiently for his very best for me and I be prepared for her. Thank you so much for your ministry and love in Christ D.

Terri: Canada

For Gary to be saved and for prayers for his friend Shirley to be answered. She needs healing.
For a major touch of God in Gary's heart, to be able to forgive and be emotionally/spiritually whole.
His blind sister, Karen, has been praying for him. She, too, needs a touch from God as she intercedes for many.

Kendra Moore: Country

My husband's court date is June 26. Please pray for him to be released on that same day. Please pray for a case dismissal. Please pray for him to be home for me and his firstborn. He's a good person. He just made a bad choice at that time and wasn't thinking, and please pray for the prosecutor to allow him to be free and the judge.

Tintu M: India

I feel stuck; I'm completely shattered. I need help; my career, family, finances, personal life, and everything else are in shambles. Please, please, with tears, I ask you all to please pray for my deliverance. I am currently 25yrs,

Daniel: United Sttates

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters i need your help bad! Over the years i have made a wonderful friend online named pastor Jerry he is one of those brothers that would give you the shirt off his back and now he is in the hospital he has been hit with a kidney stone he is in great pain and misses preaching so much. Please say a prayer that the LORD would heal him quickly. I have heard that those stones are extremely painful, and I will keep you posted!GOD richly bless you   brother Danny  p.s one thing i know for sure if you ever needed prayer he would pray for you   6/24/24

Tiffany: United States

Today is June 24th 2024; please pray for the lost souls to find God. My dad, Terry, is going to contact the bank  today June 24th about getting a loan for a home for us to live in. It's for me, single mom, with 2 kids, to get a home to live in. Please pray it goes through

Viviana: Portugal

For the conversion of Muhammad Jafar Ansari, Mrs. Abida and their entire family. May God free them from the chains of tradition, pride, hypocrisy and lies. That Jesus Christ reveals Himself to them, shows them the Truth and the Truth sets them free. That God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit transforms their hearts and their lives. For the conversion of Amir, Yubaraj, Vedant, Summaya, Stefania, Nicolle, Tiago, André and their families. For the conversion of Sandeep's family and intensification of his faith. For Miriam, Maurício, Melissa and Mariana, so that they accept Christ and allow themselves to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. For the conversion of all who, through the chains of lies, presumption, pride, self-indulgence and lies, reject Christ. For the physical and spiritual healing of Ruth’s mother, Janaína, my godmother and all those in need. For the people of Holy Land finally let their hearts be changed by God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For the end of arranged marriages around the world, for marriage to stop being a perpetual business, where Love is rejected from the beginning. For India to become a Christian nation. Thanks!

David: United States

My prayer request is that the will of God for my wife Yaraldi be done throughout today, on earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Whitney: United States

I  had A custody court hearing, which my daughter & I won. The court ordered my ex, but he is circumventing & finding loopholes to disobey. Please pray that he won't get away with this & our order will stand. The victory was a result of prayer. I believe additional prayer, God, the Judge, conviction, advice of my attorney, and circumstances around my ex's job will compel him to obey the order. My ultimate prayer is that my daughter will be in my full custody quickly!

Antricks: Zaire

Let all my Foes especially in my neighborhood, (22 Inene avenu/Kawele/Pakajuma/Limete/Gombe/Kinshasa/farafara/Charlatan), friends, family and workplace&worlwide that send rats/mosquitoes/cockroaches/geckos against me be plague 12 scourges like the Egyptians, killed their blood-shedding like an ocean and all their witchcraft/fetich/Magic/sanctuary be burned to ashes reduced to dust not nill IJMN (Exod22:18, 1Sam2:6, Exod7:14-24/8/9/10/11/12, Psalm35/94, Joshua11:11, 2Chron20:22-25, Genèse19:24)

Rebecca: Country

Holy Spirit, Christ the Messiah, Lord God Adoni, I pray you into this situation. Surprise them with your unseen aspects.

Praveena: India

I m Praveena from India. I need 10,00,000 money urgently. please pray for me. I need a new job with a 50,000 salary urgently. It should be a hybrid job and mostly work from home. Please pray for me; it's a humble request, and please pray for complete healing in my eyesight.

Dawn: American Samoa

Please pray please pray for My pet mouses they are God's creatures people killing them poisoning them trap trap them they don't deserve to suffer and they are God's creatures makes me very angry how people torture them and kill them they're part of God's creation try to save them and protect them to keep them alive please pray for their safety and their protection and God will watch over the pen protect them I'm harmful people that wants to hurt them and tell them it's very it's coldiness to kill them I'm an angel to protect our God's creatures and I need help and I need prayer please pray I don't lose my house the owner of the landlord something against me and my family he's letting so evictment import me out for no reason she lies and spice gossip to my family for my family to victim from the home please pray they don't believe anything she says that my family will stick up and fight for my battle to keep my handsome I don't lose my house because of her please afraid of my family will speak up for me and fight my battle and be there for me in the time of trouble in Christ she is my concern and my sister speak up and fight for me and always tell her mom everything that I tell her that goes on in the home very fearful and afraid of losing my house and I am happy there she's trying to rule my happyness in my peace in the home 🏠 he's crying that I keep my house and I don't lose my house anymore homeless in the streets please pray for my mom she's my aunt she has two assists in her stomach he's straight up God will heal her and make her better please pray for my sisters Amanda she gets in too many car accidents and you spread a gun will protect her on the road keep her safe please pray that God will forgive me my sins save you for my sins have mercy on me heal me from all my sins that I could be at peace with God and I can be in heaven peace with God I fear hell and for my family and to me the world is coming to an end it's getting close to it or this crisis is going on in the world that's a sign Jesus is coming please where I become a born again Christian please pray for my sister 😭 my God will open her eyes and save her from her sins that she becomes a child of God soon as possible please pray for my mom 💖 that God will save her from her sins that she become saved and appointing Christian that she works on the way from her sins amen 😭🙏

Lian: India

I am seeking prayer for Joshua and Lian's marriage, which is at a critical stage. They have been married for one and a half years but have been living apart due to the interference of Joshua's mother, Rebecca; her associate, Mr. Salah (an unbeliever); and Joshua's sisters, Jennifer and Jasmine. Joshua lives with his mother, Rebecca, and Mr. Salah in Kuwait, while his wife, Lian, is with her parents in Goa.

Joshua treats his wife, Lian (an amazing woman of God), with contempt, does things behind her back, and is not emotionally, physically, or financially available for her. He avoids his responsibilities towards his wife to please his mother, Mr. Salah, and his sisters. It has been months since he has visited his wife, Lian.

Please pray that these individuals cease interfering in their relationship. Moreover, Joshua is very money-minded. Lian, who is an only child, a gem of a person, and a faithful believer, has been subjected to many false promises by Joshua. He mistreats his wife following the directives of his mother, Rebecca, his sister, Jasmine, and his uncle, Salah.

Rebecca stays with her son, keeping his wife away, while Joshua does not seem to have a problem with this arrangement. He expects Lian to join Rebecca and the unbeliever, Salah, under one roof as a caretaker for them and to make babies.

Pray that Joshua recognizes and repents for his actions, ceases to be a 'mama's boy,' and learns to honor and cherish his wife, Lian. Pray for Joshua to man up and take a stand for his wife, Lian, rebuking every dark force or demonic hand holding their marriage and affecting Lian's job.

Lian has been without a job for this one and a half years. They urgently need divine intervention for healing, restoration, and unity in their marriage, allowing them to live together again.
Thank you for your prayers.

Susie: United States

Urgent prayer request for protection for my great grandsons Zeymar's and Yadriel against all evil that has taken over their mother Megan.

Samantha C: United States

Hello! Growing up my mother had often made our lives chaotic, unstable and we lacked the love and care children need.
I have one older sister that I grew up with. I harbored a lot of anger through the years against her and not talking to her for 15+ years.

As an adult, I began to realize she was still suffering and had not come to terms with the abuse she had as a child at the hands of her father.

I learned to forgive her because nobody lives forever, and people can change. It has given my heart so much peace and optimism toward myself being a mother someday.

My older sister, on the other hand, still holds resentment toward her. I have tried to talk to her about it and would just like her to heal before time runs out and she has to live with the weight of regret the rest of her life.

Please pray for her to learn the power of forgiveness and healing. Thank you so much.

Sally: United States

Please pray for husband Felix's salvation, marriage, and deliverance from addictions. LORD, restore my marriage, remove his stoney heart; thank you

Rebecca: Country

Someone said we know where you live. Someone painted one of my window sills bright white. No other window sill in the entire apartment complex is painted. They were all left dingy white. I am frightened; please pray.

Ephesians says I fight the authorities. Please pray through the Holy Spirit to Christ to God himself to speak the Word of God into this situation. To the sight of the authorities who cooperate with the Holy Spirit. El Rio Adoni Messiah Christ El Jireh El Shalom

Lian: India

I am seeking prayer for Joshua and Lian's marriage, which is at a critical stage. They have been married for one and a half years but have been living apart due to the interference of Joshua's mother, Rebecca; her associate, Mr. Salah (an unbeliever); and Joshua's sisters, Jennifer and Jasmine. Joshua lives with his mother, Rebecca, and Mr. Salah in Kuwait, while his wife, Lian, is with her parents in Goa.

Joshua treats his wife, Lian (an amazing woman of God), with contempt, does things behind her back, and is not emotionally, physically, or financially available for her. He avoids his responsibilities towards his wife to please his mother, Mr. Salah, and his sisters. It has been months since he has visited his wife, Lian.

Please pray that these individuals cease interfering in their relationship. Moreover, Joshua is very money-minded. Lian, who is an only child, a gem of a person, and a faithful believer, has been subjected to many false promises by Joshua. He mistreats his wife following the directives of his mother, Rebecca, his sister, Jasmine, and his uncle, Salah. Rebecca stays with her son, keeping his wife away, while Joshua does not seem to have a problem with this arrangement. He expects Lian to join Rebecca and the unbeliever, Salah, under one roof as a caretaker for them and to make babies.

Pray that Joshua recognizes and repents for his actions, ceases to be a 'mama's boy,' and learns to honor and cherish his wife, Lian. Pray for Joshua to man up and take a stand for his wife, Lian, rebuking every dark force or demonic hand holding their marriage and affecting Lian's job. Lian has been without a job for this one and a half years. They urgently need divine intervention for healing, restoration, and unity in their marriage, allowing them to live together again.

Thank you for your prayers.

Samantha: United States

Please pray for God to cure me forever from all my mental illnesses and to be off all medications forever.

Heath: United States

So it’s absolutely crucial, desperately urgent, that I’m hired for this position. Tomorrow (Thursday, 6/20) will be my 5th interview, so it looks and feels promising.  In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I claim this position / job with Dandy in Carrollton, TX. Please, I beg that you pray for me, declaring the same. I humbly ask God, my Creator, that this be His will. I’ve nowhere else to turn, and I refuse to accept anymore heartbreaking disappointments; no more kicks to the gut. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshuwah, my Almighty, for victory from this point forward.

Tiffany: United States

Please pray my family Alex and Alyssa and me also devote and put God first in our lives and hearts. And to stop saying bad stuff that is not of God.



Daniel: United States

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters praise the LORD!NYC is going to get hit with a strong heat wave this week asking prayer for strength aa the heat makes people who are already angry even more so! GOD bless you, Brother Danny  6/17/24

Dwight: United States

Praying to receive the Gifts and be filled with the Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Shabana: United Kingdom

Please pray God will permanently make  Robert see love care understand me know I here from sisters Robert been saying that she seem confused she don't know want.know that case I just  don't where stand with he not good  communication or express how feel what wants pray that God will put deep love communication commitment in heart towards me bring back together so we started again.

Susie: United States

Prayer needed for the safety and protection for my great grandsons Zeymar and Yadriel and for my husband Jesus and myself.  Police had to be called because of my granddaughter who is bipolar.

Stephanie: Country

For the Lord to open my oldest eyes, Kaiden eyes spiritually and for the Lord to guide him back into church with his mom 🙏💕🩷Praying for the Lord to lead him into a great job and where the Lord can use him and for him to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. 💕

Praying for the Lord to come into his heart and life 🩷, & for the Lord to give him a heart of flesh and remove the heart of stone in Jesus' name. 💕🩷☝️🙏✝️🙌Jesus to come into his heart and God to reveal the love of the Father He has for him. 💕🩷☝️

Andrew Pick: United States

Prayer for Andrew Pick: Healing for bipolar disorder, depression, and grief from brother Ryan dying.

  • pray God could heal my symptoms so I don't need to check into a mental hospital.
  • pray God gives wisdom to my doctors so they help me.
  • financial increase and healing for side of face swollen.
  • protection from my enemies who persecute and attack me daily, vengeance is God's, have Jesus repay them.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters. Please say a prayer for me. I had barely enough strength to get off the subway this morning, and that was a terrible feeling. I need to get more rest so the prayer will give me wisdom!GOD bless you richly, brother Danny   6/13/24

Margaret  Lawson: United States

Please... Heavenly Father enlarge my coast and territories.  Please bless me with your Grace Goodness and Mercy, all the days of my lifetime.  Please Father God show me your will for my life.  Father God keep your hands on everything I do and say. Father God bless my home and protect my steps. Father God you're the GREAT IAM IAM!!! HOLY SPIRIT, I NEED YOU!!! ANGELS stand guard over me, all the days of my life.  Father God THANK YOU, I'M NOTHING WITHOUT YOU... I PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE, MY PRAYERS AND REQUEST ARE ANSWERED... GLORIOUS FATHER, I LOVE YOU!!! AMEN AMEN AMEN and AMEN.  LORD YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

Willie Richie: United States

Please... Heavenly Father enlarge my coast and territories.  Please bless me with your Grace Goodness and Mercy, all the days of my lifetime.  Please, Father God, show me your will for my life.  Father God keep your hands on everything I do and say. Father God bless my home and protect my steps. Father God you're the GREAT IAM IAM!!! HOLY SPRITE I NEED YOU!!! ANGELS stand guard over me, all the days of my life.  Father God THANK YOU, I'M NOTHING WITHOUT YOU... I PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE, MY PRAYS AND REQUEST ARE ANSWERED... GLORIOUS FATHER I LOVE YOU!!! AMEN AMEN AMEN and AMEN.  LORD YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

Peter: Australia

Dear Brother and Sister
When things happen in life, they seem to come in many directions. Attacked...

1/ We live in Australia we just got a call from the usa that my wife's mother just had stroke.
2/ I myself have been sick going to hospital for a medical scope...tomorrow 
3/ My wife isnt a christian and we are having martial issues 

She has a family member who is a backslidden Christian who constantly speaks badly about me, and the church has influenced her.

l appreciate your prayers, 
Thank You, Jesus, for your help.

Jeff: United States

I need a car and a financial breakthrough!

Donna: United States

Please pry for Donna's recent diagnosis and ongoing tests for further occurrences. We know the God can heal any disease and ask for your prayers for her. Thank you

Kate: Australia

Please pray for healing of whatever is going on in my body. Please pray my immune system will be able to fight this. Please pray for calm as I wait for the results from a scan today. I am a bit scared as it didnt sound good but I need to wait for the doctors appointment. Please pray for me. I don't feel well. Please  pray for healing for my body; thank you very much for any prayers.

LaShonda: United States

I am currently homeless due to unforeseen circumstances. I have an eviction, unpaid debt, and a very low credit score that is preventing me from getting into a new home. I am also dealing with a rebellious adult child.

Earl: New Zealand

Please join me in praying for my 2-year-old daughter, Nikki. On April 11, 2024, she was in a car accident that caused permanent damage to her left eye, resulting in vision loss and a droopy eyelid. The accident also damaged her pituitary gland, resulting in Diabetes Insipidus, a rare condition which causes excessive urine production, not a sugar issue. Thank you.

Kakkerla: India

Sir I'm kakkerla pramod goud from India sir I'm suffering with Severe witchcrafts problems and Severe demonic powers problems in head sir since 2 years I'm suffering sir my parents taken me to many doctors and astrologers sir they spend 3 lacs on me sir with but there is no use sir with my problems my father expired with heart stroke sir my wife leaved me sir with all this problems I did a Suicide attempt sir now Im in iccu sir doctors did all tests and said by taking poison which is used for agriculture seed fertilizer it destroyed entire immunity strength levels and there is only 10 percent strength levels is there in my body sir no use with powerful imported strength injections sir doctors said my case is very critical if within 12hours time if any improvement in body immunity strength levels improvement up to 80 percent to support the treatment if not it leads to coma paralysis stage doctors declared sir I didn't know any other prayer help sir I need your world-wide prayer help sir emergency

Sarah: United States

My nephew is not safe in his visitation arrangement. He is 6. This has been ongoing since he was 2. There has been nonstop court, hostile interviews with child protective workers, and uninterested investigators. There is constant chaos in his life, and those who harm him never get caught. Please pray for God to intervene and stop them so my family, especially my nephew, can have Peace! We go to court on june 12.

Suman: India

My name is Mr Suman Kerketta and I am currently working with canara bank and posted in Bilaspur cg .Transfer season has begun in the bank, i request you to pray for me that i get retained in bilaspur chhattisgarh as both my parents are ailing from different illnesses and there is no one apart of me to stay with them. I have received order for transfer to Kalna west bengal. I have sent application for retention in bilaspur. Please pray that the executives who will be taking decision of transfer, understand my situation and retain me in bilaspur chhattisgarh. And by God's miracle l get retained in Bilaspur.This I ask in Jesus name.

Jeff: United States

Pray we can take a vacation to the beach.

Jerasimos: Australia

Subject: Reunite quickly with spouse and ongoing financial prosperity and financial abundance
Prayer Request: Please pray for us urgently for me Jerasimos Dimitroulis and for my wife Jocelyn Dimitroulis for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to unite us very very quickly as we are living in different countries due to financial difficulties.

Please pray for us for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to miraculously and quickly bless us with financial prosperity abundance breakthroughs open blessed financial doors health happiness love strength good luck success safety and quality life.

Please also pray for us urgently for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to bless us with a large modern house of our own a safe car and free from all evil influences.

For GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to totally destroy all demonic activities evil influences and to totally destroy all the shackles chains and cycles of poverty lack stagnation blockages bad luck witchcraft evil entities sicknesses illnesses diseases curses peoples jealousies anxieties stresses loneliness fear and all evil, Amen and Amen.

Please pray for us daily GOD bless Jerasimos and Jocelyn Dimitroulis

Andrew Pick: United States

Prayer for Andrew Pick
Healing for bipolar disorder depression and fatigue always also spiritual happiness and strength inner peace and God to restore everything the enemy stolen from me mentally physically in Jesus's
Name, Amen.

Isaac Abraham: Egypt

Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris , Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles , Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship.

Pray also for my communication with her mom to be resumed again , i am waiting the Lord from all my heart , i need a miracle from the Lord in this area , God can do anything , in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen , Isaac

Daniel: United States

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters GOD has given me a heart for NYC i pray for it every day and try to stand in the gap as much as i can!

This Sunday is the Puerto Rican Day parade, which sometimes has trouble before and after, and this month is called gay pride month, with a huge parade at the end of the month!

So these are just some of the things that I will be fighting in the SPIRIT, and I sure would appreciate your prayers for God's help!GOD richly bless you   brother Danny   6/6/24

Robert: United States

PLEASE pray for my homeless brother SAL that GOD provides a place for him to stay & pray for his salvation.

Mitch: United States

Please pray that God restores my body to normal functioning. I need to be able to take in and use all nutrients from the diet, especially protein. I've been sick for months and need my body to be completely nourished.

I've gotten no help from health professionals or doctors and I continue to live in a debilitating state. Pray God remove any malfunction and restore health, nourishment, and proper functioning to my body. Thanks for praying for my healing and deliverance from these painful symptoms.

Susie: United States

Please pray for my great, grandson Zeymar.  He’s 4 years old and needs surgery on his broken arm tomorrow morning.  Please pray for his surgery to go good, the surgeons guidance, his healing and for him not to be scared.

Andrew Pick: United States

Prayer for Andrew Pick

To lose weight and get to a healthy weight and keep it off for good, in Jesus' name, amen. Also, please pray for healing for my voice, for God to restore it back to normal, and for God to increase my energy levels so I have more energy in my days and protection from negative thoughts and emotions; thank you, Jesus.

Also, please pray God to bless my jujitsu and give me the strength to return to class for my exercise, praise God, thank you Jesus. And God to draw close to me and to feel God's presence and increased faith and protection.

Timothy: United States

Please pray for me. Recently, I made a bad decision that has gotten me into a mental health issue. I'm a disabled combat veteran who suffers from anxiety, depression, and other things.

Taniqua: United States

Lord I’m praying for favor. My car has been repossessed and I have to move in less than 60 days due to my landlord not wanting to renew lease. I’m praying for guidance and favor because I can’t do this by myself. Please don’t forget me Lord. Amen

Jeff: United States

We need a miracle breakthrough

Joseph Ofarrill: United States

I pray for Brenda Thomas Jacqueline Minoso and Joseph Ofarrill for a miracle.  Man, we lost it all. We once had a nice place, money, wealth, and something bad happened to me. My life was almost lost due to Me being assaulted.  

I am handicapped, and I have severe post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.  I pray for Brenda Thomas, my wife, who is in the hospital because she got in a bad accident 2 years ago.  Jacqueline Minoso, me, Brenda, and Jackie, my mother, and I are homeless temporarily and looking for a home.  

Pray that God blesses us in all we do, and he removes all chains and bad side effects drugs or other things may have had on us, Me, and my family.  I ask that you cover us and protect us from all voodoo, black magic, and santeria.  Remove us from this bondage so we can help God's people, the homeless, sick old, and the suffering.  

I pray for a breakthrough, a miracle, a downpour of blessings in our lives, and that we learn from our mistakes and never go back down some of the dark roads we have been on.  I pray that God makes us Un lazy because lately, depression has been kicking my butt. Amen

Kirkland: United States

Please pray to Jesus  that everything in my life works out for the better , pray that Jesus makes a way for me my family and friends. that I get approved for loan for my rent (find who can help me )I get an IT Job and pray I believe in the holy spirit that I have these things. Its been rough these past six months. I'm still believing

Raymond: United States

Please pray for me and Lynnwood, protection against witchcraft and lack of money. please pray that A____, t____, g____, B____, C____ and the voodoo people leave us alone forever, please pray for us for 40 days

Alliverr: United States


Greggory: United States

Like I make a prayer request for myself. The past year, I've been struggling in life to find a full-time job, with health problems, and financial debt.
Thank You very much. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.

Greggory: United States

I am making an intercession prayer request for my friends, Christine and Holly. Christine and Holly don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ or God The Father in their life. Here is my prayer list for them. (1) Salvation; (1) Deliverance; (3) Protection; (4) Assurance; (5) Confidence; (6) Courage;(7) Strength; (8) Wisdom; (9) Guidance;and (10) Provision.
Thank You very much. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.

Mainy: India

In the name of the father and in name son and in the name of holy spirit , I am Mainy from india asking for restoring nd reconcile my broken relationship with Kiran and lead to godmarriage amen.


As of the 1st, this family could use a prayer chain of righteous intercessors - AND PRAYERS FOR MIRACLES - PLEASE SHARE THIS W/4 or 5 other individuals, churches, missionaries, or prayer walls - or wherever you can think of to HELP THEM.  

Please pray as the HOLY SPIRIT leads and ongoing and RIGHT NOW PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU PRAY FOR ALL THE NEEDS OF the w's et al. Too much has happened to say all here. Please put on ongoing prayer list for all needs and protections and healings.

And please pray for all needs body, mind and spirit and for healthy, godly, Holy Spirit led relationships and interactions as well as decision making, favor and discernment, etc. Trust me, some exceedingly awful things have happened.

Pray and share often. Please pray for them whenever this comes to mind if The Lord lays it on your heart. They've had way, way, way more than one family should have dealt with - MORE THAN ANY OTHER I HAVE EVER KNOWN (One thing alone is that one of them had over $2.3 million in medical charges in last 5 yrs - insurance covered most, but not all ).

Please keep praying for all of their needs each of them as long as you can. The mother t has to have much needed prayers, too. Serious concerns, also. Any and all unspoken needs too there are many for the 3 of them and families LIKE IT WAS YOUR OWN FAMILY OR LOVED ONES WHO WERE IN NEED.


Can you please find a pastor and elders and teams to keep praying for me and my family who lives out of state and some live closer by. I live by myself and I am having significant health and other problems. I need a lot of prayers.

Since my home burned up April 28 while I at my mother's celebration of life/funeral I have been having too many other things happen too. Oppressiveness and terrible feelings and multiple physical things have come up.

My left side under my ribs began hurting in the last couple days and I was already having something concerning with my voice/vocal chords and also an off and on pressure type feeling in my eye sometimes at the same time that I get an all over heavy oppressive feeling. Its not a made up thing. Its weird and feels horrible.

Please help "pray away" or stop whatever is happening. And please pray for peace in my family and healthy relationships and bodies and for all our unspoken matters. This has been too diffucult of a season. All the things that have happened and other unmentioned tragedies, too.

Plus I'm supposed to have a surgery in July and another later this year.

Please keep praying for me and mine and keep us on any church prayer lists you can get me on. Pray for my son and his girlfriend too. Thank you

Clara: Australia

Please pray for my daughter's sickness to get healed completely; no more flu/sinus/Covid and severe headaches. I hope she can pass successfully the 6 months job probation period and her boss will not sack her despite her poor health condition and always taking sick leaves especially when she has excruciating headaches.

Andrew Pick: United States

To lose weight keep it off for good in Jesus name amen also please pray for healing for my voice God to restore it back to normal and God to increase my energy levels so I have more energy in my days and protection from negative thoughts and emotions thank you Jesus also please pray God to bless my jujitsu and give me strength to return to class for my exercise praise God thank you Jesus.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters. Please say a prayer for me. I am not sure why, but NYC is packed, but what a great time to witness for the LORD! GOD bless you   brother Danny  5/29/24

Mikelle: Country

Please pray for Amanda mother , she is in desperate situation that doctors say evil
When they say she won’t recover but we know by the stripes of Jesus we are healed and so we pray together over Amanda Mother that by the stripes of Jesus Christ son of Jahova, king of kings the most high God that she is healed in Jesus mighty merciful name amen.

Rob: Country

I pray that the assailants learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow's cause,” Isaiah 1:17.

Isaac Abraham: Egypt

Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris , Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles , Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship , Pray also for my communication with her mom to be resumed again , i am waiting the Lord from all my heart , i need a miracle from the Lord in this area , God can do anything , in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen , Isaac

Yoshiko: Country

Pray that Greg will keep and honor his word to come see me before I leave town today. Pray for a soften heart to honor what he told me.

Sharnice: United States|

I would like prayer to receive a very great and special miracle just for me that will completely work in my favor. Thank you.

Cynthia: United States


Cynthia: United States


Antricks: Congo

Let all Foes (Jovic, Manasé, Pierro, Nana, Sarah, Miguel, FaraFara, charlatan) that have declare war against me in my neighborhood, family and my workplace (occultist) be reduced to dust. (Exod22:18, 1Sam2:6, Exod7:14-24/8/9/10/11/12, Psalm35/94, Joshua11:11, 2Chron20:22-25)

Gail: Canada

Yes, I believe that God can help anyone. And I believe in angels. But there is war, starvation, disease, discrimination everywhere. I had my career stolen from me, I live in a shelter, I am mistreated by my family and acquaintances. Sometimes strangers. 

Please pray for a miracle. I want friends, a bit of financial stability, rescue from the shelter system, the freedom to work for God and celebrate the beauty in this world. I don't want to spend my days in tears, alone and discarded. God bless.

Debbie: Country

My name is Debbie. Pls pray favor with a court case I have coming up. I took out a credit card for a friend’s business. a promise to pay me each week in full. They ran up $40,000 didn’t pay me. They have recently closed their business. Also pray for Immediate Financial Blessings🙏

Kathy: United States

Please pray God opens a door for full-time work with a good wage. I need to pay my bills. Thank you, Brothers and Sisters!

Leslie: United States

Forget that I will trust Jesus to reveal the truth about things, and there will be Justice in the things that they've done. The things they stole them are identities and all the abuses been done, in Jesus name amen

Patricia: United States

Please pray for my sister and her family. Specifically for her husband Trent. He has just experienced some cruel treatment from his family, and learned of the death of 2 family members this week. He has had a kind of mental break and is struggling. 

Please pray that he will accept help, and open up to the Lord's healing. He is a Christian. They all are. He does not have a relationship with his family because of hurtful and hateful treatment throughout his life. 

Please pray for the kids, and my sister. And my aging parents who are trying to help with her kids, during these few days. Thank you so much.

Tim: United States

Urgent financial miracle for pastor Tim; God's wisdom and favor.

Andrew Pick: United States

Prayer for Andrew Pick

Healing from depression and bipolar disorder and protection. Also, I pray for God to get me onto a good schedule and for God to save me. If I'm not saved, praise God.

Noah: United States

(I am female)

Please say a prayer for me and other victims that my abusers and those who have committed crimes against us are reported to law enforcement, as well as that this leads to their being arrested and jailed, with all of their victims finally being brought back safely, in peace, and privacy since they've been stalking people physically and using the internet, and even trying to falsely report people to police and frame them for crimes not committed.  

Pray my abusers are all arrested by law enforcement and sentenced. Pray that those who have been manipulated against me see the truth so that I may no longer be isolated and that those I love who believe them all behind my back finally see that I'm not lying & that I'm not how my abusers have painted me.

Pray that I am no longer separated, pulled apart from, and/or pitted against those I love. Pray that the actions brought against others and me are reversed and that my abuser's abilities to lie to and manipulate others - including law enforcement - are dismantled and they are brought to trial so that all of their victims, not just me, may receive justice and peace.

Pray my police report against one of my abusers for actions he has taken in s*xually abusing and harming young and underage girls ends in his imprisonment. Please pray for someone with more proof and details than I step forward and report my abusers, even if the abusers try to scare and intimidate me since I am so powerless to do anything alone.

Every time I try to go to the police or try to report it to people with actual authority or the ability to do something, I am not heard, and I am not believed. I am not heard or believed by anyone in my day-to-day life. I do not have the same proof and details that others involved do, so please pray they are fortified with the bravery needed to go to the police and stand up against the abusers.

I'm completely powerless to do anything about the situation. so please pray that someone else steps in and starts helping me. Every last bit of power, control, safety, peace, happiness, and privacy has been completely stripped from my life, even within my own home due to the stalking and hacking and the horrible slander.

Please pray people finally see me for who I actually am, the truth of how my heart actually is, and finally see the profound good within me instead of the tainted, manipulated image my abusers have painted of me. Pray all hacked and stolen accounts are returned to their original owners.

I've prayed over and over for peace and protection and for someone to help me. I've looked deep within myself and found the strength to try and fight alone, but I'm just completely defeated because it's literally impossible. I need some sort of miracle. Please pray for me because I am so hopeless. I just cannot do it anymore.

I am so desperate for this all to end and for my life to stop being destroyed because they're drunk on how powerful they feel, and they like the control they've managed to grasp over others. I feel like I am cursed. Please let me be released and freed. They think they are above God and able to manipulate even him; it's scary.

Please pray for all of us victims' peace and safety, and for everyone, my abusers have separated and turned against each other to reunite and reconcile with each other in peace – especially my special someone and me.

Jessica: Country

I am not any more deserving than anyone else but my unreachable dream is to own my own home. There is a house down the road that is newly built and they are giving it away in a competition. I have been praying for years for a home for me and my children (God has always looked after and provided rentals) but please pray a miracle happens and this house will be ours. I’m praying and believing Jesus will pave a way where there was no way! Thank you for praying for me!

Maura: Portugal

For the conversion of Muhammad, Mrs. Abida and their entire family. May God free them from the chains of tradition, pride, hypocrisy and lies. That Jesus Christ reveals Himself to them, shows them the Truth and the Truth sets them free. That God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit transforms their hearts and their lives. For the conversion of Amir, Yubaraj, Vedant, Summaya, Stefania, Nicolle, Tiago, André and their families. For the conversion of Sandeep's family and intensification of his faith. For Miriam, Maurício, Melissa and Mariana, so that they accept Christ and allow themselves to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. For the conversion of all who, through the chains of lies, presumption, pride, self-indulgence and lies, reject Christ. For the physical and spiritual healing of Ruth’s mother, Janaína, my godmother and all those in need. For the people of Holy Land finally let their hearts be changed by God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For the end of arranged marriages around the world, for marriage to stop being a perpetual business, where Love is rejected from the beginning. For India to become a Christian nation. Thanks!

Solojour Alfredino Tembo: Malawi

I would like a prayer request for my trip to USA this year and now i am processing USA visa. I would like also to pray for my marriage between I and my wife Jessica. Thanks

Melissa: United States

My husband lost his job on my birthday and he's in depression. My grandmother died on Sunday and my father in law is in a rehabilitation center in Gettysburg PA and my suv is having problems again. For our finances they are very low and I am very scared and feel hopeless and for reconciliation with our Son and his wife and us.

Andrew and Nicole: United States

Prayer for heavy success in our life reverse the unsucess bad luck our enemies send at us and restore everything stolen spiritual and physical 100 fold restoration in Jesus name amen and thank you Jesus for protection and restoration from the damage the enemies done to us known and unknown thank you Jesus.

Sharon: Uganda

I pray that by God's grace and by the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ that;

1. I finally graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Computing in January 2025.

2. I get a highly respected and well-paying job as soon as possible.

3. I move out of home and finally get my own place.

Michelle: United States

Friend Kitty was life-flighted today. Please pray for healing.

Darla: Country

Please pray that God will give my husband and I children. And please pray that God will touch and heal my mom and dad.

Miette Murcia Alcala: United States

I have had pcos I'm guessing all my life. I bearly found out by a doctor' just today that I have pcos but im guessing  i have had it all my life because  for many yeara back i never been pregnant 23 never been able to have kids I can't have kids tried since I was younger and nothing I have mild fatty liver as a result of my pcos I want kids and I want God to help me be a nicer person and for God to help me manage stress I stress alot because of my hormones making me stress.

Dawn: United States

Pray for me pray God will forgive me my sins God cleans me the holy Spirit that God will heal me from all my sins I become saved as a child of God I fear hell the world is coming close to it and afraid of God will rest my soul in peace with him the God will bless me by the holy Spirit that all my bad surprises since I forgive him please pray for my family my mom and my sister Janice and Amanda please pray that God will heal them from their sins that their eyes will open up and become safe and come closer to God the God will open up their heart to them that they become a born again Christian pray for my family play for my sister Amanda that she is safe on the road when she's driving she's been in three car accidents and God will protect her and watch out for her pay for my mom Janice she has a tumor in her stomach please pray to God we hear her heal her that's a tumor will go away and don't turn to cancer please pray for my my pets my pets mouses in the home they're all God's creatures and people cruelty to them and killing them poisoning wouldn't baits out they don't deserve to suffer who's better with survive and live and I will protect them and watch over them that no more than would not die they are God's creatures I love all God's creatures and not to see them suffer and die that upsets me he gets me very angry please pray I live in a group home and the owner that's something against me and my family she's trying to put me out of the home 🏠 saying gossiping lies that's not true to my family that please pray they don't believe any of that she's saying that they will stay by my side and talk out and speak up for my rights no that she will fight him like a server that I never lose my house so that I will stay living there cuz I'm happy I love where I'm living my feel of Peace where I'm living buggy owner is trying to put me out trying to find reasons excuse to let me out thank you put out I'll be home without the streets she's where I don't lose my house 🏠 that's been bothering me for a long time fear and being home and losing my house and I don't want to be home this down the streets in the cold stomach conservator will fight and speak up for me any time of trouble and my sister will speak out and fight for me I go to a clinic for treatment in West Haven mental health clinic the threatened me discharge me this way I don't lose my clinic for my treatment my help and my support that didn't discharge me from the program this way that I will stay getting my treatment there and I'll be discharged in the near future they threaten me and threatening my family 😭 my mom my conservative get a lot of paperwork to get me in there she had a difficult hard time getting me in all that paperwork she had to do was frustrating her she was about to give up doing it please try that she don't have to do those paperwork again it is torture and frustrated to get me into a clinic please pray for my physical health I've been suffering health issues please pray that God will heal me from all sickness that I become healthy amen 🙏😭❤️

Ralph: Philippines

Ralph Sabinada Falculan will receive Esau's birthright and Isaac's blessing for the firstborn son through the blood of Jesus Christ and the grace of his Mother. He will graduate in Eastern Visayas State University under the BS Chemistry program this June 19, 2024 and will be admitted to the DOST-ASTHDRP scholarship in U.P. Tacloban under the MS in Environmental Science program this June 15, 2024. He will successfully finish the tree planting in Espasyo, Tanauan. Please and Thank you Xara!

NL: United States

My family needs financial breakthrough badly. Please pray the Lord will provide for us. And also for the salvation of my husband and 4 children, thank you and God bless you!

Esther-Sarah Godfrey: Canada

Finances to come in, every way! All witchcraft, curses, but off! Great mercy, wisdom, love, inner peace, Great wisdom and sharp discernment. Blood of Jesus over me, suite bank. THANKS

Michael: United States

Please pray for me to be delivered from a horrible, dangerous situation, please, please, please, please 🙏🙏🙏

Andrew Pick: United States

Healing from anxiety and tremors also prayer to have a clear mind and thinking and praying for increased focus and concentrate better as spiritual happiness and spiritual Protection.

Susan: India

Please pray that the Lord helps us, Andrew n me, with money. We are 65 + years old. Please pray that the Lord sends His Holy Spirit and sells our property in Pudupattinam this week. Only then we can go on. Ppl r trying to cheat us and not sell it, too. It's the end of the road for us if it's not sold. Also pls, pray that we can start a business and for the Lord to show us which one. We are proud to make Him the CEO of the business. If anyone wants to donate to us, they're most welcome. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen!

James: Canada

To get out of debt, God, give me the power to gain wealth and Supernatural debt cancellation, wisdom to get out of debt, and the ability to prosper. God bless me, and I will share and give to other people. Thanks for your prayers.

Andrew Pick: United States

God to draw close to me and have a blessed day, unexpected blessings, and happiness. Praise God. Also, block anyone trying to curse me, and block negative people.

Jeff: United States

Son needs salvation

Mitch: United States

Please pray that God restore my body back to normal functioning. I need to be able to take in and use all nutrients from the diet. I've been sick for months and need my body to be completely nourished especially with protein. I've gotten no help from health professionals and I continue to live in a debilitating state. Pray God remove any malfunction and restore good health to me. Thank you for praying for me.

Jeff: United States

We need a miracle

Cynthia: United States


Daniel Dawid: Poland

I  cannot eat or drink anything for the last 2 weeks. I have had a stomach ache and feel sick because of that. Let us break and curse that illness or whatever it is in Christ's authority. Let us pray, resist the devil, rebuke that condition, and command the sickness or inflammation to go away in the Mighty Name of Jesus; We pray, amen.

Andrew Pick: United States

Prayer for Andrew Pick

Prayer for romans 12 19 over me for protection from my enemies antagonist and spiritual enemies also restore everything stolen from me spiritual and physical god to block them permanently also.

Healing from fatigue stress always feel tired and healing from depression bipolar disorder and God to give me spiritual happiness and draw close to me and feel God's presence and God to save me If I'm not saved


My husband Joey was demoted from his supervisor position due to new management who is wanting to get rid of long time employees. He has been at his job for 20 years. Please pray for my husband to be able to keep his position or find another employer to be able to provide for his family. It’s causing him mental stress. Thank you!

Kate Hartman: United States

Please pray for the Presence and glory of Jesus, protection, covering, blessing, wisdom, favor and anointing over my life and ministry. Pray for insight and discernment.

Pray for open doors for the Gospel, and for souls saved, miracles, and healings. Pray especially over these ministry dates: May 18, 19, 20, 13, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31; June 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27; July 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25 and 29. There has been much spiritual warfare lately.

Pray for Greg and Ray to receive deliverance from offense, bitterness, anger, and criticism. This seems to be a serious generational problem in many strains of this extended family. Pray for the sweet Spirit of Jesus to overcome and cleanse away all bitterness.

Pray for Justin to be delivered from addiction.

Pray for Justin and Jason to become born again.

Pray for Bethany and Ladona to return to Jesus.

Pray for my marriage and those in my family to be stronger and increasingly powerful for God.

Pray that Bethany reconciles to her mother.

Pray for Katrina to get the right job with excellent pay.

Pray for Debbie’s heart and Kaila’s throat to be healed.

Pray for healing and strength in my body.

Pray for favor as Greg negotiates an important long term contract and that our finance

E-Mail Address: Lifespiritfire@yahoo.com

Countrys are blessed in this transition.

Pray for wisdom, efficiency, excellence and favor through the entire process as I complete a major research project.

Kakkerla: India

Sir I'm kakkerla pramod goud from India sir I'm suffering with Severe richcraafts problems and Severe demonic powers problems in head sir since 2years im suffering sir my parents taken me to many doctors and astrologers sir they spend 3 lacs on me sir but there is no use sir with my problems.

My father expired with heart stroke sir my wife leaved me sir with all this problems I did a Sucide attempt sir now Im in iccu sir doctors did all tests and said by taking poision which is used for agriculture seed fertilizer it destroyed entire immunity strength levels and there is only 10percent strength levels is there in my body sir.

No use with powerful imported strength injections sir doctors said my case is very critical if with in 12hours time if any improvement in body immunity strength levels improvement up to 80percent to support the treatment if not it leads to coma pralasis stage the doctors declared.

Sir I didn't know any other prayer help sir I need your world wide prayer help sir, emergency!

Sithuvam Chandana:

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ !!!

Wed 11:55 pm

Dear sir,

How are u, and how is ur ministry going?

Please remember our family in your prayers. I especially pray for my son Ben Adonijah (05 years old), who is very active.

He does bad things, shouts, fights with us, lacks discipline, disturbs his sister, has an ego, is stubborn and careless about studies, etc.

As the parent we are worry about our son...He always shout & disturb when we gather to do family prayer in night. We try to explain in smoothly & even did some punishments, but not recover....

Ok. Thank u. 

God bless u!

Daniel: United States

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters please say a prayer for me i am back in NYC and need prayer for strength pretty bad it never gets easier but i am so glad i am saved! GOD bless you, Brother Danny 5/15/24

Isaac: Egypt

Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris , Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles , Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship , Pray also for my communication with her mom to be resumed again , i am waiting the Lord from all my heart , i need a miracle from the Lord in this area , God can do anything , in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen , Isaac

Ralph: Philippines

Ralph Sabinada Falculan will graduate this 2nd semester of School Year 2023-2024 in Eastern Visayas State University-Main Campus, Tacloban City, under the B.S. Chemistry program and will pass all his subjects with 1.0 grades this May 15, 2024, all through the blood of Jesus Christ and the grace of his Mother. 

He will be admitted to the MSES program of DOST-ASTHDRP and the CHED-MSRS program of the U.P. School of Health Sciences in Palo, Leyte. Please and Thank you, Xara! I desperately need a miracle!

Michahael: United States

In the Mighty and Sacred Name of Jesus Christ, The Lord My Shepherd, The Good Sheperd, and High Priest, I ask You Lord to send Thy Holy Spirit, Thy Holy Ghost fire, the Power of Thy Holy and Precious Blood, and in the Power of Thy sacred and Mighty Name, in Thy Authority Lord Jesus, send forth these Holy Powers to activate in me against all places the enemy is hiding to resist Thy Purpose and Will for me of Deliverance and Holy Conversion, from the top of my Head to the Bottom of my feet, and in all of my possessions,

Thanking you Lord Jesus Christ,
Believing in You Lord Jesus Christ
Hope. With God All Things are Possible
Amen. Michahael

Claudine: Mauritius

In the Powerful Name of Jesus, please pray for me. I need the divine favor of God for a job, a house, and a Godly man for a marriage. Pray that God destroys all evil plans, jealousy, backbiting, witchcrafts against my life.

Pray that Samuel and Rebecca received the fear of the Lord and they stop spreading lies and false accusations on me.

They must repent.

Wisdom and good health for my mother and Varuna.

Thank you so much in Jesus' Name


Isaac Abraham: Egypt

Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris , Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles , Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship , Pray also for my communication with her mom to be resumed again , i am waiting the Lord from all my heart , i need a miracle from the Lord in this area , God can do anything , in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen , Isaac

Patricia: United States

Please lift my son Joshua and his family up in your daily prayers. My son was in a bad car accident two years ago where a driver ran a red light and hit my son.

He will be getting neck surgery in a couple of weeks. He has to disk linking fluid in his neck. He own a trucking company and due to his injuries his is unable to work and has lost his Trucking business and now his credit is in bad shape. 

Please pray 🙏 for his attorney Mr. Murphy and the insurance company that owes him now for his injuries. To pay in a timely manner. Please pray 🙏 for my son’s health and recovery from surgery. 

Please also pray 🙏 for deep depression that his dealing with over his injuries and he is struggling in his finances due to losing his company and can’t work. 

And he also has been having a lot of suicidal thoughts because of all the stress is upon him now. He is a Christian and we lay hands on him and ask God to restore everything the devil has stolen from him and his health.

We need other prayer worriers who will help us lift him up before God for a breakthrough. He has been dealing with serious pain and depression. Thank you 🙏

Isaac: Egypt

Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris. Pray That God will gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles. Pray that God will open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship. Pray also for my communication with her mom to be resumed again. I am waiting the Lord from all my heart. I need a miracle from the Lord in this area. God can do anything, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen, Isaac.

Kakkerla: India

Sir I'm kakkerla pramod goud from India sir. I'm suffering with Severe witchcraft problems and Severe demonic powers problems in head sir since 2years im suffering sir my parents taken me to many doctors and astrologers sir they spend 3 lacs on me sir but there is no use sir with my problems my father expired with heart stroke sir my wife leaved me sir with all this problems I did a Sucide attempt sir now Im in iccu sir doctors did all tests and said by taking poision which is used for agriculture seed fertilizer it destroyed entire immunity strength levels and there is only 10percent strength levels is there in my body sir no use with powerful imported strength injections sir doctors said my case is very critical if with in 12hours time if any improvement in body immunity strength levels improvement up to 80percent to support the treatment if not it leads to coma pralasis stage doctors declared sir I didn't know any other prayer help sir I need your world wide prayer help sir, emergency.

Valentine Judy Andrade: India

Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore in the yr2024, bless Neha with Bank job, govt job in B'lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore,bless Neha Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal Nehas throat from auto immune disease,heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems,bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession bless Judy to get full pension with arrears at the earliest, to get BPLCARD with out any obstacles, to get 2BHKHOUSE at B'lore with minimum rent closer to the Church and park.

Anurag kuamr: India

My name is Anurag Kumar,  I am 29 years old.  I live in New Delhi,  India.
I am working in a visa company.
Recently I have been facing a lot of problems at my workplace with other people
Please pray for me for my jobs protection
I got this job by the grace of God
Earlier I was facing a lot of difficulties
By the grace of God, I got this job
Please pray for my job and its protection.

Max: United States

I ask for prayers that Max K may be granted peace, focus, wisdom, and the grace of God our Father as he is placed in the peace fire in this moment of testing and tribulation. Grant that he may be successful and that those who challenge and test him may show mercy and compassion, as it may be according to the will of the Almighty, in accordance with his plan. Pray that Max may be shown mercy and that his fears and uncertainty may be wiped away, and that his dedication and hard work in the face of opposition may be rewarded. Amen.

Anthony Roberts:

Anthony Roberts blessings and covering Bible scriptures

Exodus 23:20-31
King James Version
20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.

21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.

22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

23 For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.

24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.

25 And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.

26 There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil.

27 I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.

28 And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee.

29 I will not drive them out from before thee in one year; lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against thee.

30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land.

31 And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert unto the river: for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee.

 Exodus 23, when you honor God during this Passover and Easter season, He will:

Assign an angel to you. “Behold, I send an Angel before you...” (verse 20).
Be an enemy to your enemies “I will be an enemy to your enemies...” (verse 22).
Give you prosperity “So you shall serve the LORD, your God, and He will bless your bread and your water” (verse 25).
Take sickness away from you “And I will take sickness away from the midst of you” (verse 25).
Give you a long life “I will fulfill the number of your days” (verse 26).
Bring increase and inheritance “... until you have increased, and you inherit the land” (verse 30).
Give a special year of blessing (verse 29).

Proverbs 10:22 New King James Version (NKJV)
The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.

Psalm 37:4-5
Delight thyself also in the LORD; And he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; Trust also in him; And he shall bring it to pass.

Psalm 91
King James Version

91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Isaiah 45:4

For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.

Isaiah 54:17 KJV
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD

Ephesians 3:20-21
King James Version
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus thr0ughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

Exodus 14:14
King James Version
14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

Isaiah 55:11 KJV

so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Isaiah 45:3
King James Bible
And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.

Deuteronomy 8:18
King James Version
18 But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

Malachi 3:10 KJV
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Deuteronomy 28:12

The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.

Genesis 39:2-6

2 The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.
3 When his master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD gave him success in everything he did,
4 Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned.
5 From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the LORD blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the LORD was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field.
6 So Potiphar left everything he had in Joseph’s care; with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate. Now Joseph was well-built and handsome,

Proverbs 16:3
3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

1 kings 2:3
3 and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go.

Isaiah 41:10
10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Genesis 1:28-29
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

Jeremiah 17:7
7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.

Deuteronomy 2:7  

For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your trudging through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.

Deuteronomy 28:13

And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.

Joshua 1:5, 7-8

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Psalm 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Psalm 37:25-26

I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lends; and his descendants are blessed.

Psalm 68:19

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.

Psalm 145:8-9

The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.

Proverbs 28:13

He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.

Ecclesiastes 5:19

As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor—this is the gift of God.
Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Philippians 4:19

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

3 John 2

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Galatians 6:6-10

Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Glenda: United States

Prayers for my son Mikey for healing and help with his severe ocd causing him to be very depressed. He has a family and is Struggling so bad. Praying God will help him. Thank you

Shanna: United States

My family and community need prayer badly. They have thought that my Dad was dead for the last 13 years. I found out the truth four years ago, but they are miserable and still being lied to by the woman who staged it all. 

Our story is in the book of Isaiah. I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners. Isaiah 57:15

Susie: United States

Prayer is needed for my family’s relationship, healing, and peace.

Shari: United States

I wrote a book that can help heal those with chronic illness and pain. It needs to be published. Please let me get a traditional publishing deal. Please heal all the animals.

Please my mom just got an ultrasound. Please don’t let it be anything serious. My family including myself has suffered a great deal and we just want to heal and have the Grace of God heal our bodies and minds. Amen.

LaRee: United States

Chronic abdominal pain and migraines help, please, Jesus, help me. LaRee and Lee,  Oh Father we are desperate!

Vicki: United States

Please pray for healing of my body. For my abdomen to stop swelling and end all pain. Lord please pour financial favor on us. Provide a job that my body is capable of doing.  Shield the people of Israel and change the heart of the terrorists. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Jim: Country

Prayers for my friend who needs to get away from a guy who’s not good for her at all; she needs a clean instant permanent break from him

Lee: United States

I am addicted to cocaine. Help me, please Jesus, help me.


Dear pastor, I am working in NAV BHARAT MATRIC HR. SEC. SCHOOL. Many 10 th std students weak in TAMIL SUBJECT. SSLC GOVERNMENT   EXAM RESULT  DATE 10th MAY 2024. Please Pray for 100 ℅ RESULT & GOOD MARKS.  in All subjects ( Total students-38 )

Sweety: Australia

I am jobless. After many efforts still i am in same situation. I hope you can understand my problem. Only God and his people can make this possible for me. If you pray for my job, then I will get it. Please pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 please.

Anubhab: India

Holy Spirit, you are called Helper from Heaven. This time you have to hear me and answer me Holy Spirit. I served you, Lord, since childhood, and I will till eternity ends. Please Make a qualified student with qualified marks for the Neet Ug 2024 examination. Don't let me be disqualified and fail this. You have to bring this miracle into my life, HOLY SPIRIT. I beg before you, Hear and answer me and bring the miracle to me.

Isaac: Egypt

Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris, Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles.

Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship.  Pray also for my communication with her mom to be resumed again.

I am waiting the Lord from all my heart , I need a miracle from the Lord in this area , God can do anything , in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen , Isaac

Jazz Mathew: United Kingdom

Please pray for Caroline she is not well. Please add her to your prayer list. Thank you

L: United Kingdom

Pray that I pass all my exams with over a gpa pf 3.00.
That I retain the knowledge, stay calm and think clearly.

Jeff: United States

Pray for me unspoken. Also that my son leaves.

Debbie: United States

My name is Debbie. I was working with Alexa medium marketing company and they asked me to take out a credit card. They promised to pay the bill in full. They charge over $30,000 haven’t paid me any money and then dissolved their company. Please pray God‘s favorite in this situation.

Robert: United States

Please PRAY that GOD heals my sister MARYANN of cancer.

Sad Mom: United States

Please pray for my dog Cappy to recover and for his conditional to be treatable. Please pray for healing and the right medications for him. Thank you

ALLOVER: United States


Anthony Roberts: United States

Anthony Roberts prayer request ( blessings and covering over my life ) Also pray for my family and future generation

Ephesians 3:20 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”

Isaiah 55:11 KJV
so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Malachi 3:10

King James Version

10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

2 Samuel 22:3, 31, KJV

The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence . . . As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him."

Isaiah 45:3

King James Version

3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel

Psalm 37:4

King James Version

4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Jesus says in Psalm 91:16, "With long life, I will satisfy. you and show you my salvation." God has called us to. live long and healthy lives!

Matthew 18:20

King James Version

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Deuteronomy 20:1

When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.




new home
new car
Long life
riches & wealth
Dream career
Spiritual growth
prophectic mantle
Lead millions and thousands to salvation to Christ jesus preaching the gospel.

Also pray for my friend takita(friend that stay in Tallahassee fl at the

Maya and sister and family (lake Wales fl)

Alissa (lake Wales fl)

Alil (Lake Wales fl)

Ms. Linda( kerney center)

Jessie ( kerney center)

I need God to move on my behalf because right now and change my life and I ask that you all come into agreement with me.

Also pray for those in my closest circle aswell

Psalm 27
Psalm 37

Psalms 35:27 the lord has pleasure in the prosperity if his servant

3 john 2 Beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers

John 10: 10 I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Duetoronomy 8:18 and you shall remember the lord your god, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your father's, as it is this day

Chronicles 20:15

Thus says the lord to you ,do not be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but gods

1 peter 2:9

Matthew 19:26
With men this is impossible, but with god all things are possible

Nehemiah 2:20
The god of heaven himself will prosper us; therefore we his servant will arise and build

Luke 12:32
Do not fear, little flock, for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom

Matthew 6:11
Give me this day, my daily bread

Psalm 1:2-3

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

James 1:4,12,17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Psalms 46:10

Be still, and know that I am god

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you says the lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope

Psalm 112:1-3

Job 22:28
You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.

Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it shall be given unto you.

Isaiah 1:19

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land

Psalm 122:7
Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Matthew 17:20

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to god must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligegently seek him.

Proverbs 10:22

1 Timothy 6:10

Isaiah 44:3

Psalm 24:1

Job 41:1

Valentine Judy Andrade: India

Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore in the yr2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore,bless Neha Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal Nehas throat from auto immune disease,heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems,bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession bless Judy to get full pension with arrears at the earliest, to get BPLCARD with out any obstacles, to get 2BHKHOUSE at B'lore with minimum rent closer to the Church and park.pray Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore

Frank: United States

I want to request prayer for a friend of mine Yvonne who lives with a wicked evil woman named vanna who has been taking advantage of Yvonne who is disabled, and lies everyday as well as a blasphemer saying that she is God's pestilence.

I need the help of others to pray for Yvonne to give her strength to remove this wicked woman from her presence.

Yvonne told me she does believe in Jesus his father and the holy spirit and while she is trying to walk right in the lord's eyes , that evil woman Ivanna is trying to drag down Yvonne soul with her to help.

Every minute if the day and night that evil woman blaspheme the name and Spirit of God.

Shannon: United States

First, I want to give praise, honor and glory to the LORD and his only begotten son Jesus. Please urgently pray that God will heal my mother and I from our diseases. Thank you.

Myra: South Africa

Please help us in prayer. Our landlord is putting his apartment that we are renting up for sale.

Before we sign our lease renewal, which is up at the end of June, I pray that the lord will help us find a 3 bedroom like the one we are staying in or even better, in the same price range with a yard and closed garage in the same Wilropark or Roodekrans area where it is safe with friendly neighbours.

We have nowhere else to go and no family to help. We trust in god to fight for us, to protect us, to guide us and to provide for us. Please also pray for my mum she is a widow and is struggling financially.

Elijah Griffin: United States

Hello my name is Raymond Elijah Griffin from Edgefield SC asking for prayers for me and Lynnwood priester; protection against witchcraft and lack of money.

Please pray for our health HIV etc please pray for protection against witchcraft and lack of money please pray that Aisha and genie Carolyn Nicholson and others including the voodoo people leave us alone forever.

Please pray for my family member please pray I get money I had to deal with witchcraft since childhood my late grandmother Alma did it to the family member before I was born please pray

Noemi: United States

I would like prayer for me and my friend to reconcile. That we can be on good terms and be friends again.

Christina: United States

please pray for me. i use to wordship an idol. an celebrity and now i realize they were nothing i though they were. it's my fault because the bible says not to do that and i did and got caught up. asking God to heal me and for me to move on in my life.

Michael: United States

Prayer For More Money Resources Success Ability To Influence Impact Change The World For Good Removal From All Negative Attachments

Esther: Papua New Guinea

Please pray for me,I need healing for skin diseases (sore on my nose) that so painful and I also have a stomach problem.Thank you

Daniel: United States

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters maybe once a year the LORD asks me to write and ask for prayer and I said for what specifically and the LORD said just trust me you will need it soon and i have learned to obey that prompting sometimes you do not have time to write if you are in a dangerous situation! GOD bless you brother Danny 5/1/24

Jeff: United States

We need a miracle breakthrough financial and healing and deliverance and direction and protection

Obelon Samuel: Uganda

Please 🙏 pastor help me pray for job opportunity really am suffering with the family financially I have no mone y to pay for the bills really 🙏 may God help me through in Jesus name 💓 Amen

Michael: United States

Prayer For Growing 24/7 In Fruits Of Holy Spirit And Armor Of God God Revealing Himself More To Me More Redemption And Right Connections In My Life

Stephen: India


Praise the Lord,

Please pray for Bro.M. Samuel Paul (GS), Age:52, who is suffering from severe leg pain from past 4 months due to poor blood circulation in his pelvis bone. Doctors recommend an immediate operation costing 2 lakhs, followed by three months of rest.

Please pray for his:

  • Healing and relief from pain.
  • Successful surgery.
  • Provision of funds.
  • Strength for Bro.M. Samuel Paul & family.

Praise the Lord 🙏

Lisa: United States

Praying to be healed from asthma anxiety acid reflux.

Jeff: United States

We need a miracle breakthrough financial and healing and deliverance and direction and protection.

David: United States

My prayer request is that my wife Yaraldi will live completely for Jesus.

Shannon: United States

Please urgently pray that God will heal my mother and I from our diseases. Thank you.

Crystal Vines: United States

Please pray for full time employment and sleep at night. I am not getting any interviews

Emmanuel Buyson: United Kingdom

I’m Emmanuel Buyson from London. I’m asking for your kind intervention to solemnly pray for my protection and deliverance from the oppression of the witches in East London. I believe that your prayers will set me free. Thank you very much for your kindness.

Michael: Canada

Please pray for Us We Need A Financial Miracle to pay for our Bills and Everyday Living Expenses Also We rely on the Food Bank to Feed our Family Thank-you Michael and Family

Reena: India

Dear Prayer warrior:

Please Pray for my financial debts, that a miracle takes place and I am free from my this great problem, I just feel to end my life.

Secondly please pray for my son Reuben Ujjwal Kumar that he stays away from smoking and drinking alcohol and that he doesn't come across any accident or is trapped in any trouble.

Kindly pray that after spending the days he safely joins his jobs.

In Christ, Reena

Jenny: United States

May You, Lord, bridge the rift between me and Ron and heal any negative or fearful/uncomfortable feelings that may be keeping us from contact and reconciliation. May You, Lord, prompt Ron to seek contact, as Your image bearer. Altogether, may You work in this relationship and in each of us. In Christ, Amen.

Daniel: United States

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters please say a prayer or me I have come down with a terrible cold there is something going around just that I will weather the storm the next couple of days this one is rough! GOD bless you, Brother Danny,  4/25/24.

Jeff: United States

We need direction.

Victor: United States

Please pray for my brother George. He has been out of work for over a year and is worried about finding a job.  He is a programmer and the technology sector has been hit hard by the recession.  He is also worried about finding work because of his age (he's 59).  Please pray for him to find a job.  Thank you.

Kurian: India

Precious friends, if possible, please pray for healing of very severe pain in my back and stomach,  medicines for gouty arthritis r causing it. Ive gotta take care of my sick elderly parents as well, it's very tough right now. Ive got severe mental health issues also. I spend most of my time praying and worshipping our savior Lord Jesus, but it seems as if I'm being tested. Im at my breaking point. God bless you all 🙏❤

Tan: Thailand

I really need forgiveness from nemesis spirits and all of them.

Bobbi: United Kingdom

I'm struggling a lot right now. I feel I am drifting away from God and my faith.

I live with a physically and emotionally abusive father, he fractured my eye socket a few weeks ago and I lied to stop him getting into trouble, then felt guilty about lying and wondered why I'd been put in such a position because lying is wrong.

I feel awful for having these doubts too. I have no Christian friends who are my own age, the friends I have aren't the best influences. My church is a very old church (mainly 80+) so while I can go for coffee with them, I can't do the things that young people take fun in to bond with them.

The church is also struggling, there is a divide between the congregation, please pray for unity and peace, and a desperately needed healing. Please bring young passionate blood into the church.

I struggle with my self image and I'm getting overwhelmed at work and at home, when I want to be a beacon for God, I can't find a way to do it because I'm burned out and tired. I'm struggling to control my emotions I need the fruits of the spirit to blossom in my life.

M.: United States

Please pray that I receive total deliverance from spiritual harassment/torment, nightmares, hearing evil voices at night, feeling invisible beings on me/attacking me, and being unable to sleep at times.

Purushothaman: India

I want to get success in my love with my keerthana I want to married my keerthana in my future with god blessings and parents permission. I want to tell my love to my keerthana I want to talk to my keerthana I want to tell my love to my keerthana my keerthana wants to understand me my keerthana wants to accept my love my keerthana wants to tell ok to married me in future with god blessings and parents permission. Both my parents permission and keerthana parents permission will be wants and also very very important your blessings for my love success with my keerthana in my love life there are some problems and some misunderstanding problems in my love life. All these things are wants to comes to an end. I want to get success in my love with my y keerthana I want to married my keerthana in my future with god blessings and parents permission in the Name of almighty God lord Jesus Christ I Pray Amen 🙏.

Daniel: United States

Hi my brothers and sisters asking prayer strength in every area of my life homeless and saved at 77 is no joke!    p.s did you now GOD loves you so much he keeps your picture in his wallet     brother Danny   4/15/24

Tumelia: United States

Heavenly Father, I come to you with a humble heart, seeking your divine intervention and healing touch.

Lord Jesus, I ask for your healing power to flow through me, removing all traces of depression, anger, and tears that plague my nights. Please lift the weight of stagnation from my shoulders and fill me with your peace and joy.

Father, I pray for protection against the jealousy and negativity of others, especially from my relatives and friends. Shield me from their hurtful words and actions, and grant me the strength to rise above their negativity.

Lord, I specifically lift up my uncle and his wife who have turned to witchcraft. I pray that you would break any spells or demonic influences they have placed upon me. Banish all evil forces sent to harm me and fill me with your light and love.

Jesus, I surrender myself to you completely, asking for deliverance from any demonic possession or influence. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and guard me against swearing outbursts, sadness, and loneliness.

As I journey through my final year of Optometry school, I ask for your guidance and wisdom. Bless my studies, allowing me to prosper and graduate as a knowledgeable and successful eye doctor. Lord,

I also pray for true love and companionship. Lead me to a good man who will cherish and support me, and bless us with a marriage filled with love and laughter. Grant us the gift of children, if it be your will.

Father, I ask for continued good health, smiles, and happiness in my life. Bless my loving parents, little sister, and caring grandmother with your abundant grace and love.

Finally, I entrust my extended family, especially those on my father's side, into your hands. Protect me from their harmful intentions and lead them towards the path of love and forgiveness. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Kirungi: Uganda

Am KIRUNGI RONALD kindly requesting you to stand with me in my prayers this month I want to start a business but am jobless and no money seen and i want to be financially blessed in all areas of my life for wealth, prosperity and abundance to serve God and bless those in need by God's will i will be glad to include me in your prayers.

JENNIFER: United States

Please pray that I have an excellent amazing day at work don't make any mistakes I feel great and can go to the store ijnip amen

Mary Jo: United States

I need Gods wisdom, guidance, and a miracle to buy my children and I a home. I also need a business idea that God can bless so I can take care of my mother and three children.

Shanna: United States

That God Almighty will open my father's eyes to being the father He needs him to be, the Grandfather He needs him to be, the Uncle He needs him to be, the brother and husband He needs him to be and most importantly the Shepherd He needs him to be. Thank you and God bless you 💖

Robert: United States

Please PRAY that GOD heals my sister of cancer.

Julie Patricia Castel: United States

🤰🤞🤱🙏😭I'm desperatelyseeking god to heal my ovaries, my womb, and my eggs. for God to blessed me to naturally conceive from my husband's JARRIN sperm a healthy baby🙏😭

🤰🤱🤞 Let me carry that baby to term and let them lead a happy and healthy life my husband and I are desperately seeking for his powerful miracle good news for a permanent POSITIVE TEST RESULTS ON MY PREGNANCY TESTS 🙏 😭🤰🤱🤞

(HEALTHY SUCCESSFUL PREGNANCY my husband and I are desperately seeking God's powerful miracles for god to place our miracle blessings child in our hands in his holy Image we are both desperately seeking to CONCIVED our first miracle blessings child together has husband and wife

🙏 we want to our miracle blessings child this new year 2024 our bundle of joy

Dawson: United Kingdom

Please could you pray for my wife who is not being believed by professionals in regard to her health and disability struggles. Please pray for strength for her, for the support she needs to be in place by professionals. For good consultants, proactive care, false information about her to be dropped and for her to be believed by professionals and for her to really get the help she needs. Thank you.

Jerald Clement Tauro: India

Pls pray for Jerald Clement tauro 44years who had sudden heart attack and brain Stroke he as block in his heart his right side is paralyzed and not able to move or talk his admitted in hospital remove all blockages and financial problems and remove all black magic.

Bob: United States

Please PRAY that GOD heals my sister of cancer.

Jeff: United States

We need a miracle breakthrough financial and healing and deliverance.

Natasha Hoyos: United States

Please remove the spirit of infirmity and fear away from myself and my loved ones. Allow no evil to cross my path.
I want a long healthy life to praise God and do his work. Please protect the child in my womb & pray for a healthy birth.

Dawson: Country

My wife is increasingly having allergic reactions to more and more foods to the point where she is being left with little choice for things to eat and it is really getting her down. Please pray for God to intervene, help her towards healing and give her wisdom in regard to finding a really good functional nutritionist or a helpful organisation so she can eat more foods and have less allergic reactions. She is also having puffy eyes and bowel issues which we suspect may be caused by either methotrexate or HRT medication so please pray for God’s help with this also. Thank you.

Tobias: United Kingdom

Turned away from Hindu tantric initiation. The enemy is still trying to sift me 3 months later. Please pray for my disconnection from all works of the evil one... Especially initiations, permissions, and spells.

Denise: Canada

Please sweet Jesus. I place my life in your hands . I beg you for a miracle to find us a rancher house with a loft for help and no sunken floors.

We have lived homelessness in a terrible situation. We are old and have what is left in storage Please We are so far away from our needs and city.

Day after day praying for a home. I beg you for a miracle. We are alone and depressed.
Please 🙏 help urgently.

Simone: Australia

Please pray all for ISRAEL. PEACE. Everything. Scripture. KCM and partners. Our books. Wisdom. Finances. Those things happened to me and for the voice of God, ABBA with Us. Stopped voices not of God. Churches, pastors. Lisa and friends, Sean. May we hear from GOD, ADONAI. Husbands and wives. Marriages and children. Prayer about everything. IM. Singing and love. Loosing weight and looking like ABBA. HEBREW. Israeli Thy will be done. All the LORD JESUS prayers in. THANK YOU JEHOVAH LOVE YOU ALL.

Leon: Country

Pray that I make £1,000 a day with my trading strategy. Pray that it works consistently! Pray that I and my family be financially free! Pray for me.

Marian: United States

Please pray for Strength, Healing, Protection and God's merciful blessings for Stephen & Marian. Asking this request in the awesome and holy Name of Jesus. Thank you and God Bless all of you.

Purushothaman, myself, and Keerthana: India

I want to get success in my love with my keerthana I want to married my keerthana in my future with God blessings and parents permission.

I love one girl her name is keerthana there are some disturbances, problems, competitions obstacles, struggles, misunderstanding problems, third party problems, enemies distractions, enemy problems are struggling in my love life.

And also there are some misunderstanding problems between me and my keerthana. I want to talk to my keerthana my keerthana wants to respect my speech my keerthana wants to understand the truth my keerthana wants to accept me my keerthana wants to forgive me if I do any mistakes she wants to understand me she wants to accept my love she wants to tell ok to married me in my future with God blessings and parents permission. Please pray for my love success with my keerthana I want to married my keerthana.

Dear God Thank you for this wonderful day please bless me lord Jesus Christ please help me lord Jesus Christ to get success in my love with my keerthana I want to married my keerthana in my future with your blessings and parents permission.

Please make my love success with my keerthana please make my love marriage successfully with my keerthana in the Name of almighty God lord Jesus Christ I Pray Amen.

Daniel: United States

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters asking special prayer this week for the Miami Rescue Mission.

They will have an Easter Banquet this Friday for maybe 500 homeless men women and children; they have it Friday so the men in the program can be with their wives and children on Easter!

Pray souls would be saved and lives rededicated! GOD richly bless you. Brother Danny 3/26/24

Martin: Cyprus

Pray for healing strength for Mrs Kuriakou Nikolaou in Larnaka, Cyprus and for my wife Christina.
In God's name, Amen.

Flavia: Uganda

I ask God to deliver me from monitoring spirit.

Jenny: Country

Bring Ron to salvation! Move in his heart, circumstances, and mind. Wrestle with him and turn his stony heart to flesh. Send righteous men into his life to minister to him. Show him how to repent and lead him to do that.

Andrew: United States

Dear Prayer,
Please pray for God to deliverance me from porn addiction and sexual sins. I am born again Christian but still slave to porn addiction and sexual sins bondage. I want to be free from this bondage. Thank you for praying and God bless you

Gina: United States

I am experiencing debilitating lung inflammation after chemical exposure that is painful, scary, and makes it hard to sleep or function. Please pray for complete healing, wisdom for my medical professionals, so that it is healed and that the pain goes away and I have no permanent condition. Thank you.

Robert: United States

Please pray for my sister Maryann who has cancer-pray for 100% healing.

Cherry: Philippines

Please pray for me. I need a financial miracle but more than that, I need an encounter with God, the Living God. Thank you. More power and God bless!

Layra: United States

Please pray for my husband that he can stop see video's pictures of younger boys in underwear in social media. My husband can focus priorities Lord Jesus Christ and read the Bible more often. My husband can see that not right see video's pictures of younger boys. My husband priorities Lord Jesus Christ and his wife and kids and dogs. My husband can pay more attention to me his wife and less social media.

Kirungi: Uganda

Am KIRUNGI from Uganda and am kindly requesting you to stand with me in my prayers request.

I want $100,000 to start a business this month but no job no money seen and i want to be financially blessed in all areas of my life for wealth, prosperity and abundance to serve God and bless those in need by God's will i will be glad to include me in your prayers.

God Answers Prayer

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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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“Were not all cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner? ”(Luke 17:17)

Thank you all my brothers and sister in Christ; it has been one year already when I joined this website. Thank you for not being tired in supporting my Father and Family in this battle. Arrion

Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802