"Karatezfun by
Grand Master Pete Mills"

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Karate Books by Pete Mills

Pete Mills, a World famous Isshinryu Karate Grand Master, shares his life-long karate experience through these fantastic karate manuals and books.

A few of his accomplishments:

  • Pete is a Tenth Degree black belt, 
  • Founder and president of the "Universal Isshinryu Karate Association, 
  • Inducted into the International Isshinryu Karate Hall of Fame, 
  • United Martial Arts Association Hall of Fame,
  • Vice president of at least three other major karate associations.
  • Active in the Kick Drugs out of America campaign with Chuck Norris. 

But most remarkable, Pete is a Christian. His books include Christian content, even the plan of salvation; this is an incredible opportunity to learn the best of karate, grounded on Christian principles.

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Karate Books by Pete Mills

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802