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Durene : United States


"The River Of Love"

In all the places where I have lived,

There is always a "river of love" running deep…

It gives tender care and constantly nourishes me.

It gives perseverance and always keeps me steady!

No matter how dramatic life might be

That "river" has always been there to comfort me!

Swiftly and gently, it clears away all my worries,

And guides me at every twist and turn of my journey!

Every time as the Mother's Day comes near,

I often think back of those cherished years…

When the "river" lifted me out of frightful nights!

Then I realized how blessing the "river" is to my life!

Thank You, Lord, for giving me a wonderful mother,

Who cares for me more than anything in this world!

Oh mother, you are my "river of love",

How can I ever repay you with all your love!

Thank you for your love, your sacrifice

That is always with me for the rest of my life!

May God bless you; keep you safe;

Give you health; and make you joyful always!

Tieu Minh Ngoc

Sithuvam Chandana:


Brian Higman: United States

"Third Day"

Take My Life

Please take from me my life,
When I don't have the strength to give it to you

Please take from me my life when I don't have the strength to give it away
to you, Jesus.

Brian: United States


And when does the wilderness end?
He asked in mid-step.
My eyes find what my eyes weep upon.

Trembling is the ground I walk upon where one's soul can't break from the corner that discernment has placed me.
How much of a crumbled Earth will occur before love is called in to restore sanity?

You have answered your own questions. Simply coming forth to me shows that strength, faith, and hope can endure. Each time, each step, and each prayer allows another angel space.


"One does not become a Christian by living a good life or being born into a Christian family.

The word "Christian" means "united with Christ" and having Christ living in you.

As the Holy Bible promises in Revelation 3:20 for Jesus Christ to live in you. You must invite Him into your heart (life) and live by faith."

Evangelist Michael Fernandez: United States

www.mfministries.Net in English and Spanish


Also, at Amazon and Barnes & Noble: 

"Delivered from Transsexual Sin"

Evangelist Michael Fernandez

Brian: United States

"Remind Me"
by Higman

How do I know/
When I say/
Where do I go/
When I pray/
Inside my head/
That you will find me/
Find me/
Find me/

It's then I know/
You remind me//
You want me to know/ what is the breadth/ the length/ the depth/ the height/
Of a love that surpasses all knowledge/

You want me to grow/ in your grace/ your strength/ your patience/ your space/ you set aside to worship you//

No matter where I go/ you find me/
Thank you Lord/ each time you remind me/

How many times each day/ the world pulls me away/ even when I'm l Iost/ your spirit calls calmly/

Just to remind me/
Just to remind me/
Just to remind me//

Sithuvam Handana

Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ

  • 9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! 
  • 10 For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
  • 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
  • 12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned
  • 13 To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone's account where there is no law
    (Rom 5: 9-13, NIV).


According to the Holy Bible, one is saved by accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior. After accepting Him, one should fight to control the fleshly desires and lusts with the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are not saved by our works. But simply by accepting Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead on the cross, this is an act of faith.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ? I very kindly ask you to accept Jesus Christ into your heart. If you accept Christ by faith, even if you die today, you will surely have eternal life.

Jackie: United States

"Sound the Alarm"

In 2021, I heard a song within me. "Day and Night, Night and Day Nations Arise!" Days later, I heard, "Nations Arise Nation Arise.+ Week later, I sat straight up in my bed and Yelled out' "Sound the Alarm!"

In 2022 I woke up to a sound of a Siren in my ear! Yes, there is a sound in the Spirit for His people to wake up, warn, preach, intercede, and to war.

Wake Up & Arise for He is near. The Lord told me Bitter Sweet. Seek Him now that he can be found. There are few that are seeking Him.

A sound is coming, but now everyone will hear it. We must pray that we have ears to hear what the Spirit is telling the church!

“The Lord Is Loving And Just”

The Lord is good always and forever.

For Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

For the just, He is there.

But the wicked their sins He cannot bear.

Though yet, even still, the Lord is gracious towards them, but at the same time will judge and punish them for their evil deeds accordingly.

For the Lord is loving, but also is a righteous and just God.

Kayla: United States

I pray this is a blessing to someone! 

Number one: if you are having a troubling thought of any kind, the second the thought comes, have that thought make you think of the goodness of JESUS? It is a win-win. The last thing the enemy wants is for us to think of the Goodness of JESUS, and the thought will stop any thought any time!

Number Two: the enemy studies us, so get out your calendar for the week now when you are in church or bible study or any church-related activity draw an X now when you at work or busy draw another X now look carefully at those spaces that are left empty and circle them and say you know what I am just resting here let me make sure I have the whole armor on so I do not let my guard down, and tomorrow I will be in church, and I will be home free! GOD richly bless you.
Brother Danny 

Charlai: United States

One late night made almond milk for the first time. Because, why not? I did not know what I was doing. I blended a whole container of the almonds with water in a blender. Then it turned into milk.

I put my almond milk into a 12 fl. oz. glass jar. "Oh, wow! All of those almonds made this much milk?" I thought to myself. I bought a small pack of almonds (it was not a lot). I had a little bit of milk and a lot of almond pulp left in a bowl. I left the almond milk, the blender, and the bowl in the sink and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning to get breakfast. I look at the bowl, thinking, "I don't know what to do with all of this almond pulp. I think I am going to make cookies. Before I do, let me see if I can make more milk."

I put the almond pulp back into the blender with water and blended it. There it is more milk. Not knowing what else to put the milk in-other than the 12 fl. oz glass jar I had the night before- I took another 12 fl. oz glass jar and filled it with milk to its rim. Then the jar overflowed; now there is a mess all over the sink.

I paused and said, "Lord, why do I feel as though you are teaching me a lesson?" The Holy Spirit told said, "Put the milk in a bigger bowl." I put the milk in a bigger bowl, and it overflowed; I still have a blender full of milk left.

Then I paused again and said, "Lord, I put the milk in a bigger bowl as you told me, and it overflowed. I still have more milk left. I do not have anywhere else to put it."

With me not knowing what I was doing, with all of the overflowed milk, trying to find even bigger bowls, Jesus taught me a valuable lesson that morning.

Jesus says: "This is how much I am trying to bless you. You gave me a small cup to pour your blessing in, and it overflowed. You gave me a bigger bowl and your blessings still overflowed. No matter how big of a bowl you give me, I will still pour out my blessings in it, and it will overflow. Your thinking is too small. I need you to think big. I am trying to bless you!"

Lessons learned are blessings earned! God bless!

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters.

A while back, I was talking to the LORD about a previous wonderful mountain top experience I had and where I was going, and wouldn't it be great to have another one!

 The LORD spoke to me and said, Dan, the way I look at things, what is more glorious, the mountain top experience, or the Potters wheel experience?

I said, wow, I never thought about it like that, and he said, "exactly, to me, they are both glorious. and the potter's wheel experience might be more so because you get so much lasting work done for your soul!" 

So with that said, we could make a case that, in GODS eyes, when JESUS fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, it was just as glorious to GOD as the Transfiguration in Mathew 17.2.

So, my point is this, don't ever let the enemy tell you what you have done for the LORD, and are doing, is not important, that's a lie; to GOD, what you do is all glorious; he loves you very very much!

GOD richly bless you, brother Danny  10/24/20

Nancy: United States

~Prayer From a Struggling Saint~

Please, dear Lord, hang on to me.
I know that I am falling.
The temptation is surrounding me,
my flesh can hear its calling.

Satan’s out there like a lion. 
He seeks me to devour.
You promised that you’d be with me
to overthrow his power.

Though he can’t take my salvation Lord,
he’s blowing out my light
So others won’t see You in me.
Please help me in this fight.

I know that I am covered too
by Your amazing grace.
But the struggle is getting harder
and I long to see Your face.

Your Holy Spirit’s come to me
but He seems so far away.
I need to feel your presence now,
Lord, this is what I pray.

You’ve started a good work in me,
I know that you’ll complete it.
By your word and Spirit, Lord,
please bring me to my feet.

Please help me lift my shield of faith
that I might see your Son.
Put on my helmet and strike your sword
against the evil one.

Restore to me, oh Father, the joy that I once knew.
That I may serve you faithfully
In everything I do.

xo Nancy 1998 xo

Peter: Australia

Sometimes the Lord gives me more in-depth interpretation overnight. If the Lord asks you for any idols, may I encourage you to give them to Him. 

Then I felt the most intense BEAUTY and SWEETNESS that I have ever experience; He will replace the idols with His BEAUTY and SWEETNESS.


The issue is whether there will be a pre-tribulation rapture or a post-tribulation rapture. There is evidence for both sides, but I believe that there is more evidence for the post-tribulation rapture.

Satan will use fear to get people to receive the mark. I believe that the church will partake of the sufferings of Christ. It is not a matter of death or the mark; it is a matter of heaven or hell.

The main evidence is John 16:33. Note the word "tribulation" in the NKJV.

If I am wrong, I will be raptured. If I am correct, I would rather be prepared for tribulation than be unprepared for tribulation.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters. For several years I traveled by train from NYC to Virginia to attend a Christian camp, once in the summer and once in the winter. 

I noticed how some trips were so nice and pleasant and others bouncy and difficult. Then one time as I was having a pleasant ride it hit me, I was sitting in the first car right behind the engine and the weight of the engine was keeping it motionless, and conversely, the last car far away was bouncing like crazy! 

Then the LORD spoke to me and said as it is in the natural so it is in the spirit.  JESUS is the engine, the closer I am to him the smother my life will be; the further I get away from the LORD it can become bouncy and unpleasant! 

Isn't it nice when he takes time from his busy schedule to enlighten us like that!

GOD richly bless you, Brother Danny  3/25/19 

PS: My prayer is to be more loving and compassionate to the less fortunate that I come into contact with every day.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters! When Joseph was thrown into the prison, we read he received GODS favor! Sometimes by virtue of Life's experiences we can pick up the Bible and learn from something we have read 100 times, and we say wow I never saw that! Prison is where the meanest angriest people in the world live! 

Now here walks in Joseph who has been accused of sexually assaulting Potipher's wife! Now, number one, they don't like foreigners and number two, word would have spread that the first person to beat him up will get an extra sandwich at night for a month! 

The next thing we read they were all happily working for Joseph that was no ordinary favor, that was GODS miracle.  The spirit of GOD was so powerful in that prison that they all started to like each other.  as they listened to JOSEPHS story about GOD in his family's life many turned their ear to GOD!

And when Joseph became second in command of Egypt you know, he did not forget them and worked hard for their release and to find them jobs!

I pray because you have prayed for me all these years that you will experience the same GOD miracle favor! GOD richly bless you brother Danny   3/12/19   p.s there now that didn't hurt a bit.

Marie: Philippines

"What if My Life Is?"

I thought I am in the throne
I forever will stay on the top
I thought my destiny would never
But what if my life is?
down, is there a chance
to open the windows of God's 
believing, into His hands 
and flavor of the wheel
my life will once more rise
to bring me to the top again
and where are those people my 
peers? now that I am down
it's there and have a good heart 
to open a way for me
or like the life I have
with nobody to hold me
and bring me to the top
wherein this is my life
what if my life is?

Mona: United States
This was very interesting the Commandments of Yeshua. He and the Father were one. Yeshua asks who my family is?? Those who do the fathers will. Mathew 5: 17-20 Yeshua said, He did not come to do away with The Fathers Commandments and those who break, relaxes, even the least of them and Teaches others to do the same will be called Least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But those who obey them and teaches others to obey them will be called greatest. He did not take his Fathers commandments out, and if we want to be called Yeshua's brothers and sisters, we must follow His example. He is our Shepherd. Also, the 1st MOST IMPORTANT Commandment is Love the LORD your God with All your heart soul and mind. Same as 1st Commandment you shall have no other gods before me. Our hearts are deceitful. We only love others when we teach them the Fathers ways and commandments. They are Protection for us from the enemy not just rules to beat us over the head with. Our Father loves us. 

We shall not even have other gods before him. God of Israel or Yeshua. This is clearly what happened to Israel, even Solomon the wisest king ever but he was still deceived, by putting or mixing ball with The God of Israel. Now we put the pagan god Ishtar, Santa and sun gods before our Savior Yeshua. Why are these pagan gods in his house in the first place?? If we love Him with all our hearts, we will remove these pagans from our house, and He will be the only one we Truly Worship.Our hearts deceive us, and we pervert love mercy and grace that's why we have so much sin. His blood gives us mercy and grace to go and sin no more. I am thankful we have this mercy. I would not be where I am today without it. I'm not perfect just want to love Him and Obey Him. He deserves for us to give Him our All. He gave His All for us. Blessings to you. Thank you for this insight into Yeshua's Commandments.

Ann: United Kingdom
I know my God is alive and well and I want to share this testimony in the hope that it will help someone out there. In July 2009, while dealing with an application to the British High Commission for a student visa to the U.K, I

found out that I would need the sum 0f 2 million Jamaican dollars to show that I would be able to support myself while studying. I remember the very

moment when I got the phone call; I was standing in my backyard and immediately as I hung up I lifted my hands to the sky and said 'Lord, this one is too big for me, please take this matter into your mighty hands.' 

The Holy Spirit then whispered in my ear that I should take a walk. As I was opening my gate to go out, I met the lady who would lend me the money, who but God?

John: Nigeria
I thank my God for saving me from sin. His protection has been great for me. Recently, I traveled far from home, about 800 km from my place of abode and also where I run a business in a shop. Two shops next to mine were vandalized, but mine was untouched. Praise the Lord

Jim: United States
"Watching both my Mom and Dad passed away in 2003 and 2009, I asked my self the question most ask some time during their lives, what is this all about. It took me nine months to get that answer from the Holy Spirit.I had read the Bible over three times during those nine months, trying to understand Our Fathers Words and His Son Jesus Christ teachings. Then one evening the Holy Spirit unlocked my heart and made me feel the love my Father in Heaven has for me.Since then many times I have asked others, what it is like to have your heart opened by the Holy Spirit, to this day I have not yet heard the right answer. To this date, I cannot understand why our churches and brothers find it so hard to say I Love You.May the Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you all, May my Father's Love reach your Heart, and his son's suffering remind you what it may take to have Eternal Life. Love You All."

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"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Call Unto Me! Great and Mighty Things
Marc: United States

My Out of Body Visit With My Lord by Sarah

Tolerance, Biblical Truths, Challenging Ideologies by Stew McAuley

Tanya's Christian Testimony

Should You Compromise
By Stew McAuley

God's Timeline
By Gwen

Finding Joy
By Steve McAuley

Witchcraft Attack

Emmanuel, God is With Us

The Miraculous Power of Prayer

Bring the People Together

Thank God for Healing
by Garcia

The Wanderings of Sin By Nathaniel

A Muslim Converts to Christianity

Fascinating Christian Dreams by Kayla

Jesus was Standing Next to Me

Sarah's Out of Body Experience with Jesus, Heaven and Angels

My Rapture End Times Warning Dream

Searching for God in all the Wrong Places

Noorah - Light of God by Clare Ballard

The Pursuit of Divine Wisdom

The Evil Presence of Satan against the Name of Jesus

My Birthmark in the Shape of a Cross

GOD's Love is Unconditional

Thru My Wilderness

This Is The Rapture, And Jesus Is Upset

My Journey in Life has Increased My Faith

A Promise From God

Things that Encouraged Me and Helped Me in My Life

Changed Forever
Jonathan's Testimony

Sawdust, Mice, And God's Provision

Josh's Divine Appointment with Kyle

The Reason I Am Alive Today

Trusting In The Word Of God

Kule's Divine Encounter

Prophetic Dream of the Outpouring of the Spirit

Miraculously Healed

His Incredible Presence
Becomes a Reality

Like a Thief in the Night

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Colin: Thailand

Process of the Rapture?

Why We Need the Commandments

Sound the Alarm

A Storm is Coming 

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How I Came to Believe in Jesus Christ

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Pete McMaster's story

Tas Pappas'
There is a God

I Met Jesus

Damilola's End Time Revelations

"The Little Acorn"

"I Believe in Miracles"

"Trusting God"


"My Birthmother"

"Freedom from Drugs"

"His Second Coming"

"My Fill of Faith"

"Open Your Heart" 

"Spiritual Battle for Great Britain," 

"Surviving the Spiritual Battle" 

"Spiritual Investment"

"Evils of Extortion"

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Maryville, TN 37802