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Sarah's Out of Body Experience
With Jesus, Angels, Heaven, and Much More

This out-of-body experience started in 2014 when I saw the number '11,11' everywhere and for weeks.

On Saint John's day, I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray, so I did (Or, in fact, I kind of yelled in anger). I said something like,' why am I and this life so horrible.'

Then suddenly, my soul leaped out, and begged to come home. A voice behind me said, "Make happy, and maybe you will become so too" immediately, I became very joyful and peaceful.

Out of Body

That night, an angel with red hair woke me up, telling me I had to meet the Lord. I went out of my body, walked through the door, flew out from my balcony, to a huge crystal stairway.

I was so amazed that I took five steps and then had to sit for a while and look around. I thought about my family and was so happy and relaxed, knowing they would be okay.

There was nothing else but the stars and the shining crystal stairs that made rainbow colours because of the light.

Soon after, I heard a voice saying, "Sarah, come" So I stood up and continued to the top, but I didn't walk up all of the steps, only a few when suddenly I reached the top.

There I saw two doors; I chose the open one and could hear music from the other door, which was closed.

Now I was in space; He came flying to my right side, smiled and said— 'Don't look back!!

We went to the Orions Nebula (Messier 42), where He opened up a tunnel on the left side with four stars in the middle of the Nebula cloud (he used some spell-word). Meanwhile, I walked around and checked out the cloud.

He spread his arms out a bit when he commanded the tunnel to open, and suddenly I remembered Him from earlier.

I looked at the "walls" as we walked through the tunnel. It was kind of flickering electric, but I had a view of the cosmos around us; He said that I shouldn't look too much because it would drain the faith out of me.

But I thought, what can harm me when you are in front of me? I walked slowly behind and noticed that my feet didn't touch the ground, but still, I walked.

Our Destination

When we got out of the tunnel again, we flew into space. As we approached our destination, I saw multiple glittering colours and music.

He told me, "that is an inspiration to people on earth", and then he said that I would "fall apart" as we got closer but that he would "fix me" again when we got there.

Then I woke up on his lap as a baby in the New Jerusalem (a star; all stars are homes for our souls). He smiled and nursed me, and I was immensely happy to be in my REAL Father's arms, Jesus christ's arms.

I was growing up VERY fast, and my entire past-away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me with a creek running under it.

I did not know some of them, but I knew they were relatives, and we hugged each other. All of them were young again. I asked my aunt, who had died the exact same year, "Do you know who this is?" She answered, "Yes, He is always here!"

I had some alone time with them, and we went up to what looked like an old mill or water tower to talk.
When Outside again, they showed me the plate with the names of the members of this town, all my family members' names (so I think all families have a star of their afterlife)

Jesus Came to Get Me

After a while, Jesus came to get me; He and I went outside to what looked like a courtyard with pillars. We sat down on a little fountain, and he gave me gifts and toys I had as a kid.

I became so full of joy to see them again and to see the marks I had made on them while using them growing up. They were still there - and because of that, it confirmed that it was the same toys I'd once owned. He laughed out loud when I was silly.

The town looked like a mix of ancient greek and, yeah, well, heaven. I didn't see mansions, but it looked like everything my heart truly longs for

I got the idea to pinch my arm at one point, and I felt it. I still had my body, even though I knew I was out of my body.

I looked up in the air; there was no sun, but everything shined like a beautiful summer day, so I asked him —do all people come here?'—' No, he said.

He called for a small cloud that came directly above me; it was some kind of "cloud screen" where he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me, and I relived scenes from my life, sometimes from another perspective.

For example, I saw myself playing with my brother and sister when we were younger; when the scene was over, the cloud left, and I was still with Jesus.

At one point, I was shown that he was the one who "installed" my soul in my body when I was born. I actually was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came into the world.

When I was with the Lord, my soul didn't care much for my body...I was still me, but in my soul, it felt much more important to please and obey Him.

Jesus also showed me several times when he saved me in life, among that from a car accident. He also showed me many of the times I prayed as a kid; it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again. I wanted to stay, but Jesus said, 'I don't want your mom to be sad.'

He then went over to an old writing desk and wrote his name on something like flesh or papyrus with a feather pen and his own blood and said—' Eat it.

Before I did, so I asked Him if I could see His hands (to confirm). He smiled and showed them to me; I could clearly see that He had huge nail mark scars.

I ate it, and when I did that, I could hear a choir sing..He then began to teach me with words from the Testament, but in some sort of "code" - words I had "to heal with", he said, and names and words were flashing on a screen; all the disciples' names and some letters.

I said, "It's so simple that a child could understand it!" (It was so obvious there!) He then showed me a pillar that someone named Symeon Stylites used to sit on and something about the "ANKH."

Ultimately, he showed me that he would come and get me the day I die. He then gave me eternal life, and while he did that, he drew something on the ground and said that I should try to endure the daily temptations and stop saying harsh words in anger. Then He hugged me, and a big bright warm light surrounded us, and we had to go back to my body.

An Older Man?

Later, Jesus took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs; in one of them, on my right hand, I was an older man looking a bit like God, you know, from Micheal Angelo's painting of The Creation of Sun and Moon. He was very muscular for an older man; he looked at me firmly but didn't say anything.

On the wall behind me was a big old wooden wheel with gemstones between the spokes. The floor seemed to change from transparent to marble, and at one point, I saw a jungle with all kinds of trees below me.

A loud voice said, "Bend for your master !" I did, and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair, but I still felt like HE WAS BOTH OF THEM.

He told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs. I met her later in real life and managed to convince her; she now works for the Government. When He "spoke" to me, it wasn't with sound and words; it was telepathically, but I could still think and feel.

No Judgement

I've also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice; the last time, it lasted five days. I was full of pure joy and love; I've never felt more joyful in my entire life, and I was "glowing" for days. 

One evening I saw tall blue/greyish men in the sky flying up and down every time I heard an ambulance in my town. I also saw "energies" in purple/turquoise colours, like rain continually coming towards us from the sky (maybe Neutrinos).

Jesus' hair was VERY big and beautiful, like the mane on the lion and His beard was just as beautiful. On His neck, He had some sort of an ancient "hammer-cut style". His robe was light blue, and He wore old sandals.

When he showed me something from my past that wasn't so great, he erased it and said, "But it's okay now," and the whole place sang of joy. Throughout my experiences, I didn't feel any judgment, only understanding and directions to be a better person.

When I came back into my body, I checked out the name Symeon Stylites and realised that He really did exist! I did not know the term "pillar saints" before, and I still don't know why I saw it.

In the following days, I saw His face in everything; in shapes, trees, shadows, and almost everything living on earth. 

A few days later, I saw the older man in a vision sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom. He came flying right towards me, and when I blinked my eyes for a moment,


Then the Dark night of my soul started. 

I saw the same Jesus that the nun

KIRSTEN MØRCH NIELSEN painted. Below is a link to the Jesus I Saw ⤵


Sarah, Denmark

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Out of Body

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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