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Christian Articles Listed Individually

Planted by the Waters

Hope in Difficult Times

Hope Filled Scriptures

The Cross of Jesus

The Names of Jesus

Jesus' Commandments

The Holy Spirit - FAQ

Power of the Spirit

Nine Gifts of the Spirit

Led by the Spirit

The New Covenant

Law and Christianity

The New Man in Christ

Take up Your Cross

Faith and Works

Store'Front Christians

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Freedom of Religion

Christians in America

Day of Worship

Jesus Can Heal

Healing Scriptures
The Trinity of God
The Names of God

Greatness of God

Holy of Holies

Apr Holy of Holies

Three Catagories

Ten Commandments

Decision Making

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Christmas Message

Miracles of Jesus

"Parables of Jesus"

Parables of Jesus -
    Main Page
Pages Listed           Individually

Lamp Under a Bowl

Fisherman's Net

Unshrunk Cloth

Sower Sows the

Mustard Seed

"Helpful Scriptures

Healing Scriptures

Hope Scriptures

Faith Scriptures

Prosperity Scriptures

"Salvation Pages"

Main Page

Listed Individually
Plan of Salvation
Separation of God-Man
Christian Followers
The Way to Heaven
How to find God
Pray to be Saved
Saved by Works?

"Inspirational Stories"

"Inspirational Stories" Main Page
(With all the Stories)

Listed Individually
God's Special Care

Small Shells

In Jesus Name

Open Your Heart

Desires of our Heart

Kristen's Testimony

Dancing w the Master


Planted by the Waters

Twenty Third Psalm

"Bible Studies"

Gospel of John
Verse by Verse Bible Study
This Link Contains the Complete Study

Gospel of John Bible Study
Pages Listed Individually:

John 1:1-18:   
The Word was God

John 1:19-51: John The Baptist's Testimony

John 2:1-25:   Jesus Turns Water into Wine

John 3:1-21:   You must be born again

John 3:22-36Jesus and John the Baptist

John 4:1-26:   The Woman at the Well-Part 1

John 4:27-42:   The Woman at the Well-Part 2

John 5:1-30:   Pool of Bethesda-Part 1

John 5:31-47Pool of Bethesda-Part 2

John 6:1-14:   Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

John 6:15-21Jesus Walks on Water

John 6:22-40The Bread of Life

John 6:41-71Jesus, Rejected by His Own

John 7:1-24:   Feast of Booths

John 7:25-53Can this be the Christ?

John 8:1-30:   Jesus and the Adultrous Woman

John 8:12-30I AM the Light of the World

John 8:31-59Children of Abraham

John 9:1-41:   Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

John 10:1-42I am the Good Shepherd

John 11:1-44: Lazarus Raised from the Dead

John 11:45-57:John 12:1-11 - Plot to Kill

John 12:12-54:Jesus Triumphal Entry

John 13:1-38Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet

John 14:1-31The Way the Truth and the Life

John 15: 1-27I AM the True Vine

John 16:1-33:  The Work of the Holy Spirit

John 17:1-26:  The Great Intercessory Prayer

John 18:1-40Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

John 19:1-16Soldiers Mock and Beat Jesus

John 19:17-27:The Crucifixion of Jesus

John 19:28-42:The Death of Jesus

John 20:1-31Resurrection of Jesus Christ

John 21:1-25:  Miracle Catch of Fish

Study of Easter

Levels of Faith



Christian Testimonials
All the Pages

Listed Individually:

Jim's Testimony

I will Tell of His Love

James Hogancamp's
Personal Testimony

His Love is Eternal

For all who Believe

Pauline's Testimony

I surrendered to Jesus

Edna Edwards Testimony

Praise God Anyway

"Dreams and Visions"

Dreams and Visions
Main Page With
All the Pages

Dreams/Visions Page 1
Violins, Airplanes, and Rockets

Dreams/Visions Page 2
The Rapture
A Bright Light
Display from God
House Purchase

Page 3

Page 4

Listed Individually:

My Dream of Heaven

Rapture Dreams

Evie's Rapture Dream

Dibuseng's Rapture Dream

Amazing How God Works

Is This the Rapture---

Lasharka's Dream----

Garry's Dream-------

Dreams of Jesus

My Dream about Jesus

"Guest Writers"

Guest Writers at Trusting in Jesus - Main Page
Links to all the Guest Writers

Listed Individually

Patricia Harris'
Main Page

Patricia Harris' Pages
Listed Individually:

You are a Perfect Fit

Only Believe

Roots of Deception

Our Loving Father

Prodigal Journey

Bread for the Hungry

Dancing with the Master 

Midst of Life’s Storms

Christian Character

Jesus is the Rock

Faye N. Byrd's Main Page

Listed Individually:

Self Worth


Message of Christmas

Shadow of His Wings

Pat Hughes' Main Page

Listed Individually

Not Denied

My Servant

Ungodly Ties

Search and Find

Sandra Mills' Main Page

Sandra Mills' Pages
Listed Individually:

mfort for Others

Finding Answers

When Doubt Comes

In the storms of life

Personal Choices

Carolyn McDaniel's Main Page
All the Pages

Listed Individually:

My Christian

A Matter of perception

How Much Proof?

Cardboard Christianity

Options with God

Good Enough

God has a Plan

God's Photo Album

Lasting Impressions

Less than the Least

Amen, So Let it Be

Ann Quinn

Out of Darkness

The Little Acorn

My Journey Begins

The Wrong Direction


Ruth Byrge
Main Page
With all the Pages

Listed Individually

Ruth Byrge's Testimony

Redemption Plan

Happy Birthday Sister

Poetry for my Sons

Expression of Love

In Memory of a Friend

The desires of our heart

His caring Watch

House and Business

Behind onTaxes

Lord, I Need Money

The Fall

Bobbie J Davis
Main Page
With all the Pages

Listed Individually

Bobbie Davis

Fear Not

Jesus a Miracle Worker

This is not the End

A Virtuous Woman

How do I Trust in Jesus

Present With the Lord

God & His Word are One

Happy is He Who Trusts in the Lord

Mark Bouchards Christian Poetry
All of Mark Bouchards Poetry

Mark Bouchards Christian Poetry
Listed Individually

Page 1

Page 2

"Visitor Articles"


All Articles - Books

Listed Individually

Freedom from Addiction

His Second Coming

My Fill of Faith

Open Your Heart

Britan's Spiritual Battle

Spiritual Battle

Spiritual Investment

Evils of Extortion

Books by Visitors

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School Heartbreak

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"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Reaching the World With the Message Of Jesus

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  1. Prayer Requests

    Jul 25, 24 08:58 PM

    God answers prayer. Submit your prayer requests and have other Spirit Filled Christians pray for you

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  2. Dreams From Heaven Supernatural and Glorious

    Jul 25, 24 11:10 AM

    Dream Interpretation Banner
    Large collection of mysterious, fascinating Christian visions and dreams. Please Submit your dream.

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  3. Powerful Christian Testimonies - Submit Your Testimony

    Jul 24, 24 04:53 PM

    Powerful Christian Testimonies tell how God interacts, empowers, encourages, and works miracles on behalf of His people.

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  4. Prayer Testimonials - Answers to Prayer

    Jul 24, 24 04:51 PM

    These astonishing prayer testimonials are actual answers to prayer shared by visitors to the Trusting in Jesus website

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  5. Daniel Cahill

    Jul 23, 24 01:53 PM

    Daniel Cahill is a devoted Christian who shares his Christian insight and love with those who live on the streets of New York City, Miami, and the world.

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802