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"His Caring Watch"

His Caring Watch

"Lord, all my desire is before thee; and my groaning is not hid from thee." (Psalms 38:9)

At a time when I was seeking more of the Lord, He led me to tithe my time and gave me a Scripture to go with the leading. I still haven't completely figured the Scripture out and the direction it proposes in my life. "But, the tithing of my time, I decided must be at 5 a.m.

I had, for the most part, carried this out and enjoyed spending time with God in the early morning hours. However, when the death of my husband came, there was a time when I just didn't want to get out of bed.  Athe time I didn't' realize it, but discouragement and depression were making their way into my thinking. This is a very dangerous state to fall into. You can't be discouraged and go forward at the same time.

The Lord in His caring watch came to my rescue. The last thing I would have thought about was having a puppy in my home and giving myself to its training. But, He knows better than we do what we need. I at first said "No." But, my son-in-law said, "Well, just keep it for a few days and see."

The puppy was only five weeks old. I had experienced new puppies before, and they can really keep you awake at night with their yelping. I was not looking forward to that.

To my surprise, the puppy went right to bed, didn't make a sound all night and get this,! She woke me at ten minutes until five the next morning and continued this for days always at ten until five. I had just enough time to get out of bed, take her outside, then get into my place of fellowship with my Lord. I felt in my spirit that this must be God's doing.

Needless to say, I kept the dog. But I prayed to God that she would be a blessing to people around us and not a nuisance. Over a period of two years now, strangers have commented to me things like, "You have such a sweet dog," or "your dog and I are good friends," or "I love your dog and its the only dog that I will pet on my jogging route."

One lady was jogging down the street one day and as she passed my house without even slowing down called over her shoulder, "That is the sweetest dog I have ever seen!"

I know that God, in His caring watch, puts His angels in charge of us and I know the angels have the power to transform themselves. So could it be that Maundy my dog, is an -----?

Well, thank you Lord for your watchfulness and that you care for me affectionately.

Ruth Byrge

"When in Trouble"
Psalm 91:1

This poem has a lot of meaning to me. I was at a Bible Study, and we were studying Psalms 91. The Lord dropped in my spirit at this time a wonderful truth. "You are not of this world. There is a better way. When in trouble run to Psalms 91:1 and say:"

 "When in Trouble Psalm 91:1"

With all the reports we hear of all the happenings in the world and day, We must assume in all this turmoil a lot of emergency phone calls out there are being made.

That is the only way so many know what to do. But you my child and whosoever may turn to my word at Psalms 91:1 and say: "He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High God shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

So, with this precious truth in mind, I turn to my Psalm 91:1 always just in the nick of time. When there is trouble, I say with relief, and a sigh, my God's Word says He will protect me and praise God He does not lie.

Since I learned this wonderful truth, I find myself singing and you can too:

All is well. Thank you, Jesus. All is well

All is well. Thank you, Jesus. All is well

You have cleansed and made me whole

By your Blood, You saved my soul.

All is well. Thank you, Jesus. All is well.

All is well. Thank you, Jesus. All is well.

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The Lord in His caring Watch

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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