Mary: Ireland I was crying unto the lord and i asked him to give me a revelation and then i would believe Jeremiah 3:33 is true. i sleptpeacefully but i had a dream. My late uncle and anties rose from the dead and i was preaching to people to give their live s to Christ. Thensuddenly a great explosion was heard .. and some people including mecould fly .. then there was Jesus surrounded by angels. Those who didnot listen to me when i told them to repent were not able to see Jesus. I looked around for my mam who had great faith. but she wasn'tthere. I asked jesus why she was not there and yet she had great faith. And Jesus said "daughter go tell her to read my word and follow the instructions" then i woke up.
Stephanie: United States light covered my window last night
Angela: United States Had a vision of male companion he and I in the car, he was driving and ahearse ran across in front of us. I said of that herse ran right in front ofyou. He had to stop on his brakes fast and had a funny look on his face. Whatis the vision saying.
Rev. M.c Omotayo Elijah: Nigeria I saw myself in a jeep and there was a shawer of rain and a voice told me not to speed
KimberlyResponse to Kimberly:Kimberly sounds like God wants to use you mightly in His Kingdom, you as aperson offer a safe haven, not so much the place you live in, but the spiritthat you carry, people know and trust you, and you have nothing to hide, your"back yard" is safe. God will make all things new, and not to worry but putyour trust in Him, there will be people looking to you for answers, but justpoint them in the direction of the Lord.God BlessGary United States
Faithwalker: United States I had a dream that someone stole my truck. I was at a fast food restaurant. I became angry and said "I am going to find my truck". I took off looking formy truck..I came across some men and woman from my church and they all were was a choir and a preacher from my church..I confronted them with theword..and the preacher confessed that they were the reason I losteverything..My auntie goes to that church also, and I turned to look at her toask her did she hear what they said. She said "what did they say"? I told herand then I was overwhelmed by my loses over the years and I looked up to GODwith a tear rolling down my face and said. "LORD I don't know if I am going tobe able to forgive them. I woke up with my right arm burning. I since thenhave left that church.
Response to Faithwalker: "Someone has taken something valuable from you. The fact that you were at thefast food rest means that you have been given fast food religion, nothingnourishing to the body or soul, no spiritual nourishment.
when they were confronted with the Word you asked your Aunt a question. She has been there for years, yet her eyes are blinded by lukewarmness, feel goodteachings, but far from truthful.
You were overwhelmed by the loss. You felt that way because your eyes had been opened. You knew that you had been robbed.
Healing will come in time and with the Lords help.
The burning in your right arm means you have the calling of God on your life in some capacity to preach the Word of Truth.
The fire I, don't believe is a bad thing, its God presence inyour life."
Ebere: United States I dreamed of driving down the road, just me and my husband and i heard loudnoises like a bomb going off, i looked out the window of the truck and saw explosions everywhere, but i was the only one who could see this. I told my husband, "cant you seee," but he could see nothing. After seeing the explosions i then saw a white horse coming down from the sky, and from within the horse came out angel with wide wings, the angel was looking at all thebombs that were going off and went in that direction. I woke up after that.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Daniel Cahill is a devoted Christian who shares his Christian insight and love with those who live on the streets of New York City, Miami, and the world.
Treasured Bible verses to bring healing, love, hope, joy, and help in all of life's crises, find love in unloving circumstances, teach on the power of the tongue, and much more...