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"Articles by Sandra Mills"

Recovery at Trusting-in-jesus.com

Sandra Mills is a very gifted Child of God. Through her faith, she has overcome tragedies and difficulties most of us will never encounter.

She is also a gifted speaker with an uplifting message of hope that all should hear.

Sandra is available to speak to your organization, church or women's group. Please use the form below to contact her.

"Articles by Sandra Mills"

To be a Comfort to Others
Tells of Sandy's desire to comfort a woman who lost her eleven-year-old son.

Finding Answers
Just think how much better our lives will be when we stop the madness and say, "O.K. Lord, I'm letting go, it's yours now."

When Doubt Comes 
Calm your spirit - pray - expect an answer.

How to find Jesus' love in the storms of life
No magic pill or potion makes us happy ALL the time. We have to put our faith in motion...

Personal Choices versus Gods Plan

How to find real meaning in life by putting God's plan first, and personal choices second.

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Articles by Sandra Mills

Reaching the World With the Message Of Jesus

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    Jul 25, 24 08:58 PM

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802