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"When Doubt Comes"

When Doubt Comes

Never doubt God. On August 23, 2009, I had the privilege of speaking to my church family. Immediately after our worship music, my pastor gave me the floor. It was an incredible honor and one that I will never forget.

My topic for that morning was, “Don’t Worry, Get Smart”; but the real message was, above all else, seek God first, live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

About two weeks earlier, (really since I first agreed to give the message), I started having doubts about holding the service. Problems were coming at me from every direction. At times, I even questioned my call to be in the ministry.

But God is a good God, and He helped me overcome those doubts. I had many prayer warriors praying for me, and when I got up to speak the Holy Spirit did the rest.

After the service, people came up to congratulate and tell me I had delivered a great message. However, I know who deserves all the credit, and it sure isn’t me.

How naïve I was. I thought that would be the end of it. You know, God won the victory and received the glory; and the devil lost. Hurray!!!! Stupid me, I didn’t even see the rest coming.

I’m writing this today, in the hope that this will help you and others realize there is indeed a spiritual warfare going on every minute of the day.

You see after I gave the message that Sunday; I started losing my joy. It seemed my inner peace just wasn’t there. What happened? I’ll tell you what happened. I fell prey to one of the devil’s oldest tricks, the spirit of confusion.

Then, if that wasn’t enough, the spirit of despair started assailing me. I thought, what’s wrong with me? Why aren’t I hearing from God?

I know I am a child of God and His Word tells us “ that His sheep know His voice.” (Hosea 4:6) And that is so true. His sheep do know His voice. So what did happen?

I got lax, maybe even prideful! Imagine that, I mean if you can! We need to be on our toes, every day. Don’t settle for “middle of the road stuff,” that isn’t God’s best. He genuinely wants us to have His best. He died so that we could have His best!

If we don’t check ourselves every day and ask God to show us where we are spiritually; we will soon find ourselves in big trouble.

The Bible tells us for lack of knowledge we perish. So, the only safe and smart thing to do is to get in the Word; equip ourselves, claim Jesus’ promises and the power of His shed blood!

Don’t make agreements with things that are untrue. Study the Bible to know what God’s promises are. Be educated in the Word, and know you have an abundance of resources available to you. You do not have to settle for misery in your life.

I promise God wants you to have joy. His joy is better than anything else in the world!

There are conditions though, to receiving that total and complete joy.

  • 1. You need to surrender your will and agenda to Him completely.
  • 2. You need to be entirely obedient to whatever He tells you to do.

If you don’t know what He wants you to do; then ask, and He will answer you. Don’t forget your part. Remember to get quiet and still and expect an answer from Him. God says, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalms 46:10)

I had a renewal with my Lord and Savior last night. Praise God! What a truly wonderful experience. Have you had a revival with Him? You can, you know.

Sandra Mills

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When Doubt Comes

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802