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"How Do I Trust in Jesus?"

How do I trust in Jesus, you ask.
Well, that is not too hard of a task.
At least I didn't think that it would be too hard for me to do.
I just have to trust him, isn't that true?

Well I decided that I would give it a try and see for myself,
For I had tried everything else.
I asked God to teach me how to trust in Him, for you see,
I think I had always been trusting in me.

For who am I, did I die for myself?
And Jesus died for everyone else.
God told me to go to His Word and see what it said.
And I thought to myself, I have already read.

I had read with my eyes and not with my heart and head.
For I know that Jesus is risen from the dead.
And I also know of the blood that He shed
For the remission of all of my sins.
But not for mine only but for all mankind.

So I went to the Bible and found scriptures on trust.
For I knew that if I wanted this, I really must
Commit these scriptures to memory and renew my mind.
I didn't need God to give me a sign.

There were many scriptures on trust that I found.
And I learned them all so I wouldn't be bound.
I put them before me so that I could see.
And committed them to memory so that I would be free.

I’m now learning to trust in Jesus as He told me to do.
And I want the very same for you.
Just trust in Him and no one else.
No, not even yourself.

Bobbie J Davis

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How do I Trust in Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802