"Dibuseng's Rapture Dream"
Flowers Waiting to be Picked

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I happened to wake up this morning to what I am sure was the voice of the Holy Spirit. He told me to google rapture dreams and I happened to  come across your site. God bless, I also had the same dream earlier this month, (December 2012), forgive me for forgetting the exact day.

Prayer-less Christian, not studying the Word as I should, not going to church as I should be. You know what they say about how the environment affects you, & how difficult it is to be the only Christian! I know how this must sound to the reader, but it's true.

You know how flowers in the field are all looking up to the sky?  Well that's how it looked,  every flower waiting to be picked up and taken somewhere special, and I was one of the flowers.

As we all were looking into the beautiful sky a shape began to form, and it was coming down to us. Although I could not see the shape clearly I could see that it was not human. Somehow I just knew it was Jesus, and that He was coming for us. I could see only the hands as they picked up the flowers, and there were many flowers.

I was looking forward to being picked, but unfortunately he picked one of the others that was near me. And the hands went back up. I somehow knew right then that I was heading to hell, for eternity. I never felt so... I don't even know how to describe the feeling, just as now , (as I am trying to remember), I just cry.

I started asking myself,  how did this happen, can't God favor me? The one thing I know is that I don't ever want to feel like that again,  let alone that I might be going to hell.

I like to say to myself, I'd rather live my whole life for Christ, doing all that He expects of me, then to die and find out that God doesn't exist, and that all I did while on the earth was in vain, than to die, and then find out that He really is who He said, the Living God, who lives in eternity!

There is so much I would love to share, but I would be off the topic.

Dibuseng, South Africa


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Dibusengs Rapture Dream

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