"Dreams and Visions Page 3" 


  • Deborah: United States
    I had a dream one night that I was pregant and then I lost my baby. I criedand cried and cried. There was people around me but I did not know who theywere. I went to a man and told him I lost my baby and was screaming andcrying..

  • "Miracle Vision by Charlestine"

  • agnes: India
    there is fire of bullets from helicopters and am trying to save myself fromit but at the same time worried my son whom i leave in creche but at safehands.

  • Jane: Philippines
    Airplanes are crushing and buildings are burned out, then I was hiding in atable , then Jesus appeared in the sky and he said something that I can'tremember, then after I began to sing in the streets

  • Lakeesha: United: States
    I had a Dream about a new suv purchase

  • Nikki: United States
    i saw Jesus standing on a hill pointing at me with a smile on his face. thishappened while i was driving today and it took me by suprise. please help mefind out what this means.
  • Reply: Hello Nikki, I may not know the exact meaning of your dream, but since Jesus was smiling and pointing at you I believe you should expect something good! Perhaps it has something to do with an issue or problem you have been dealing with. Samuel

  • Corey: United States:
    Recently I dreamed about what I believe to be angels. While sitting on theporch of my childhood home, I observed a man walking from the beautiful bluesky. As I continued to watch, more people walked down. There were two otherpeople in whom I knew there witnessing this act. I sat explaining to them as ifI was knowledgeable of what was transpiring. At one point I noticed a starshining in the day lit sky. Once these people came down they immediately beganworking in the land and helping people around us.

  • VICTORIA: United States
    For the past week I have been having dreams about alot of death. A few of mydreams I have seen my deceased sister. The people get killed inmany different ways. I see people I havent seen in a long time. What does allof this mean?

  • TEEJAY: Nigeria
    i saw my computer loosing power and i plugged in the power cord and itstabilized; immediately thereafter i caught an insect flying towards me with myright hand; and i then saw different types of insects hanging on the wall inthe living room where i had the above experience. woke up and realized it was a dream

    "Snake Bite"

  • Maryjane: Canadas
    I saw my friend wearing green and telling me that today is the day of visionsand dreams.. I dreamed it last nyt


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    "Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

    Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

    "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

    Love is the answer!

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    True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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    Samuel L Mills
    PO Box 4456
    Maryville, TN 37802