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"Through My Wilderness"
Dreams, Visions, and Reality

The devil has tried to attack me from an early age, but I had the Lord and fought him back. So many years of being angry because feeling taken for granted or abused kept me sliding backwards and, many times, confused. 

What I didn't know then, I do know now that each time I began to prosper in life, I thank the Lord for ALL of it, fell back in sin, and three times within, from it all, I would lose.

Yet, what I didn't know was God was beginning to prep me through my wilderness, and he would call, but I refused. 

Then for the past 20 years, I stayed strong in everything except sometimes being attacked by Lucifer's evil diet in that she came and met me on the farm, so I thought I was supposed to help her as she was not a Christian or atheist, but agnostic at most.

Well, each of my trials in life involved a fear that I would accept over being alone because I love women or in jail without freedom. 

Needless to say, Satan knows our greatest weakness, and although saved, he still tried to devour and deceive. I backslid so many times, and she would come and go. I then would lose almost everything.

Each time I had to battle with nothing but my heart where I would always repent, but after denying God, I said I would not and have never done that again. 

I'd go into courts pronouncing faith, and they automatically labeled me guilty, but In the end, I did win with only a slap on the hand but as an innocent man. I still took more than I was supposed to, making me settle for much less.

Finally., I was placed into a real place I'll call the devils den. I was under a Wiccan's curse, and it went back centuries, and I had plenty of money granted by God until the woman I loved took it all and had way more help than I would have thought, for I thought it was just her and me.

Not so; my attacks and daily torments have lasted for almost four years from car horns going off everywhere we went, devil markings on clothing and carpet and mirrors. 

Dreams of my gf cheating were true for over six years; She never stopped drugs, drinking or gambling, stealing, compulsive lying, covering and CHEATING with a meth dealer, and paying others to mess with my head. 

Thank my saviour Jesus bc I lost it all but not my mind through to is and snares and drugs and thugs but never would I have thought she hated me that much, for I had a heart of compassion, but she lied and believed it convincing others I didn't deserve to live. 

As a righteous man, I thought it was all make-believe, but it was all real, and several of my own family members were witches. Hence, they helped hide it all from me, and even worse, the guy she met was Illuminati, so you can imagine the horrors I went through. 

Almost 53 came against me bc of her lies, yet my nieces listened to angels of light or the SONS of God, angels kicked from Heaven, and now are telling them they are greater powers through astrology and numerology. 

Still, all the signs are from Satanic rituals, but none listen to me, yet I know I've been called in these last days as time is at hand. 

I'm so grateful for former head times when Jesus held my hand bc I got prayed up and filled up with his Holy Word for my final stand, but I know teaching others about this evil and deception must be my plan.

Only one thing worse than going to Hell, and that's going to Hell thinking you are going to Heaven!

Joseph: United States

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Through My Wilderness 

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802