"Visitor Comments Page 5"
Trusting in Jesus

Chile: Benin
Very inspiring, and I would encourage this ministry to carry on. My prayer is that our Heavenly Father will enrich and bless you. In Jesus name.
Evangelist Chile Harrison

Grace: United States 
I love your website so much. I had a dream of Jesus and I went to search for dreams and where you can post them. I found this. I have never found a better website I love this! :) I know I'm only 12 but I'm so amazed by how many people God and Jesus have touched through dreams and visions. it makes me so happy reading these. be strong and faithful to God. have a great relationship with them. they are the most important people in your life. they are always with you and love you very much. God bless you all:) 

Edmund: Guinea
Thank for this teaching on faith. I have learned many things as the result of this teaching about faith. God bless,  

Violet: Papua New Guinea
Thanks so much for the studies.. This is my first time going through studies and I thank you so much for spending your time to do that for some of us who are hunger for the word.And I believe the studies will help me a lot.Thanks and God bless

I enjoy this site very much so And would love to become a member. Please consider me as a member I love my Heavenly Father and Lord And Savior dearly, poetry, as well as prophetic Blessings and visions and dreams are all part of my daily life.and nightly.. I believe the Lord sent me here, because I am here by a poem Titled "Virtuous Woman" thank you for your consideration Graciously  
Serena Baze

Charis: India
I was looking for a cure, a comforter, i had no bible with me. But was using my cellphone, had nobody to talk to, so i said to myself, let me read something about the love of God and how bless i am. Now I have found this site n read it.

Pastor Peter: Kenya
Praise the Lord Brethrens. I have really enjoyed reading your article on Catching fish, it is so inspiring. I just wish this ideas would be taught to our people in the 3rd world (as we are normally referred to). 

Please pay us a visit and release these insights to our people. Come, lets catch the men around as they are being destroyed by various forces, ie; Alcoholism, drugs, prostitution, aids, poverty, traditional cultural beliefs, etc etc.

Daniel: Singapore 
Thank you for sharing.

Hudson: Malawi 
Good material may the Most High God continue blessing you.

Deborah: United States
Jesus heals the sick & Healing scriptures are very inspirational and helpful when you are feeling down. Thanks.

Tony: Nigeria 
Highly inspired. Please more of it.

Trocks: United States

Tom: United States
Beautiful - you have answered my questions perfectly. Thank You!!!!

Anda: Nigeria
Your site is so nice.

Sharon: United States
This place is new to me, but I value it and will use it often. My great grandson is in the hospital, his parents have asked for prayer. This site has aided me in praying for him. Thank you so much for this resource. May God bless all of you who have made it available. In Jesus' name.

Ram: Nepal
This sermon blessed me. I will share with my church members. THANK YOU.

Alice: United States
While watching "THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD" I had several questions on the death and bringing back to life of Lazarus. After reading 
Your Page on Lazarus, I believe in what my Big Book (Bible) says. Confusion is not of the Lord, but TRUTH is.

Samdan Church:
"Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peace to men on whom His favour rests"Luke 2:14 We wish you Merry Christmas Happy New year 2015. Rev.R.K.Pant Hetauda 

Rem: Nepal: Plan of Salvation Page
Thank you for these words of God and this message of Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Happy Christmas and merry to you.

Mbuyu: Congo: I thank the lord jesus who inspires your poems to strenthen our faith. God bless you.

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Visitor Comments Page 5

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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  1. Trusting in Jesus Home Page

    Oct 21, 24 01:27 PM

    Hundreds of articles and studies on the Trusting in Jesus website to help you find the peace, joy, and hope that only the Savior can provide.

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  2. Daniel Cahill

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  3. Prayer Requests

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  4. Visitor Articles at Trusting in Jesus Ministry

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  5. Gods Plan of Salvation - How to find Eternal LIfe

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802