"The Importance of Fellowship" 

Morning Fellowship

Morning has always been considered the time best suited for personal worship. A daily close fellowship with God is essential to the walking in the leading and the power of the Holy Spirit – a morning watch secures the presence of Christ for the whole day.

Personal devotion to Christ refuses to be content with anything less than to abide always in His love and His will

The early watch sets up the day for this – to secure the presence of Christ all day – meditation, prayer and the Word are secondary to this purpose, (page 9) 

Fellowship with Christ 

Aim to have the character of Christ so formed in me, that in my most ordinary activities, His temperament and attitudes reveal themselves – so that in all I do, I act like Him – because He lives in me. (1John 2:6)

As this occurs, my prayer time, fellowship and worship will have a new meaning and power. Therefore determine to have half an hour, or more, with God each morning. “I am more than a conqueror through Him Who loves me.”

Fellowship with the Father

Fellowship with God is the only thing that can satisfy the heart of either man or God – Christ came to restore this, which sin took away. 

This fellowship with God is meant to be all day long - and will happen as I develop intensity for it early each morning – in secret, in His sanctuary I have his presence and attention – a Father with His child – exchanging my love, my heart, my life and receiving His love, His life, and Spirit. Know that He has taken charge of me. He is going with me Himself. Say “I am going to do His will today in His strength; I am ready for all that may come – giving over my life into the safe-keeping of God.”

Unbroken Fellowship

My fellowship/contact with others during the day will become a help, rather than a hindrance to the maintenance of a life of continual fellowship with God. God will show me how to ”veil my face” so that humility and love show through and even though I am seen as a man; I will also be seen as a man of God. The continuance of the morning watch can be maintained by quiet self-restraint, by not giving over the reins of my life to my natural impulses and not getting too deeply in communication with people by developing a holy watchfulness throughout the day. 

This can be assisted when others close to me and of similar heart offer up Bible quotes that will stimulate godly conversation. 

Being in God’s presence is wonderful, but even more wonderful is taking that joy out into the world for the remainder of the day – Christ’s representative – I am representing Christ to the world.

Prayer and the Word of God

A prayerful spirit is the spirit to which God will speak – God will be waiting for me to arrive and be with Him. A prayerful spirit will also be a listening spirit waiting (and expecting) to hear from God. 

This happens in the closet (quiet, private – with God). Bow down in humility and expectation, and then look up to meet His eyes so my prayer can be heard and His answer given. 

Have a listening attitude with no concern of what to say or how much to say. The heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool. The greatest blessing in prayer will be my ceasing to speak and pray and to let God speak. 

Prayer and the Word are inseparably linked together – the power in the use of either depends on the presence of the other. 

The Word gives me matter for prayer – what He will do for me and the path He will direct me onto as I go to or come from Him. The power of prayer = the assurance that I will be heard. The answer to prayer = what God will do for me. Prayer prepares the heart for receiving the Word from God Himself, for the teaching of the Spirit to give the spiritual understanding of it, for the faith that is made partaker of its mighty working. 

  • Prayer – Word – God in the centre. 
  • Prayer seeks God – the Word reveals God 
  • In prayer, man asks God – In the Word, God answers man 
  • In prayer, man rises to heaven to dwell with God – In the Word, God comes to dwell with man. 
  • In prayer man gives himself to God – In the Word God gives Himself to man. 
  • Prayer is the interchange of thought, love, and life – a dwelling in God and God in me. 

Seek God and live!

Brian V McMichan 
Queensland, Australia
mcmichanco@hotmail dot com

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"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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