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“No Greater Love”
Evil Called Good, and Good Called Evil

“So this is my command: Love each other deeply, as much as I have loved you. For the greatest love of all is a love that sacrifices all, and when a person sacrifices his life for his friends, this great love is demonstrated,” 
(Jn 15:12-13).

No Greater Love:

Jesus warned His followers that they should not surrender to confusion and doubt; for they would be thrown out of the synagogues, and put to death by misguided people who would think they are doing the will of God.

More and more we see evil called good and good called evil. 

The Jewish leaders convinced the Roman government to seize Jesus.  His executioners then beat him unmercifully until His body was mutilated and torn.  They were misguided and did not recognize their Savior; thinking they were doing the will of God, they crucified their Messiah.  

Some of our enemies kill innocent people and believe they are serving their god by ridding the world of those who do not follow their religion.  Adolph Hitler exterminated millions of innocent people to rid the world of the Jewish race, in the hope of developing what he considered to be a perfect race.  

The abortionists seek to rid the world of the unwanted, those considered to be less desirable because of mental or physical disabilities, and defective genes.  Millions of babies are being mutilated and murdered in this country, and it is sanctioned and approved by our government.  

What is the difference between the man who murdered and mutilated the bodies of 17 men, and the abortionist who mutilates innocent babies and sells their body parts to the highest bidder?  

God is the Creator. These acts demonstrate a total disregard for His creation and devalue the very life He created.

Each life is valuable to the Lord and precious in His sight: 

“For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.  I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well," (Psalms 139:13-14).  

Westminster Catechism has said, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and to love Him forever,” (Psalms 145).

Each person is born with a purpose, and each life is valuable.  God created life and breathed His very breath into His creation.  He then commanded His creation to be fruitful and multiply, to go and make a difference in our world.  

If our creative acts are a form of worship, adoration, and honor, then our destructive deeds are a form of disdain and dishonor. 

The Ten Commandments fully expose and unmask the reality of sin, (Exodus 20). 

However, in Romans 6:16 TPT we are told, “Don’t you realize that grace frees you to choose your own master?”  

Choose carefully, for you surrender yourself to become a servant, bound to the one you choose to obey.  

If you choose to love sin, it will become your master, and it will own you and reward you with death.  

But if you choose to love and obey God, He will lead you into perfect righteousness.”  

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord,” (Romans 6:23).

The Apostle Paul said, “Love obligates me to preach to everyone, to those who are among the elite and those who are among the outcast, to those who are wise and educated as well as to those who are foolish and unlearned,” (Romans 1:14, TPT). 

So I say, “Preach the gospel while there is still time, and live a life filled with love for one another.”  

If you doubt God’s love, read the book of Romans. I have found The “Passion Translation” to be very easy to understand. Dr. Brian Simmons translated it from Greek and Aramaic.

Patricia Harris

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No Greater Love

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