"Visitor Comments Page 3"
Trusting in Jesuis

Jimmy: Uganda
I want to thank you for preaching the kingdom of God to people. I am one of those who is blessed with the Word of God, and Spiritually blessed when i read your  words.   My bro thanks for the Word,  may God bless you in Jesus name,  Amen. Glory to Him who created the universe,  and
every thing,  Amen

Andrew: Nigeria
I appreciate God through this message. God has inspired you to write these powerful messages, and  i really appreciate it. May God continue to uphold your ministry in Jesus name. Amen

Mercey: United Kingdom
Thanks for the above Bible study about the True Vine. The explanations of each verses are very clear, thank you so much for helping me understand the Word.

Gladys: Kenya 
CC: "Bible Scripture Quotes:"
Very nice and inspirational. Be blessed

Lodrick: South Africa
Amen and Amen I started to read, and I'm willing to read more from this site. To God be the glory in Jesus's name. I'M BORN AGAIN TO WIN.....JESUS CHRIST IN ME.

George: Uganda
Shalom men of God, I am excited for this message and deeply moved that Christ finds me faithful, knowing whom I believe. May blessings flourish upon you.

Boitshoko: South Africa
Regarding article entitled,  
"Finding Hope in difficult Times": Thank you so much for this message,  it truly changed my behavior and the way to viewing my future. My moms death has drifted me far from God. Although I tell my self that things will one day be alright I honesty doubted it, but your message has changed that. Thank you.   May the good Lord Bless you for your work

Gabriel: South Africa
Regarding article entitled, "
Levels of Faith: Great article, helped me a lot as I needed to identify my level of faith.

Elizabeth: Australia
Praise The Lord for his Word and thank you for giving your time and love to share and help in our studies of The Living Word of God

Smitha: India
Very very nice scriptures

Herman: Canada
Thank you for this lessen how Jesus was Mocked.
Bless you.

Joe: United States
Very very insightful very very helpful

Robert: United States
Wow, I am amazed in reading this account of feeding the five thousand. I never thought of this account aligning with the Exodus. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Thank you and God bless you in your ministry of serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rose: Kenya
"God bless you so much for these inspiration stories, the more you bless me with them the more I also bless my friends by sharing with them. The word of God said go and spread the gospel. So whom am I to keep to myself these good news which can be used to transformed someone's life somewhere."

MIKE: United States : 

Larry Scott: United States 
"Praise God,  love the story about Lord I need money that really blessed my heart we found your site searching the web for that very reason lord I need money as we were looking over the site we came across yours which is very encouraging keep up the good work and continue to build up the body of Christ God is our a supplier he will supply all our needs the Lord is risen glory be to God."

"God bless you."

Peter: Kenya
"Thanks so much Mills for your brilliant approach about generational curses that for sure have been used wrongly by many ministers to an extent of telling their followers to plant a seed to break those curses."

Jimmy: South Africa
"Thanks for these powerful words."

Terry: United States
"Hey was just researching Jesus feeding the five thousand as we are studying that in our Bible study class. I found this to be enormously enlightening and enjoyed reading very much."

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Visitor Comments Page 3

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Message Of Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802