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"The Battle Belongs to The Lord"

Reading time: 3 min 44 sec

I give all my honour and glory to God for helping us out of the situation that one of his colleagues, who gave in his resignation after having worked under the leadership of my hubby for ten long years, left feedback with the HR directly, thus skipping hierarchy, escalated the issue to a totally different level wherein there were constant phone calls of enquiry.

When he went to the office, they held one-on-one sessions to extract more from the remaining colleagues to corroborate the complaints that the guy who left the company had given. It was such a shock for my hubby because the calls started coming in immediately after the farewell for the guy leaving the company.

No one was interested in the farewell among the colleagues and though my hubby never had a good rapport with the guy, still, because he feared the Lord and was in an answerable position, he made sure he had the best interactive farewell anyone could ever wish for and to know that he had backstabbed with so many complaints just because he does not have to face anyone anymore was such a mean act.

We as a couple have gone through so many ups and downs in our 23 years of marriage, but never have I seen my husband so totally broken and lost. Whenever the phone calls came, he would enter into episodes of profuse sweating and experienced disturbed digestion and sleepless nights. I, on the other hand, was praying individually.

Then we engaged in couple prayer and family prayer with our 20-year-old son, who stood by us, understanding the pressures we were facing. We thank God for the empathy and care he extended towards us.

To distract him, I kept making new recipes so that he would keep himself upbeat, looking at how much we cared about him, but all we could see was a good man being pulled into corporate politics and sulking beyond his own control. I was really worried about his health. We took the support of both our parents and siblings, who were on their knees praying for us.

One of my very best friends said, when you pray, bind each person by their name with the Blood of Jesus Christ, because at times we don't understand why people start doing all bad things toward us without us doing anything to hurt them intentionally.

She said... as strong as God's forces want to grant us blessings, demonic forces also get into action to do all that they can to stop us from enjoying our blessings.

We, as a family, started praying for known and unknown forces that were working against us. I pleaded with God to give my hubby peace and sleep while God gets into fighting this battle for us.

I used to tease my hubby for his snoring, and would you believe in all of this month, only from last Sunday, I could hear him snore and sleep peacefully? I never thought, even in my weirdest thoughts, that I would be so happy to hear the sound of him snoring, and that sound of all sounds could give me so much joy.

The Wednesday that went by, we got closure to this problem as the company director had a direct meeting with my hubby.

When my hubby sent a msg saying he would be meeting the director at that particular time, my son and I went on our knees and poured out our hearts, our fears and our insecurities.

This director had a reputation for being crude and very unpleasant. Still, he was very considerate with my hubby in giving him suggestions to help him maneuver.

He said, "We cannot go by the complaints that a person who has no guts to show his face had given and also now that he has left the company he has not given us a scope to work in those areas he has complained about, and so we cannot take his complaints into consideration."

He also said that he knows how much hard work my hubby has put in, especially during the three years of working from home, and the challenges he faced to keep the workflow going despite all the excuses people came up with to escape work.

Since he knew the quality of my husband's work and his commitment, he only advised him to study the company laws and policies so that in future, no one else can come up with such backstabbing.

It was a solid lesson and a good experience for all of us as we understood that this situation was beyond our control and only God could fight this battle for us (just like he bound the Lions' mouths when Daniel was put in the den). The Lord delivered my hubby out of this whole chaotic situation by restoring peace.

We, as a family, stand humbled by this whole experience and would like to thank God from the bottom of our hearts for not only fighting for us but also granting us His presence, protection, provision and preservation.

I am sure someone out there could be encouraged by this testimony to submit it all at His feet. God, being a perfect gentleman, waits for us to fiddle with our problems and do all we can.

Only when we submit it completely at His feet, acknowledging that it is way beyond our control and we want Him to intervene, does He step in.

With prayers, Gracia

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802