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"The Descending of His Glory"

  • "…But indeed, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with The glory of the Lord" (Nu.14:21). 

The Three Dimensions

There are three dimensions to our Christian salvation as patterned in the Tabernacle of Moses. When we are born again, we enter the first dimension. Here we step into the Outer Court of the Tabernacle, and we become saved. 

First Dimension:

Our Spirit passes from death unto life, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ comes to dwell within by faith. We also become part of the Body of Christ, the church, the ever-growing spiritual temple of God on earth.

Second Dimension:

When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we enter the second dimension. Here we are empowered from on high and enter the Inner Court, or Holy Place of the Tabernacle. It is where we can live and move in the gifts of the Spirit.

Here we are illuminated from the light of the candlestick. The candlestick burned oil representing the person of the Holy Spirit. This light is needed to reveal the Word of God to obtain a perfect understanding of the nature of God. 

Third Dimension:

In the third dimension, we discover God as Father, the Father of lights. We discover God is light, a light unknown to the world. 

We enter into the "manifest presence" of the Lord, the sanctuary of His very glory. The Holy of Holies had no natural light source but was lit with the light of His glory. 

  • "This then is the message which we heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all." (Jn.1:5)

We become the children of light (Jn.12:36) and shine with the light of Christ to a sin-darkened world. In the Holy of Holies, we behold the Father face to face. We are transformed into His image and walk with perfect fellowship with the Father. 

The glory of the Lord descended to speak to Moses through a burning bush that was not consumed. That same glory rested on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. 

God's glory descended from heaven through a baby called Jesus, the Light of the world in its most perfect manifestation. In this hour, God is descending again to inhabit His people the church. Few have walked in the light of God's glory throughout church history. 

But the time has come for God to fill His church with His glory, both individually and corporately, that we may walk in the same high calling as Jesus, testifying to the world that Jesus Christ is Lord. 

Some are now part of the born-again remnant church and are soon about to find this place and realm in God. Though many have been called, few have been chosen; the price has been too high for many. 

As we press beyond the veil of the Holy of Holies, a death to self-will must occur; this is the realm of pure motives and perfect obedience. 

We shed our old carnal nature that was buried with Him in baptism. We put on our new spiritual nature that is in the likeness of His resurrection.

Entering the Holy of Holies

To enter into the Holy of Holies means transforming our whole being in which our very soul is exchanged for His. That is, our mind, will, and emotions are transformed as we appropriate His mind, will, and emotions into our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. 

The beauty of Christ's nature shines through our redeemed human nature, causing the world to notice what God can do through a willing life. Not many attain this high calling. However, an intervention of God is shortly to occur, which will bring many within the church into this realm. 

Darkness will not come upon the earth until a people are prepared and walking in the light of His manifest presence. There are times God will lead His people through darkness, but He will never leave us in darkness.

God will have bright, shining saints that will testify that Jesus is the One and only light of the world. He is the One we should seek for comfort and consolation during the darkness of the latter days. 

  • "Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee" (Isa.60:1-2).

Beyond the Veil

The Lord has been calling and preparing a remnant from previous visitations to make this entrance beyond the veil. God determines the qualifications to enter as He looks upon our hearts and judges us in righteousness.

So then, just what shall we do to qualify? The answer is simple. Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness. God desires that those who hunger and thirst for His righteousness and yearn for it to be established in their life. 

God wants a people that will seek His kingdom before any worldly goal. Jesus wants us to make Him the first love in our life. The Lord desires and requires wholehearted love from us. We are to ask Him to do what is necessary to purify our hearts. 

We must embrace the cross and the sufferings it brings. But more importantly, spiritually speaking, we must wash ourselves in the blood of Jesus in Spirit and truth. We should hunger and thirst for His righteousness and seek His kingdom first. 

We ask the Lord to take dominion of our lives and bring every area under His Lordship. Then we must wait upon the Lord to act. The virtue of patience is a must in a walk beyond the veil. 

The Realm of the Eternal

To a degree, we step into the realm of the eternal; those who learn patience in suffering and tribulation will be able to function and live in this heavenly realm. Those who have been waiting patiently for the Lord in their sufferings have been waiting for the descending of His glory. 

We are approaching the day of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He came first as a suffering Savior to die on the cross for our sins, but He is coming back as a glorious King who will have dominion over all things. 

However, he is returning first through a glorious people. The word "coming" in Scripture is derived from the Greek word "parousia," which can be translated as "presence." In the millennium, His presence and glory will fill the whole earth. 

  • "….But indeed, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." (Nu.14:21).

As that day approaches, the glory and presence of Jesus Christ will precede His literal person. God will give the world a foretaste of the kingdom and its joys, so people will freely know what they accept or reject when making their choice for Jesus Christ; this will occur while still in the church age. 

This glory will be manifested in His church as a light to the nations in these last days. According to Hebrews, 

  • "He (Christ) is the radiance of His (the Father's) glory and the exact representation of His nature (Heb.1:3NASV).

The very essence of Jesus Christ is the essence of God the Father's glory. In other words, Jesus is present in His glory. As His glory is made manifest, so is He. When the glory arrives, so does the "parousia" or presence of Jesus Christ. 

The life of Jesus Christ will be fully manifested in His church corporately, as a testimony to the world, before He returns in honor, power, and glory beyond our ability to comprehend. The prophet Malachi writes, 

  • "But unto you that fear My name (Jesus) shall the Sun of Righteousness will arise with healing in His wings (rays)" (Mal.4:2).

Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness. This Scripture speaks of the restoration of the glory of the Lord to earth. The light of the Sun of Righteousness is the glory we seek. There will be great healings occurring as this occurrence takes place.

Walking in the Glory

There are people who will walk in the glory of the millennial day before others. They will manifest the nature of the Father and demonstrate the kingdom of God in word and power. 

God is no respecter of persons, but some find favor in His eyes; these will be among the contrite and lowly of Spirit who cleaves to Jesus for their salvation and among the first to enter the Holy of Holies and to behold the Sun of Righteousness rising. 

The millennial day has dawned, and daybreak is upon us. As His glory arises and is personally perceived, the morning star (2Pet.1:19), which is Christ in us, will arise in our hearts, rending the veil that conceals our heavenly Father. 

The day of the Lord is approaching in God's timetable. His glory will come beforehand to equip His people for kingdom ministry as they busy themselves building up the church by saving sinners. 

The glory of the Lord will rest upon the church and the world while she is spread amongst the nations, ministering the blessings of the gospel of the kingdom; This is the day when Israel is restored and finds her place in the Lord. 

  • "And I shall set My glory among the nations; and all the nations will see My judgment which I have executed, and My hand which I have laid upon them. And the house of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God from that day onward." (Ezek.39:21-22).

Do you desire this "something more" in God to satisfy your hungry and thirsty soul? Then seek Jesus. Obtaining HIS righteousness is the most valuable thing you can obtain. 

Seek for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to be revealed to you. Be patient and wait upon the Lord. You will be walking and talking in His righteousness in His time. 

Brian McGrath

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