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"Dreams about Earthquakes"

Jamie: United States


An 8.6 earthquake happened, and I looked on my earthquake app to see it came from Beirut. Another quake happened in the same spot, and it was a 9.4. I was shocked by this and showed my family, who seemed to be just mildly shocked.

Later I'm noticing there is no news on these quakes, no videos, nothing. I look on what seems to be an app like Google Earth, but it's in real-time, and I see the city of Beirut kind of smoking, silent, no activity in an otherwise busy city.

I'm now in a city near Beirut, I can see it, and I walk over to see what is going on. I'm with a guy I don't recognize; we pick through a building I think was his. Everything has radiation, he talks about his stuff, but we can't take it with us.

Mitchie: Philippines

I dreamt I was on the shore that time and I was shocked by The image of Divine Mercy Hills in El Salvador City Philippines showed up in my dreams. I also heard the God voice trying to help me in a massive earthquake and told me to run and don't be afraid. I even dreamt of mother Mary in a church where I didn't remember where church it is. Please, enlighten me.

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Dreams about Earthquakes

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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802