Laura: United States
If anyone could help interpret my dream, I would appreciate it. I know there's symbolism here.
So, my boyfriend passed away in August of 2017. His Dad and I had found him and tried to do CPR. After the initial shock and a bunch of details that are too long... I slept, and I heard his voice saying, "Hey, sorry, things happened so fast, and then that scary thing happened..."
I woke up, and I wanted to get back to sleep because he was talking to me, and I was in desperate heartbreak and shock.
This dream now: I saw him running around his apartment as we had just been there the day before. He was trying to get something done, and I stopped him and made him listen to me.
I said, "Derek, do you know what happened? You passed away.." he finally stopped and looked at me, and I could see the realization with regret sink in. Before I knew it, I had grabbed both his hands and started praying for him.
I led him in prayer, and he repeated after me. The moment we said "Amen"... He coughed up a shrimp. It came out of his mouth. It wasn't a live shrimp but still...A shrimp?! So I start telling him it's ok and that it's just a little shrimp.
Then it's like we weren't even focused on how weird that was, and instead, he looks at me and says, "how will everyone know I'm alright?" And I told him, "I'll tell them, I'll make sure they know."
Someone, please tell me what the shrimp means.
Ndiago: Ghana
My Uncle had the dream, and I was holding three tilapia coming to his house and asked me, and I told him that a man of God gave it to me, and I cooked two leaving one.
That was the dream.
Carolyn: Canada
I saw someone catch a fish; as I watched it being reeled in it looked so large, and I was frightened. After it was pulled in, I noticed it was small. My eyes then zoomed in on its mouth where it had large top front teeth which were perfectly aligned but not entirely white.
Angela: United States
I saw a fish tank that looked like a scroll. I could open and close it like a scroll. A man smiled at me and put fish food in the tank. I was watching the fish eat the food, but their movements were very short. Please tell me what it means.
Sharon: United States
A Co-worker asks for me to follow her to pick something up, but when we got to the place, I saw a big pool of water, in that water, were tiny fishes. And so I keep my hands into the pool and the fishes got stuck to my body. I decided to go home with them, but my subconscious said no, put them back. Before I did, I looked at the palm of my hand, and from underneath my skin, the tiny fish were slipping out of my hand like drops of blood. My son said to me, mammy drop them into the bucket of water, and I did. But my Co-worker stole something, and she asked me if I can help her carry whatever she had stolen.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802