United States
years, my granddaughter was getting ready to take me to urgent care.
While leaning on her coming out of my bedroom, one of the walls open
up and in place I saw a field of pussywillows and a woman stood in
them staring at me. I have no idea of what it means.
United States
I had a dream four night ago. Four images
came to my dream one right after another.
First image: was two
mountains with a lake or river between them. The sun was
shining and the grass was green.
Second image: was of Washington
DC on a sunny day with the Potomac river.
Third image: I saw a
city of Gold coming down from the sky but a cloud was hiding the full
view. It reminded me of Jerusalem.
Fourth image: I saw was a
big Red Heart valentine with flowers laying across the front.
South Africa
Hi there, I have had the following
1. light coming into my bedroom through a
window and a door, I tried to close both, both the window and the
door wouldn't close, the light seemed so solid. yellow bright kind of
light and white curtains was kind of beautiful I also
asked my maid to close the door and the window and she also couldn't.
so we eventually left it like that.
2. I
dreamt of my late mom that she was in a house but she wouldn't let me
in, I was sitting on only a floor structure of a house with no walls.
neighbours asked why she wasn't letting me in the house, she said I
must go back and be successful, something like that.
3. A
friend visited me so we shared a bed, she woke up in the morning
saying she had a dream about my late mother (whom she had never met
by the way, but she said in the dream I did say this was my mother),
my mom and I were at a table, I kept moving chairs, but my mom
followed me , she was always next to the chair I was sitting at, this
continued until she reached the head of the table, and then she
called me to sit on her lap. where she was sitting there was a bright
light above her head, which I eventually was under as well. she
4. I dreamt I was inside my family's old
home, where I grew up and I used to read a bible a lot and pray a lot
then. I dreamt I was coming out of the house but the doors from the
inside was heavily blocked by stuff, which I successfully removed. I
came out to a bright sunny day, feeling happy and I asked neighbours
to fix my door. then I saw neighbours coming to get water with
buckets from our house. I jokingly asked why are they getting water
from our house because they have taps at their homes.
many dreams which are confusing me. I think deep down I know what
these mean, relating to Christ Jesus. But if anyone has better
interpretations and insights, ill be glad to hear.
Thank you
so much.
Sherry: United States
I woke up
very slowly but not fully. Looking to the right of me beside my bed
was a spinning sand tunnel with lighting as it feet. As I completely
open my eyes it rotated out of my room. I need to no what this means
Michelle: United States
I was driving a car
I ended up running over a child I asked god why would I do that he
called out my sick sisters name out.. what does this mean
United States
Hi last year my son was found unresponsive in
Charlotte North Carolina and I was down there for about a month and
he did not regain consciousness.... so I was going to head back home
for a while to be with my other children. The night before I was
leaving I had a dream I was in a garden and a Angel came to me said
"Xavier does not want to come back " and those words kept
echoing until I woke up. I woke up punching down on the bed in
disappointment . My son passed away 5 months later. I had the
dream in April of 2015 about a month after he was found
just tonight I had dream that he was being executed over and over.
Not by an electric chair .... I can't remember how but I know I was
crying in the dream. Date of dream 2/5/17
Do you think any
of the dream have any meaning
Lolita: United States
had a dream that a man in a shiny red pickup truck pull up to my
house, got out walk up to my door. I got so scared because my
ex-husband was with our children in my house. I thought they
were going to fight. I woke up, but only saw his leg, but never his
face. There was a glass screen door. I woke up in shear
terror before he could open the door.
United States
For a
while, I was dreaming and envision that. I was at a door and I could
see a light coming from up under it. I wanted to go though it but my
hand was barely touching it. Today I finely went through it. A bold
bright yellow gold light came shining hard. And someone took my hand
but I couldn't see their face and we just kept walking in the light.
United States
was sitting in my living room in a chair about 2am maybe drifted off
to sleep I felt the chair I was sitting in being lifting up into the
air I couldn't holler out for help couldn't get the words out I tried
to hit on the wall for someone to hear me could barely tap the wall
in my dream I called out the name Jesus 2 times and the chair was sit
back down to the floor.
United States
had 3 different visions in one night of two twin babies just one set
of twins I have no kids but my husband and I have been praying and
trying for many years now.
dreamt. ...I was sitting in a library and God Sun was shining from
all four directions.Sun ...bright
South Africa
of shoes lots and baby's clothes on the line.
United States
my dream I was lying down and a man was praying over me. He had one
hand under my neck the other over my forehead. He said in English "I
call upon the four corners of the earth (then he switched to Hebrew )
and continued praying. Now at the end of his prayer he said "shalom".
Then slammed his palm into my head and there was a bright light
between his hand and my head. Then I awoke at this time.
I never have dreams but
last night I had a very short one....It was a blue sky with billowing
white clouds and long straight beams of white clouds coming down from
the billowy clouds....that is all I saw...what does it mean
United States
hope that this dream can please be interpreted. In my dream, someone
was running after me. I ran and came to a sandy/grassy hill and I try
to climb it.But every time I try to climb i would slide down.Then, a
very bright hand as bright as the sun reached out from heaven to pull
me up. I reached out to hold the hand but the bible verse that say
Satan can appear as angel of light came to me then I pull my hand
away without holding the hand and woke up.
Please what does this dream mean?
the dream I had on Friday the sixth of Jan at about 1:30/1:39,I saw
two white horse with a horn in my dream, was thinking of catch one or
the two with a ring or that looks like a rope in my hand but I didn't
cos I was scared what it meant be
United States
is not a dream as I wasn't asleep, I was driving somewhere, probably
praying, and as I went through the intersection the seen in my
windshield changed instead of other cars, I saw what felt like a male
legs from knees down walking away from me towards what I felt was the
front of a church, then it was gone, and as I had been praying for a
long time for my husband to go to church with me I took this to be a
promise that God would fulfill and I was crying and had my hands in
the air, Do you believe that this was a promise to me. This happened
a couple years ago and last April my husband attempted suicide and
now doesn't walk and I've been holding to that promise as proof that
God would heal him and I would see him make that walk, please what do
you think?
United States
2015 i was inconcerated, i was doing drugs and disrespecting my
parents, so i was in a really bad spot, while being in jail i started
having night mares of me being locked up by myself in a cell, so i
started reading the bible and would ask question to inmates that have
been studyin the bible, so i started praying and starting a
relationship with jessus christ, one night i had the most beautifull
dream i had in a long time, in my dream i was seating down next to my
girlfrien and surrounded by family members, friends and persons i do
not know, inside a golden church, i was happy to be in with my love
ones, everyone was happy. This help me get through my addiction and
help my change from my old ways. Also had a dream in 2016, i was in
some sort of boat with family and friends, i suddenly walked outside
and looked up in the dark sky i seen large flying ufos every where,
attacking us, i am sorry if you do not understand what i am trying to
ask, thanks for your time, jessus christ is my lord and savior GOD
BLESS us all and ask that he guide us to the truth, the truth shall
set you free
United States
was in a big open field, and the grass was a beautiful green.I was
smiling and spinning in a beautiful flowing skirt, couldn't see the
color but when I stopped spinning the were a few sheep in the
background scattered in the field. I had this dream a couple weeks
ago and I can't stop thinking about it.
United Stat
have many dreams and nightmares but the closer I feel to God and
worship him and read my bible is when I started having visions. dont
know what they mean but wish someone could enlighten me as to what
they mean or who to talk to about these visions. Just had one today
where in my bedroom doorway was a red curtain hanging with a pulpit
in plain view.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
Feb 08, 25 12:57 PM
Feb 05, 25 12:13 PM
Jan 23, 25 02:19 PM
Jan 18, 25 08:17 PM
Jan 02, 25 11:13 PM
Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802