"The Final Trumpet"
Answered Questions

So I had a dream one night, and all I can remember is a bright white light in the sky and a voice clearly saying we are waiting for the final trumpet to be sounded and I woke up. Can anybody help me figure out what this  means? 

Will: United States

Response: (Abridged and Incomplete)

Hello Will,

I suppose you might get as many different answers as there are questions to this subject. There are numerous differences among the Christian Churches concerning the order in which the "End Time Events" will take place, and where in this order Christ will return. 

However, being Christian Churches means they all believe He is returning. Perhaps we will know more as more prophecy is revealed and when and if Christ wants us to know. 

In any case, to say the least, it will be an exciting time in history for the Christians.

The Final Trumpet

I believe your dream about the "final trumpet" can only mean that there are other trumpets which brings to mind the seven trumpets in Revelations. 

Many of those who study Eschatology consider the first six trumpets to be calls to the sinners for repentance with each succeeding trumpet bringing a still worse disaster (judgment) than the one before.

However, the seventh and final trumpet does not bring any disasters or plagues but glorifies God and announces His kingdom. 

Many believe the Rapture will come before the Tribulation period in which case it would be the first trumpet to sound. 

However, others believe the Rapture will come after the tribulation, and that the seventh trumpet to sound will be at the Rapture.

Samuel Mills

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The Final Trumpet

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802