Territory: an area of land, knowledge, activity, or experience.
Lately, I have been struggling due to several years of health issues that left me often fatigued, with the question" What is now my purpose"?
Ever since I asked Jesus unto my heart to save me, I have been drawn to and involved in Missions. Participating in and supporting foreign and home missions have been my consistent territory.
As I type this, I realize that this has been and still is "the good works" God has prepared for me. The mission that has been the most consistent involves sewing.
Sewing at an early age was not for me, but after working for five years in a garment factory, I learned not only the skill of sewing but to enjoy the process of making these items.
For several years I have been blessed to be a part of "Sew and Sow," a great group of ladies at my local church makes quilts, and the funds go to missions.
A few years ago, our group was asked to make some Pillowcase Dresses for a mission group. One of the ladies in the group found that she really enjoyed making the dresses.
So she started making dresses to be placed in Christmas boxes sent to "Samaritan Purse," a Franklin Graham Ministry; these boxes are filled each year for both boys and girls with age-related items.
Another person took one of the largest dresses and made a dress for a doll with the material and placed it in the box with the dress. I had often thought of doing the same.
On the first of this month, June, at a quilting, I talked to the pillowcase dressmaker about making a cloth doll and dress in a pillowcase dress. She liked the idea, so I tried to make a cloth doll, but it was a complete failure. So, I thought this idea was completely off the table.
As we talked about this complete failure to make a cloth doll, I wonder if our Sovereign God was thinking, "They think it is a failure, but they have no idea of the blessings coming their way."
One of the other quilters suggested looking for used dolls in the thrift stores for which we could make dresses. I looked without success; then I looked at the discount store "Dollar Tree" and found many cloth dolls that were perfect.
After purchasing one, I made a sample dress. I was happy and joyful, praising God and laughing in my spirit.
Once again, God had given me his joy, unspeakable and full of His glory.
This laughter reminded me of when Sarah laughed after God told her she would bare a child in her old age, (Gen 18:12).
And God said in verse 14,"Is anything too hard for the LORD?"
My thoughts were to make a few doll dresses, especially for my great-granddaughters to place in their boxes for school, their local church, and a few for my local church.
But after showing the dressed doll to the quilting group, some wanted to help buy dolls; we now have seventy-five dolls dressed in Pillowcases Dresses. And our God has supplied all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.
God is into multiplication, and I truly believe He will use these dolls dressed in Pillowcase Dresses to bring many into His kingdom, for the fields are white unto harvest.
This verse always reminds me of my father, a Share-cropper, and the cotton fields when they were ready for harvest.
Already God has used the dolls as a witness. Another person and I were able to tell the store clerk and others why we were buying so many dolls.
The one that really blessed me was when I was in line to check out thirty-three dolls. A family of three was watching; a father, two girls, one about ten years old, and the youngest, about five, asked, "Daddy, that's a lot of dolls! Why is she buying so many?" He said, "I do not know."
Looking at the father and then at the child, I said. "We take these dolls and make dresses for them, and send them to the mission field for little girls that don't have dolls."
I want others to know that God is answering my prayer to enlarge my territory. He did it for me and will do it for you, for God is not a respecter of persons.
So, my brother and sisters, I encourage you to get out of the boat. And, as the song goes, "step into the water and wade out a little bit deeper."
Faye Nunnelee Byrd
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