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"God Will Bring Us Through"
By Jennifer and Daniel

 When we got the phone call that Jayson had been shot and was in critical care, his dad and I were walking toward Niceville, FL after playing Jayson's guitar at the Mobile Art Walk Festival.

It was minutes before Father's Day, and the love of my life. Daniel was on the brink of losing his son. 

Fort Walton Hospital

We rarely kept money. As missionaries, we worked for free to help any we could. Our Heavenly Father guided and protected us. Our faith stayed strong.

The night was long mixed between rides offered and broken shoe soles replaced by miracle shoes the same size on a path toward Ft. Walton Hospital. 

Nights passed in the waiting room and at the side of Jayson, whose organs would soon save lives as his own would be left behind. Holding the hand of the man I will marry, while his son is rolled away to be divided was devastating. 

It was 3 am, and we had walked as far as Elgin Airforce base before being offered a ride to our destination, Niceville Florida, where Daniel's 13-year-old daughter lives. With nowhere to sleep, we found a church across from the high school. 

Niceville Church of Christ

We slept in the stairwell of Niceville Church of Christ. The next night, we came to Bible study there. A visiting preacher from Oklahoma brought the word of God to life as he spoke.

Marcus Elliot finished that evening's service hands on our shoulders, dunking our sins to die as we emerged, reborn to walk in the light of Christ.

 Since then, we have found odd jobs and doing work on-call for Emerald Coast Rubbish removal. We were blessed to buy our own van for only $740.

We read our Bibles daily. We stay in two separate tents behind the church awaiting our wedding here in October.

It is hot, but they let us run an extension cord, loaned us fans and a canopy; but my life as a Christian is the hardest it's ever been.

We Pray for a Home

I gave a daughter in California to be placed in foster care from an incident at her father's house. (DHR (DCFS) doesn't know I am homeless). We stay here to be near Daniel's daughter. 

I've been assigned as an assistant to the nursery, starting soon. We volunteered VBS, and Daniel volunteers' upkeep of church building and land. 

We pray for a home. I am legally blind and so glad that I at least am safe on the streets because a church treated us with integrity in our time of loss. One day, instead of two tents, we will have one home.

Jason's Memorial

A plaque with Jayson's memorial will likely be placed at Turkey Creek Memory Lane in Jayson's honor soon. Visit it sometime. 

Pray for us to have food, fuel, showers, and bathrooms that we will never take for granted again. God will bring us through. We won't give up.

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God Will Bring Us Through

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Message Of Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802