Taking Back
Throughout my life, the Lord has pulled me out of more situations than most could imagine. The problem was at the time I was too blind to recognize it was Him. I have literally walked away from car accidents that rarely anybody would have survived, period.
I looked down on drug addicts because I had tried everything known to man, but none of them ever got a hold of me. I had my priorities straight. I was only a drinker, and then I was a heavy drinker. In fact, I became a full blown alcoholic consuming about a half gallon of vodka daily losing everything and hitting rock bottom due to my use.
When I say everything, I mean marriage, family, home, job, daughter, family support, and health. I was told I had months to live and to survive I would have to have a liver transplant; this wasn't going to happen for the simple fact they won't put you on a transplant list unless I quit drinking.
I was at a point in my life that I didn't care to live anymore. I continued to drink and walk in sin daily. After having nowhere to lay my head and nobody to turn to, I checked into The Lighthouse Recovery Center, a Christian based recovery center in Washington, Indiana, but I didn't go there for recovery.
Afterall, I only had a short time to live and nothing to live for. I went there to have a comfortable place to lay my head until I passed. Nobody wants to die on the streets. Little did I know that whole mindset was about to change.
One of the requirements for the program was that I had to attend church. I didn't want to go. I was raised in the church. What were they going to teach me? I already knew it all. Haha. First, let me explain the church. It was a full Gospel, come as you are church. I came as I was but didn't leave the same creation as I entered.
I started in the back pew and was quickly pulled to the front by the Holy Ghost! An hour into one service, the minister pointed me out of a standing room only crowd and said: "You should be dead right now put people have been praying for you." He was right as the Word itself. He went on to point at me and say, "You have a calling on your life."
That night many of the brothers laid hands on me and prayed with me. This night was the first time I had ever felt the presence of the Lord. He lifted every heaviness off of me and spoke to me as clearly as any audible sound I have ever heard. I heard the Lord say "I am going to restore every aspect of your life and I want you to go on and pull others out of the same pit of hell I am pulling you out of tonight.
That night I WAS HEALED! GLORY. My liver was restored. Never got a transplant. It was an instant physical miracle. Now I have an unbelievable clean bill of health (only God), been baptized in the Holy Ghost, pastoring our own Spirit-filled church and ministering to as many people that will listen.
You see, just like me, you are all part of the body of Christ having your own purpose. If not, you wouldn't still be here. Don't ever let the enemy tell you it's too late to turn around. That's nothing but a lie straight from the devil himself.
Some of our greatest pastors and spiritual leaders had walked through some of the most painful trials and tribulations (many self-inflicted), and become the strongest men and women of God. Just take a look at King David, Saul to Paul, and all the characters Jesus turned into apostles. Amen?
God bless,
Jason Lindsey, Sr. Pastor
Love Never Fails United Christian Church
Christian Testimonies
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Pastor Jason Lindsey's Christian Testimony
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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