I must seek the Word, devour it (not live by bread alone) and then rejoice in what it gives – eating gives life so that more seeking, devouring, rejoicing and sharing can continue – this is achieved by taking small portions of God’s Word – some definite command or duty of the new life, and quietly receive it into my will and heart. Then, yield to it and vow in the power of the Lord Jesus to perform it, then do it – it then becomes part of my everyday life, and like food, it is needed 2-3 times a day. Aim to read God’s Word until I feel happy in God – then go about my daily work.
I must seek the Word, devour it (not live by bread alone) and then rejoice in what it gives. Eating gives life so that more seeking, devouring, rejoicing and sharing can continue – this is achieved by taking small portions of God’s Word – some definite command or duty of the new life, and quietly receive it into my will and heart. Then, yield to it and vow in the power of the Lord Jesus to perform it, then do it – it then becomes part of my everyday life, and like food, it is needed 2-3 times a day. Aim to read God’s Word until I feel happy in God – then go about my daily work.
Even during holidays and breaks, the quiet time should be kept up – just as you need food and fresh air to live. Look upon it as a privilege and a pleasure – quality time with your Father, abiding in Christ to obtain health and gladness, life and strength – the world needs me to be its light, through Christ.
Every spirit seeks to create for itself a form or shape in which its life is embodied – the outward is the visible expression of the hidden, inward life and the outward is usually seen first.
Like Adam, modern man is impressed, led by and deceived by what pleases the eye, interests the mind or gratifies the taste, feels good or sounds convincing. This overtakes the truth in the spirit, the wisdom of God in the heart. Trust in God (not my senses). Eat the Tree of Life – experience life as it is given not try to develop it yourself.
Christianity is a matter of the heart – a heart into which God has sent the Spirit of His Son and His love and where true salvation is found.
The quiet hour develops that appreciation.
Religion is often dangerous because it requires giving more time to outward experiences than to inward reality.
True life, is not what or how much you do as a Christian, but how much you realise God is a Spirit and He wants His Spirit to work in you and be conformed to His likeness both outwardly and inwardly. Therefore, each day, aim to do all with a desire for a union with Christ (grafted to the Vine) and rely on His flowing into you. The Saviour of the world, the eternal Word of God – hidden in your heart as a seed of His divine nature, which overcomes sin and death in you and generates a new life of heaven in your soul.
Seek for God in your heart – not books, church or outward religion.
As with nature, continuing as each day dawns, as you eat your daily food, the inner man is renewed and communes with God in prayer. – day-by-day. (2 Cor 4:16) – Regardless of our physical tiring in the physical.
We have been saved by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus) – regeneration is the start, renewing is ongoing. In our private devotions, everything depends upon our maintaining the true relationship to the adorable third person of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit – God the Father and Christ perform their work through Him. You have received the Holy Spirit as a Spirit of prayer to enable you to pray effectively. You also receive the power to receive the truth from His Word.
Devote time to accepting with your whole heart that the Holy Spirit is working in and with you, as part of God’s will for you.
Surrender to the Holy Spirit – “For all who are allowing themselves to be led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Rom 8:14). – Total dependence permits a childlike confidence and obedience which is pleasing to God. Praise God for His wonderful gift.
The Holy Spirit brings the life of God to you and to hide Himself in the depth of your being and make Himself one with you. He reveals the Father and the Son to be the mighty power of God working in you and to take control of your entire being. All He asks is simple obedience to His leading = growth, strength, and joy.
Brian McMichan
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
Feb 08, 25 12:57 PM
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Jan 02, 25 11:13 PM
Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802