"Tabitha's Beautiful and Strange Nightmare"

Hello, my name is Tabitha Lopez, and I live in NJ. Recently I have been living a new life and re-gaining my relationship with God, and putting Him first. A lot has been changing in my life in a beautiful way, but last night I had a very scary beautiful and strange dream which some would call a nightmare. The dream occurred on 03/25/2016 (Good Friday) and here is what happened. 

It was a beautiful sunny day in my home and my fiancé and I were looking out the window. All of a sudden I began to hear the most amazing beautiful music, like instruments that were made of gold and it was so beautiful I began to cry! I could not handle the beauty in it so I just kept crying.

My fiancé asked me what was wrong and I asked him why he could not hear it. He then began to pray and listen closely, then he could also hear it. The music began to play louder and louder until I felt the whole sky was filled with it. 

Then I saw the sky open into a beautiful path of light, separating the clouds on each side. I looked out the window and saw folks gliding into the sky so gracefully. It was beautiful. I didn't even notice I was floating. It was like a lift that you couldn't control but it was so loving and beautiful. It's a filling I really cannot describe.

I held my fiancé Chris's hand and was so amazed.  I began to get closer and when I could glimpse into the heavens my body began to slowly descending just as gracefully and it was lifted, but this time I was crying in confusion; then I was back onto land and noticed that everyone was confused. 

I ran to my landlord's home, but she was there alone because all her sisters had gone. When I called my family I was shocked to hear that none of them were gone, not even the newborns and holy people that are in my family. Then the dream ended and I awoke very scared and in NEED of a prayer. 

Once everyone had left my home I cried to the lord and asked if this was just a dream or a sign that he needed me to find faith harder or he needed to talk to me. 

It has been a day now and I am scared to lookout my window for fear there will be nothing to see because the others are joyful in heaven. Has anyone else has this kind of dream? 

Tabitha: United States

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Tabitha's Nightmare

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