"The Way To God's Heart"

Learning How to Pray

God saves and blesses those entrusted to someone – when he prays for that person. underline---(Prayer is a key part of God’s plan. Heaven is filled with the life and power and blessing earth needs and prayer releases it.) 

Prayer is an index of the spiritual life, and its power depends on my relationship with God and the awareness of being His representative. He entrusts His work to me. 

The more simple and complete my devotion to His interests, the more natural and certain become the assurance that He hears me. 

Prayer Approach

A. Recognise my weakness – then grace can work in me, slowly and surely when I give myself to its training. Assume the right position – decide right now to be a complete channel for God’s blessing to flow through me to the world.

B. Now focus on some particular object of intercession – practice makes perfect. Affirm “Here I am; I will give my life to this calling. God hears prayer; God will do what I ask.” Give myself to others as complete as I give myself to God. Relate to a perishing world. Take up my position in Christ and in the power which His name and life and Spirit give me – practice, develop, expand.

Becoming a Man or Woman of God

A man who comes from God – chosen and sent by Him. He walks with God, lives in His fellowship and carries the mask of His presence. Whoever lives for God and His will, His whole being is ruled by the glory of God. His heart is the all and in all life of God. His one desire is that God should have that place of prominence in men’s hearts throughout the world. 

The world needs such men. God seeks them, to fill them with Himself and send them into the world to help others to know Him. To be so full of God’s holy presence men will see me or think of me and say – “the man of God” (by God’s grace – not by any effort of man) 

God sent the Holy Spirit to be in the hearts of men. A person can give himself completely to the presence of the Holy Spirit, not only as a power working in him, but as God dwelling in him – becoming a man of God. 

"All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage]; 17 so that the [a]man of God may be complete and proficient, outfitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work "(2 Tim 3:16-19).

Therefore, Bible study in the morning, in full communion with Him and His Word will let Him make me perfect. 

A man of God knows and proves these three things – God is all – God claims all – God works all….man is dependent on God. 

Knowing that God’s power can do anything and knowing his power with God, the man of God knows how to call down fire – whether of judgment or the Holy Spirit. 

Let my life be devoted to one thing – bringing men to God and God to men. Set apart for God – separated from other interests, an entire identification with the honour of God – no longer a man of the world but a man of God. 

This does not bring more strain and sacrifice, difficulty and danger if I keep in mind how absolute God’s claim is – how blessed I am and how certain that God Himself will work with me – His strength, His faith, His love. It is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me.  

The Power of God’s Word

The power of God’s Word is infinite –“By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made. For He spoke and it was done. He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Ps 33:6-9)

His Word calls into existence the very thing of which it speaks. It is living and gives life. It can raise the dead - give eternal life to dead souls. All spiritual life comes through it. 

Nothing can resist its power when received into the heart through the Holy Spirit when belief sets it off. 

Often the action of the Word is hidden – like a seed that is buried – as it grows it expands – believe it will work in me all that I need, all the Father asks – all the treasures of God’s grace are within my reach.

The Word has the power to enlighten my darkness; in my heart, it will bring the light of God, the sense of His love and the knowledge of His will. It can fill me with courage to conquer every enemy and do whatever God asks me to do. It will cleanse, sanctify and work in me, faith and obedience. It will become in me the seed of every trait in the likeness of my Lord Jesus.

Through the Word, the Spirit will lead me into all truth. It will make all that is in the Word true to me and so prepare my heart to be the habitation of the Father and the Son. 

The Word of God is true because He will make it true in me – believe that God’s Word has omnipotent power in my heart to accomplish everything of which it speaks. The Word of God – Father speaking to His children and the Son speaking to His brothers and sisters and to others “sitting on the hill, ” waiting to learn the Truth and be set free.

Brian McMichan

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The Way To God's Heart

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802