Dear Friends
My name is Vinil. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, I share with you a few incidents of my life.
I met my wife Geetika in 2002. We were the best of friends before we got married and were inseparable. We looked to the future in the hope of a long, joyful, and peaceful life together. In 2012, while on the highway on our way to the Mumbai airport, our auto-rickshaw skidded and flipped over three times before halting upside down.
We were pulled out by good samaritans. My wife was unhurt as I cushioned her fall; however, my foot was fractured. In normal circumstances, we should have been killed on the spot; however, the Lord saved us.
In 2018, within five months, my wife suffered two miscarriages. The first one was early on; however, the second one was two months into the pregnancy. The pregnancy was ectopic, with our baby not growing in the womb but in the tube.
The doctor insisted on operating to remove the tube and aborting the baby; else, the tube would burst and lead to mass internal bleeding and death.
We decided to wait overnight and pray. At the exact spot where we parked our car was a small Cross-shaped aluminum object and as we left the hospital, an auto-rickshaw came right in front of us and stopped – on its windshield was written, "Jesus," in bold letters. The Lord was with us again.
We came home, and I prayed over my wife in the blood of the Lord Jesus. It was the most difficult prayer I have prayed as I pleaded with the Lord to save my wife's life by taking our baby back to Him as it would not survive and my wife would have died. Thirty minutes later, the fetus came out. My wife experienced no pain, and she was safe. Our Lord saved her.
In May of this year, my wife became ill. After two miscarriages, she was psychologically and emotionally traumatized, which affected her health. We went on a strict diet as advised by doctors. However, life's experiences were a heavy burden and took their toll on her health.
I moved away from God, blaming Him for everything that happened; however, my wife strangely remained faithful and even moved closer to Him. Her health deteriorated, and we could not get a proper diagnosis done due to the Covid situation.
On the morning of May 15, I packed her things in the car to take her to the hospital as a bacterial infection had set in. She said to me, 'Vinil, it's time, I'm going.' I did not understand.
When I returned home to take her five minutes later, she had collapsed and was not breathing. I pleaded with the Lord to bring her back, as He did with Lazarus; however, nothing happened. I was alone and carried her to put her in the car. One gentleman who I hardly knew came with me and was with me all through the drive to the hospital and after.
My wife passed away in the prime of her life, and our young lives together. I was alone and disoriented as I bid her goodbye. I had no family with me, completely broken, and returned to our empty home. I could not travel home, and my mother could not come to me due to the pandemic restrictions.
I was sad, upset, angry, remorseful, and sometimes suicidal. Nobody depended on me so I could end it all. I had no wife and no children. I was all alone and had nothing to look forward to.
No, my friends, I was not alone. The same God who knew me before I was born was with me. In my weakest and most difficult moments, His strength sustained me. When I fell down on my knees in despair, the Lord knelt next to me in prayer.
For five months, when I thought I was alone, He sent His army of heavenly and earthly angels to watch over me and console me. He was with my wife in her last hour when He told her He was taking her home, and she went peacefully. I can truly tell you that I have seen God's Hand uncountable times in all the tragedies of my life.
Although I still grieve and will forever grieve for my beloved wife and our babies, I know they are in the best place possible, in the loving presence of their maker and provider. I will live in His glory with the knowledge that He is everything I need; Heaven and Earth may pass away; however, His Word will never pass away.
His Word proclaims that our lives here are temporary, and we must be faithful to Him and trust in His love, mercy, and grace. All of us present here will have trials in our lives; some will be heartbreaking
Remember to not worry about what your future holds, for you know who holds your future; The same God who holds the heavens and the earth has us in the palm of His Hand.
Romans 8:38-39 says – For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor anything else will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Let's pray for all those in depression, tension, and loneliness. Pray for me. I will pray for you.
Thank you for reading. Shalom, and may God bless you. Amen.
Vinil: India
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