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Visitor Comments Page 6
Submitted to the Trusting in Jesus website

Matilda: Ireland
Thank you for this exposition.  Really super to read through each verse and have it explained and applied.  God Bless.
In Christ

Donald: United States
Please send to my e mail, what a blessing.

Judith: United States
Thank you for your ministry 

David: Ghana
I love this. It  reminded me of St. Augustine's quote that "grace works on nature "

Kathleen: Australia
Hello, I found your site by "accident".  It was a Holy Spirit led accident.  I am a 71 years young Grammy in Brisbane Queensland, Australia.  I have not read everything on your site but I do agree with all that I have read so far. Thank you for sharing. Love and blessings, Kathleen

Deborah: United States
I am learning more about the word of God.

Rachel: United States
So encouraged 

Jeremy: United States
This study on john has been a miracle for me. Everyday i come home and read it and study. I wish you did a study on every book in the bible.

Mr Mbatha: South Africa
I love your explainations

Geofrey: Kenya
Transformed life

Aquilla: United States
I found your site by accident while doing some research.  I believe the same as you in Statement of Faith.  Thank you for sharing your Christian faith.

Pastor Kels Paul: Cameroon
Love it and need more.

Angela:United State
reat information

Retna India
Precious spiritual insights are infused in your exposition. Glory be to God and thanks a lot.

Philemon Isevakwe: Uganda
Thanks for the wonderful comforting word. Am blessed by reading this.

Godwin: Nigeria
Great soul searching stories.

l like your ministry. Blessings

Denis Nyabuto: Kenya
I have visited your website and am blessed with your teachings and am here by requesting you to send me more through my email so as to teach in the church here in Kenya thank you and I hope that you will be in touch with us so as to grow in knowing the will of God.Welcome Kenya.

Charlie: United States
I appreciate your listing of the more important commandments of Jesus. Thank you very much!!!

Makori: Kenya
Dear  brethren in Christ,
Our  hearts is spiritually touched with your encouragement reading from your website.  Kindly please share more with us and help us with your teaching materials for they will help us in our fellowship here, and to win more souls to Christ Jesus. We pray and request you kindly if you have Bibles to send to us, and that the Lord will lead you to come and share the word of God with us. We hope that God bless us to share more in his kingdom, and please pray for the  orphans who  worship with us.   
Happy to read from you in Jesus name.

Emanuel: India
Thank you 

Praise God

Gedzah: Ghana
God Bless you!

Annie: United States
Thank God for you and your prays.

Gideon: Nigeria
Thanking Jesus for privilege to hear His word that gives LIFE and faith

Jimmie: United States
Good Site, God bless all the time

Karen: Singapore
Regarding article on Hope: It's very motivating and inspiring!! Also a good reminder during our hard times

Santha: United Kingdom
Very good site. Thanks

Cherroid: United States
God is good he is awesome!

Ude nwankwo: Nigeria
Wonderful and enriching scriptures. I believe. Amen

Benard: Kenya
Dear Beloved, Thank you for standing with the truth. I was looking for Character development teachings which can guide me in my teachings. I am teaching the word of God in High schools, churches and I am also doing door to door evangelism. I found your teachings to be inspiring and I have already printed it.
This is the work I have been doing since 2008. many souls have come to the Lord and I am establishing them in the truth. We do have challenges like bibles and other materials which can be used by the genuine Christians who are thirsty for the truth. 
Thank you dear beloved and continue to pray for us. My phone number is ___________. Thank you a lot.

Omoniyi: Nigeria 
Wonderful and enriching scriptures. I believe.  Thanks a bunch! Am really blessed. Amen.

Priscilla: India 
Praise the Lord. Thanks for sharing levels of faith. They are motivating and helpful in self assessment. Be blessed.

Fe Delantar: Philippines 
Thank you for the article on faith. It is very enriching in understanding the kind of faith one should have. This is very helpful for me and is very good to share to others in the community too.

Mehrzad: Iran 
I love God 

Kihara: Kenya 
God bless u

Mary: United States
God bless the lovers of truth that have put their trust in God and don't want to reinvent the wheel. God made us free and free indeed. 

Luma: Cameroon
Love your articles. I wish to be receiving these from time to time. thanks. God bless you.

From: Nigeria
God bless You for good work. To God be the glory forever. 

Philip: Kenya 
Thank you for your teaching. I am indeed a free man, redeemed, and loved by God with eternal love.

Christine: Canada
I love the reading and commentary. It opens up the scripture, helping me to understand. Of course I asked Jesus, who is in me, to help me see Him in this reading. Thank you for providing such a read. 

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802