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"What God Did for Me
is Surreal"

My name is Elisa, and here is my Testimony right from my heart, typing with Jesus leading my hands, all true with love and forgiveness in my heart.

It took me many years to get to the place I am now spiritually. I am forever grateful that this is how God led me on this website instead of another site that I was going to post my free book online to share, so here I am.

I pray and have faith that my testimony will help many people who are hurting and broken in times like these. 

What God Did for Me

What God did for me still feels surreal. I thought that I had been just a case of bad luck all these years until I found a relationship with Jesus and knowing now who I am in Christ and who my real father (God) is, and I now know why I had to go through so many trials.

It was so I would be able to help the brokenhearted, the abused, the broken, lost, angry, depressed, addicted, the homeless, the sick, confused. 

I am a survivor; I have overcome by the grace of God, and I will praise Him all the days of my life, not only in the good times but also in the bad. 

God was there for me when I was a small baby that was fed poison and survived. God was there for me when I was a small child being abused physically, mentally, emotionally, verbally, in every way possible.

 I just didn't know who this was that protected me in these many ways that I could not see before, but I am able to see now because I am still alive. God walked with me in my rocky relationships as I grew into a teenager and an adult and saved my life many times at the hands of men. 

God healed me of Cancer three times from one of the worst blood cancers a human can have. God comforted me when I lost a baby, and for the three babies that are now in heaven with him. God has blessed me with one beautiful son.

God was there for me when other's let me down. They deceived me; lead me onto a bad path; a life full of addictions, dysfunctional relationships, depression, suicidal thoughts, anger toward men, and running myself in circles doing the same thing over again and again and expecting different results. 

Still, God found me, and I was saved and baptized at a Christian church.

Learning to Trust in God

 It took a long time to finally learn to trust in God, and to lean not on my own understanding but to surrender to my father God truly and to forgive and let go of my past and give him my future that is all in his hands; for his will to be done in my life is why I live. I have survived what the enemy tried to use to take my life.

 God used me all for his glory to save many souls with my story; they call me Immovable. I have been pressed to the limit my face to the ground, unable to walk and barely speak; unable to see out of my right eye after one of my surgeries, but by God's grace, I can now see with both eyes. I can walk. I can talk. 

I survived being poisoned as a baby, abused as a small child, and some in my adult life. I have survived being a teenage pregnant mother who was homeless for a short period in time. I have survived Cancer three times and healed on an altar at church, which made four times Cancer tried to take me out. 

I have survived a house fire, guns being shot over my head for target practice, was hit by a van, and got up off the ground with only scratches and a limp. I have survived being burned third degree from my chest down. 

I have walked through some of the most painful experiences one can walk through, but I made it through them all with God along the way; to see all that God has brought me through is truly amazing. 

He will never leave me nor forsake me. I will never lack for anything. I will never go to bed hungry as I some times did as a little girl. No one will ever again abuse me. 


I will always be grateful and comforted by my father, God, who loves me with an everlasting love. I will be moved but not shaken. I will get weak but not grow weary. I will have many more battles up ahead for sharing this testimony and leading others to Jesus Christ.

If I had a chance to do this life all over again, I would say yes because without all of the pain, loss, hurt, and awful traumas to go through, I would not be able to be used by God in a Mighty way. For that, I am forever grateful that God has made me Immovable He is "The Great I Am." 

Thank you to all who will read this. On this day (six days before my forty-second birthday), I sit here typing with a knee injury, a back injury, a shoulder injury, and the list goes on. 

I can truly say I am genuinely grateful to be on the path I am on and look forward to where God is taking me next.

My love and blessings to you all; Keep pressing forward, and if you find it in your heart to share my testimony, please do. God bless you all.

Sincerely, Elisa from Rhode Island.

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What God Did for Me

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802