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“Where are Our Thoughts?”

Where are Our Thoughts and Imaginations? This question came to me as I attended a Wednesday night study/prayer service. We were a small group sitting around a table in a relaxed type of setting and could join in as the pastor taught the lesson. I had been wondering about this and felt free to ask, hoping someone would have the right answer.

An answer came right away from a young man sitting across from me. He said, “It would have to be from our thoughts because we would not be able to do anything if we didn’t think about it first.  Well, it made sense to me at the time. So, I said, “Yes, that makes sense, you are probably right.” I was satisfied with his answer and did not give any more thought to it.

The next morning God would not let that thought remain in me, but gave me a “knowing” in my spirit that I had to write down. His answer convinced me even more that we have no thought aside from God or Satan.

The answer is that we are instructed in the Word to cast down all imaginations (thoughts) that exalt themselves against the Word of God. 1 Cor 2:16 tells us that we have the mind of Christ. (This is after we are born again and made New Creations).

The Spirit directed me to read in Gen 1:26 how Adam and Eve were created in the image of God. They were forbidden to eat of the “Tree of Good and Evil,” (Gen 2:17). Before the fall, they were God influenced. After partaking of the “Tree of Good and Evil,” a curse came upon them as an evil influence. Before there was only good, after the fall there was good and evil, as we are today, good thoughts (God), bad thoughts (Devil).  It is our choice.

Revelation: Sept 25, 2008 – “Where are our Thoughts.”

We are a spirit. We live in a body and have a soul made up of our mind, our will, and our emotions. The Soul is where we have our most battles and struggles.

When we are born-again, we become new creations in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit begins wooing and speaking to our minds, encouraging us to yield our will to Him. We no longer have a natural mind where God is concerned, but the mind of Christ, the Anointed One.

We have an anointed mind.  A mind led by the Spirit of God to do whatever we are anointed to do in life. That is why we are told to renew our mind each day with His thoughts on His precious Word.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou may observe to do all that is written therein. For then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success” (Joshua 1:8).

Because we are still subject to the thoughts of the world, we are to test those thoughts whether they are of God or the devil, casting down the imaginations that do not line up with the Word of God.

“Let this mind be in you,” we are told. The mind of Christ is an anointed mind. We should no longer ask, where are our thoughts? The natural mind is enmity against God.

When God impresses us to do something that does not make sense to the natural mind we should not allow our logical thinking to reason the command away. Although we can reason it away (because we still have a will), we as the Anointed should lean toward the mind of the anointing

But where is our thinking? It is through the renewing of our mind with the Word of God It is when the Word is kept before our eyes, coming out of our mouths,  going into our ears, straight into our heart (our spirit), through the Word that we meditate on day and night. As a man thinketh in his heart, (not his head), so is he.

Follow-Up Revelation:  Nov 1, 2008

When we choose to do our own thinking apart from God, we are under the influence of our flesh. Ask, where are our thoughts, is not our flesh doing the reasoning. If so, we can count on the enemy to do the talking in our minds. It is at times like these when we are thinking with our flesh, that Satan wants to get involved. That is his territory, big time.

However, if we do not give it place with our actions or our mouth, the enemy will not win out. Even if we do give it place and we feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and follow up by asking sincerely for forgiveness, Satan still doesn’t win because God is faithful to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. We need just to be sure and turn from doing our own thinking without the help of the Word.

Remember, we are to renew our minds always with the Word of God, keep it before our eyes, coming out of our mouths, going into our head. In doing this, we leave no room for the devil and are making headway into the Kingdom of God. We are always sharpened and ready for the Master’s use, a vessel of honor, available when someone is in trouble, and you are there to help, continually rising to new levels in Christ Jesus.


”Jesus said: I can of my own self-do nothing: as I hear, I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not my will but the will of the Father who has sent me, (John 5:30). “It is the Spirit that quickens or makes alive. The Words that I speak to you they are Spirit and they are life, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me brings forth much fruit, for without me you can do nothing. If you abide in me and my Words abide in you, you can ask what you will, and it shall be done.  Therein is my Father glorified that you bear much fruit,” (John 15:5,8).

God is glorified and lifted up when we walk in such a way that we pray and get answers to our prayers using our faith in His Word in overcoming the tests and trials that come our way. When we ask, where are our thoughts? We now have a testimony in which to glorify our God, (Rev 12:11).

“To God be the Glory!”

Ruth Byrge

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Where are our Thoughts?


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