"Julia's Dream of Jesus"
A Train in the Sky-and an Airplane

Hi everyone I dreamed this morning that I was sleeping in bed with my husband and my baby when I heard knocking on my front door. The knocking continued but I wanted to sleep some more... so, in the dream, my husband said wake up and see who's at the door, I'm too tired!

So I woke up angry and went to see who was at the door. When I opened the door it was very gloomy outside and a couple of my neighbors were in my front yard and I said, “what can I help you with”? And she said, look up there. when I looked up I saw a train going into Sky, and a bright purple light was coming out of the train.

I was staring at the train in shock, and as I was staring at the train I saw Jesus. He was wearing a long white robe and had short hair, and was staring down at all the neighbors, and me.
One foot was in the train door and one was out, and 
He was smiling really big.

So I ran inside of my house to tell my husband and baby that, Jesus is outside in a train that is in the sky! As I was looking out my bedroom window telling my family,  there is Jesus!!  

I was worried so I went outside again... and this time I saw an airplane with colored balloons coming out, and and Jesus, still outside the train, was smiling at the airplane. My husband woke me up before I could see the rest of the dream. 

I wonder what it means to see Jesus on a train in the sky, and an airplane with colorful balloons and a purple portal, coming out of the sky...?

If anybody can interpret my dream about Jesus Christ, please contact me with opinions. 
(Julia, God's Daughter) @ Joeyoc two zero one @gmail.com

Julia: United States

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Julia's Dream of Jesus

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