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  7. Ashley's Rapture Dream

"Ashley's Rapture Dream"

It is 5:35 am at the moment, and I just had what I truly believe was a rapture dream about 45 minutes ago. 

My dream started with me being at a party with friends and the party was soon canceled for reasons I didn’t know yet.

I noticed that people all of a sudden were scattered and I was looking for my boyfriend and I couldn’t find him and I went outside which led me to the beach, and I realized how bad the weather was and a storm the was headed our way.

That’s when someone told me the party was canceled because of the storm.

Powerful Trumpets

I go back inside the beach house where the party had taken place, and I find my boyfriend sitting with one of our friends.

Then I hear two large, loud, and powerful sounds of a trumpet before saying to them (who are atheists and I’ve always tried to show them the realness of God);

“HES HERE, GODS HERE” and hearing a third trumpet. They had realized I was right, and that he was here. 

I Was Left Behind

I ran outside and fell to my knees as the dark cloudy sky lightened up and I saw from afar as some began being lifted from the ground and their bodies were like lights, and I felt like I was ready to be raptured, but I was left behind.

And then I heard words being spoken before waking up and I wrote them down as accurately as I could immediately so I would not forget.

But the words were very very close to “On Earth, men who are halfway with God get morning food, noon food, and evening food. When Christ comes will they endure the consequences of their halfness with God.”

Half-Way with God

I believe this means that he has shown us so much mercy here on Earth and we have not suffered the consequences of being one foot in the door with our Lord and Savior and one foot out with the world.

We will feel the weight and suffer the consequences once he’s here because we have procrastinated the Lord and have been halfway with God. I thought I would be saved, and I was left behind.

I just fell into my faith a little over a month ago and it has been so extremely difficult to let go of certain things and certain people that are of the world that although may not appear malicious and maybe people you love so much, they hinder you from giving your whole life to God, and we become halfway men with God. 

Thank you for reading all the way through and also for sharing your dreams. May God bless you and your loved ones and may God continue to reveal himself to you so that you may warn others and share his message

Ashley: United States

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Ashley's Rapture Dream

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