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"Draven's Left Behind Dream"

I am Currently, typing this with tears rolling down my face. I just woke up from a dream about twenty minutes ago. Arguably, this was the worst nightmare I have ever had.

My Dream

My dream starts with my normal day-to-day activities;  then I realize something strange happened, but I can't tell what it is. (Sometimes in real life, I have these moments of "did the Rapture just happen" either because no one is home or something similar). In my case, one of those "moments " happened in my dream, and I realized that it had just happened. 

A pure feeling mixture of dread, shock, fear overwhelmed me. Like others in this thread has said, it is literally like no other fear, knowing you could've gone up with your family members and loved ones; Knowing that God has left you

You Had a Chance

A weird part of my dream was right after that when God spoke to me, saying, "You had a chance, but now you have to be nice to others before entering My Kingdom" (that's where the false theology came in but back to the story).

I begin looking through Snapchat, looking at everyone else's reaction to what has just occurred, and it's filled to the brim. All of a sudden, I wake up in my dream and find that some of my family didn't even go up, which shocked me. 

My sister told me that I was asleep for about a month but didn't want to disturb me (thanks, sister!). I went outside, and everything was worn down and looked very post-apocalypse (excluding the sky, which looked normal)

At the Beach Looking at the Sky

I think in the dream, God gave me a vision of the Rapture because all of a sudden, I was at the beach, and crowds were gathering to look at the sky. It was dark and almost like an endless sheet of thunderstorm clouds. 

Then I saw an enormous spinning ring that took up most of the sky, which seemed to be full of bright colors, and made up of different gasses. It seemed to emulate a piercing, scary, high-pitched sound that I wanna say resembled a terrifying version of ice cream truck music. 

The waters underneath reflected an electrifying light blue. Then the skies above converted into a shaking light that mirrored the waters a little bit more. As time went on, it started to get bigger and shake violently in the sky and get louder, resembling the sound of roaring sparks. The light finally slows down and eventually ceases and returns to normal.

Something Biblical  was Happening

When the light ceased, everyone knew what was up; it wasn't one of those things where people didn't know what would happen next. The majority absolutely knew. I hear one guy silently but audibly say, "Oh no," in a "here it comes" tone. Beforehand, some people thought it was the most unexplainable natural phenomenon to exist that would be explained years later. Others definitely knew it was something Biblical happening. One by one, not all at the same time, people started fading away into dust toward the sky. Yes, exactly like Infinity War. 

The feeling I had was unreal. Some people say that they know that they would be raptured up when it happens. That wasn't me in my dream. I believed and trusted in Christ my whole life, but I was scared and uncertain.

My dream also caught the fact that people's clothes were being carried with them too. I stopped the vision and went on with my day, absolutely terrified with what's to come next.

Alternate Scenario

The Lord showed me another vision about how it would happen if I were taken up in an alternate scenario:

 It flashes to the beach scene, and one by one, everyone becomes the Avengers, fading away once more. I feel something and lift myself and watch as I  fade into dust; I look down toward the sand and see my family, who had not been taken yet. 

I waved "goodbye" as they looked back at me (which also is why the tears are still on my face),  but the feeling of relief was there, knowing they would be taken up with me.

As I have said countless times before, I'm not too fond of dreams. However, I need to be straight with God, and this dream has shown me what to do before the time comes.

Draven: United States

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Draven's Left Behind Dream

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