Alaina: United States
"Hugging Jesus is like hugging a lightning
bolt made of pure love."
I was reading the section where different people were talking about dreams where they saw Jesus, and I feel that I would like to share my own that I had in late September:
In early October in the year 2019. I dreamt that I was in a large city that I didn't recognize, and I was outside on the streets. The sidewalks were crowded with people, celebrating, laughing, and I could hear cheering coming from my far right.
The road was completely empty, and as I weaved through the crowd to get a closer look, I saw a figure on horseback walking down the empty street. The man on horseback came closer, and once he was near where I was standing, he stopped. The horse was an enormous white stallion, and the man had white flowing clothes on and a hood.
He stepped down off the horse and looked right at me, and that's when I realized the man was Jesus. He smiled and reached out to me, and I ran to him. Once I reached Jesus, I hugged him, and he wrapped his arms around me, and we held each other real close and tight. Then, it gets better.
Jesus spoke to me. He said, "You are saved." Hugging Jesus is like hugging a lightning bolt made of pure love. That's how powerful that dream felt to me. It was the very best dream I have ever had in my now 23-year long life.
What's more, this is neither the first time I saw Jesus in a dream (There were two others) nor the first time I heard the voice of God.
The first time I heard the voice of God, I was wide awake, and it was at a time when I feared for my life as I had become violently sick earlier that day. That's a story for another time, plus it happened just before I experienced an actual miracle healing.
PHYLLIS: United States
I had a dream last night; I had put my hands inside of a hen a maggot was crawling up my mom is deceased, and she said she was going 2 eat the hen I was looking at her through this small window then Jesus appeared he put his hand to my hand and said, "what I cleaned is cleaned indeed." I felt so much peace and joy; then I woke up.
Ronesha: United States
I was home alone, and I decided to go downstairs to my living room to worship and spend time with God. So I began praying and calling out to God, shouting, and all of a sudden, the color of my living room started changing (looked like the Sepia or vintage filter)."
I heard this noise in my kitchen, so based on how my living room is, I stepped out of the living room and looked in the kitchen, and the whole scenery changed.
Out of nowhere, Jesus popped up. He was wearing this dingy off-white gown, He was wearing sandals, and there was a crown with nails on his head. He was carrying the cross, and He looked at me and told me to follow him (He didn't necessarily speak, but He communicated that to me) I just knew.
So when he told me to follow him, my clothing changed, and I was wearing the same things He was wearing, and I was following behind Him, carrying the cross as well .. walking down this straight path. After that, I woke up.
Beatrice: United States
I dreamed that I was sitting inside my house and seeing lightning hitting the same spot outside my livingroom window. So I got up to look outside, and it turned daytime. As I looked up, the clouds were rolling by, and I saw Jesus Christ on a cloud giving his blessing. Once I saw him, I felt my spirit get so happy, but nervous at the same time. He looked down at me and smiled and gave me his blessing and kept moving to give his blessing somewhere else. And then it ended.
Natalie: United States
I had a dream where I was lying in my bed. On one side of the room was the devil, and on the other was Jesus. I am 16 years old, but I don’t remember much from that dream. I know for a fact that it was Jesus there with me. I was shaking and sobbing out of the fear that the devil gave me.
All of a sudden, I closed my eyes and was in Jesus’s arms. I felt calm and peaceful. And I have never felt that calm in my life. I closed my eyes once more and was at the stairway to Heaven. This dream has changed my faith, and I know I will never forget it.
Beatrice: United States
I dreamed that I was sitting inside my house and seeing lightning hitting the same spot outside my livingroom window. So I got up to look outside, and it turned daytime.
As I looked up, the clouds were rolling by, and I saw Jesus Christ on a cloud giving his blessing. Once I saw him, I felt my spirit get so happy, but nervous at the same time.
He looked down at me and smiled gave me his blessing and kept moving to give his blessing somewhere. And then it ended.
Danielle: United Kingdom
I've been dreaming that Jesus has been taking me in his arms and giving me a warm hug.
Hannah: United States
The topic of my dream is Jesus and Heaven
I am 18 years old and have loved Jesus my whole life but have not wanted Him until He blessed me with this dream.
I was walking with some friends in a place I had never been to before, and they told me Jesus was there. I dropped everything and ran to see Him. As i turned the corner, He was playing in a field with mountains and bright green grass with beautiful trees and red and yellow flowers.
I didn’t think He would see me, but as soon as I saw Him, He saw me and came to me as I ran into His arms. I felt safe. He stayed with me the whole time and made sure I was happy and comfortable.
After I had this dream, I was looking at Akiane Kramirak’s paintings of Jesus and Heaven that she has painted through her visions Jesus has given her. One picture she painted titled “The Path” is the exact place I was in my dream. I had never seen that picture before. Jesus is so good!
Jo Ann: United States
I received the following vision from our Lord God on July 31, 2014:
I saw a large stone gate about twenty yards from me. The gate was facing to the right, and several Israeli soldiers were standing in front of the gate. They were guarding it. I saw Jesus Christ standing behind the soldiers, and He was staring at me. Jesus had long dark hair, and He was wearing a white robe. He then began floating to His left behind the soldiers. The vision ended.
"I will make of you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed." (Genesis 12:2-3)
Lord Yeshua is our Messiah! Praying for Israel!
God will direct our steps! Entered April 15, 2020
Star: United States
Thank you, Jesus.
Lauren: United States
My dream was on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020.
I went outside, and all of a sudden, Jesus floated down to me. We talk and talked, I brought him to my house, and we talked some more. My dog started turning orange and disappeared; then, I started turning orange.
I did not get to the part where I disappeared, though, because something woke me up. It was the best dream I've had.
Liz: Ireland
Holy Thursday and Good Friday are terrible times for me as a Catholic. I seem to be able to pick up on the lord's energy during those two days. I experience awful physical agony in both my left and right hands and the middle of both my feet. My forehead suffers as well; it's like I am wearing the Crown of thorns.
Visually I have been able to see the scourging of Jesus I see his back thorn in shreds, and I also feel the physical pain. I think of his agony in the garden of Gethsemane. I also think the nails are going into my hands and feet. I have never been able to visit a church on Good Friday.
I am also transported back in time, and I feel the presence of demons. I remember one night going to bed very distressed and seeing a white light. I heard a voice say to me very clearly, do not be afraid I am with you. I felt peace like I have never known and then I was back in my body..and my head was racing again.
I have seen the face of Jesus in my dreams a few times. I experience the thirst that Jesus had on the cross. Good Friday and Holy Thursday are the worse days for me mentally spiritually and physically.
Jo Ann: United States
I received the following visions from our Lord God:
March 28, 2017 - I saw Jesus Christ sitting down on the ground. He was facing to the left, and I could only see from waist up. I saw the back of His head and part of His face on the left side. His body was horribly beaten. A crown of thorns was on His head, and His dark hair was wet. It was from His blood. The vision ended.
January 19, 2013 - I saw the stars in the universe. I next saw an angel flying across the night sky. I then saw Jesus Christ on the cross. It was daylight but gray. Jesus was a few feet in front of me, and His head was facing down. He had many dark areas on His body. Jesus was wounded and bruised. The vision ended.
Jesus endured unimaginable pain for us. Thank You, Jesus, for saving us.
"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5)
Thank You, Father God Jesus and Holy Spirit!
April 10, 2020
Juan: United States
Today I woke up yelling, yes, thank you! And my wife laughed at me saying, what are you dreaming? In my dream, I was in a theater, and out of nowhere, the lights in the theater turned on.
I saw someone in the middle dressed in white who got up looking up peacefully. Then I saw someone else get up, and when I got up, I looked at the few people excitedly. When I looked up, I was being lifted, and I screamed, yes, thank you, all excited, and I woke up.
My name is Juan Carlos; I'm 31 yrs old, and I believe in Jesus, he is alive. I hope everyone who reads this knows JESUS; HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH, CALL ON JESUS.
Angelita: Philippines
I had a dream at nine on April 9, 2020. Dreaming went to church, and I saw Jesus Christ on the cross suddenly il touch the feet, and I pray our father..what is the meaning of it.
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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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