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"How Father God Guides
Us to Others"

A few days ago, I had to use public buses (rather than taxis) when my car was being repaired. 

I checked the bus timetable on my computer and found that the next bus arrived near my home in 10 minutes to take me to the central depot in the main shopping area (about 7 km away). 

So I grabbed my bag and water bottle and ran/walked very quickly the 400 metres to the bus stop. The bus arrived in less than 30 seconds. At the central depot, I needed another bus to take me a few km away to my mechanic's workshop. 

I checked the display advising which bus to catch, and it advised, "departing". I ran and waved to the driver, and he opened the bus door. As I thanked him, I sat in a long seat that ran lengthwise at the front of the bus. 

There were only two others on the bus – a mature-aged woman (who was two seats away, looking at me as I recovered from my busy morning) and a man near the rear of the bus.

The woman complimented me on my efforts to get the bus. I replied, "I am thankful that I am very healthy. I am in my 78th year." She was very surprised to hear that and asked, "How do you keep so well?" I shared my story ….."

In early 1992 I learnt about forgiveness; I looked up and asked, "Who do I need to forgive? … I think I have forgiven everyone!" 

I had a pad and pen and was given about 30 names, going back to my early childhood ... it included myself a few times for "things" I had buried. 

I recalled each person and the circumstances and forgave all on the list ... the result was not even a headache or a cold in over 31 years; In our hurting and troubled world, we need to keep forgiving anyone that wrongs us!

The woman replied, "I am going to do that!" I assured her that she would get a lot of benefits and to share "forgiveness" with her family, friends, neighbours, etc. She assured me that she would. 

As I stood up to get off the bus, she called out … "Thank you for giving me good health for the rest of my life!" I nodded and thanked her.

Later that day, I reflected, "Father, You enabled me to hurry to catch the bus (or I would have had to wait another hour) plus, the second bus was starting to leave, but I was able to get on it. 

The woman You wanted me to share with was seated near where I sat, and she will apply forgiveness in her life and share it with others, as she believed it will result in good health,"

God is soooo good! He wants ALL who believe to share the mighty power of forgiveness!

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Father Guides Us to Others

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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802