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"Graham's Dream of His Mother Ascending to Heaven"

On the 31/Dec/2018 I dreamed that I had gone home from work and was sitting on an outside table talking to my brother. When I looked up, I saw “two holes at the bottom part of the roof.”  I asked my brother, “Have you seen this?  He replied, "No!”. I then said, "I better go in and tell my dad about the roof!"

As I walked into the house, I saw my mother who is in the spirit, (she passed away recently from Alzheimer's). I asked my mother have you seen the two holes in the roof? She said, “No!”. So she wanted to see, so I took her outside, but because I was taller than my mother we had to walk further down the garden path. 

I turned around to look at the rooftop and noticed, more holes, two at the bottom and one or two at the top, I then realized how far we had walked. A neighbor and a couple of others were getting ready to drive out on the street when others came out to jump into the same car, so I decided to say where I was.     

As I looked at the house, my mother was apparently trying to get a better look (I am assuming), I saw her trying to climb a big black bin with wheels which seemed to have been pushed into the middle of our front garden, it looked like she was trying to climb on top of it. 

I saw her fall on her back (as if she was grabbed and thrown to the ground), and there appeared to be a scuffle of some kind.  Suddenly she hovered just off the ground (still on her back), she passed a lamppost and the car that was in the street and quickly drifted over to where I was standing, then she was taken straight up into the sky. 

She was upside down as she was taken straight up into the air and it all happened really fast, I mean... she was gone! She had her clothes on, and everything! Something invisible took her! The sky was very cloudy darkish grey. This happened so quickly that the ones standing in the street ready to jump into the car had failed to see what happened! I shouted to them, “Did you see what just happened?” They just shook their heads as to say ”No.” I ran back into the house to inform my dad (who was at a computer) I said to him mum appears to have been raptured! I then woke up. I have no idea what happened to my brother.

Graham: United Kingdom

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Graham's Dream of His Mother

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