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  7. Jeffrey's Dream about Jesus

"Jeffrey's Dream about Seeing
Jesus in a Golden Light"

Moments before I went to bed tonight thinking about the man that lit himself on fire in front of the White House and what was going through his mind. 

When going to bed, I put in my earbuds to listen to the Bible, and for some reason, chose the book of Daniel.  In the book of Daniel, I got as far as the three men being put into the burning fiery furnace, and not a hair on their head was burned, and their clothing did not even smell of smoke when the king told them to come out.

A Different Man

Then in my dream, I was a different man in a different time out on the front porch of this rickety trailer in a trailer park, and it had a pond nearby.  I was huffing gas and paint on the porch while my infant son was inside playing and I began to think to myself, "why am I doing this when I know that the fumes and chemicals in this are going to kill me. Why can't I stop doing this."  

I truly felt like I was living through another man's eyes.  I began to earnestly pray and concentrate and pray and fell to my knees, praying so hard until the form of Jesus appeared, only his head at first started to flutter in and out. His head began to vibrate, and so did my body and flashes of light started to flicker violently but beautifully at the same time gathering intensity until my whole body started to shake and rise. 

Jesus in a Golden Light

 I saw Jesus on the cross with a golden light around him in the sky above near the side of the pond that I was praying. I felt an intensity like never before, energy was coursing through my body until something in my body left, and I felt free and light. 

Then I came out of the dream and saw a naked man with long hair and a beard run past me.  I then woke up and asked myself, "wow, what was that!" I realized that I had been crying in my sleep, and the tears just kept coming even though there was no feelings of sorrow or happiness, just peace.   

SO I woke up and found this site and wrote this dream here. Oh, and guess what the secret code word to type in for security was: "butane." 

Jeffrey: United States

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Jeffry's Dream about Jesus

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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802