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"Steve's Dream of being Left Behind at the Rapture"

May 2020

The Lord asked me to fast 14 days. It was the hardest fast I have ever experienced. 

On the 15th day, I got up at 3 am to pray. I was sure the Lord would speak to me. He didn't, so I went back to bed at 5 am. I knew he was going to speak to me in a dream, but I wasn't expecting what I got.

I dreamed my wife and I were coming through a double door into what appeared to be an airport terminal. We were in a line, and I was on the right side of my wife. I could see the person ahead of us who would let us through security.

Suddenly a man walked ahead of me on my right and went up to the security person. I turned around to my right to look at the people behind me. As I looked at them, I shrugged as if to say, He crowded, but I guess it's okay. 

I could see my wife out of the corner of my right eye. I then turned back around to stand in line with my wife. When I turned, I realized that we had not been standing in the line that the man crowded into. 

There was another security person in front of my wife and me. When I turned towards her to say something, she was not there. It had only taken an instant to turn around, yet she was gone.

I looked at the people behind me and asked them if they had seen my wife. They hadn't! Then I looked down. Her slacks were in a neat pile as if they had just peeled off of her. It appeared that they had been pulled up off the ground, yet they looked like they had started to fall from her waist. Her undergarments were still inside her pants. Her blouse had fallen to the floor, and her phone was still on as if it had fallen into her purse while she was using it. 

I have never felt the emotions that I felt at that moment. I said outloud, "It happened, it happened." No one knew what I was talking about. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye; it happened.

I felt panic and morbid fear coming on me like nothing I have ever felt. Yet, at the same time, I felt extreme awe as I wondered what my wife was experiencing.

I gathered her clothes to my chest and said again, "It happened. " They asked what, and I said, "The Lord came." They didn't seem to understand.

I looked down the terminal hallway and saw piles of clothing laying here and there among the crown. But it had happened so fast that no one even knew it had occurred. 

The only reason I knew was that my wife was gone. If I had been looking at her, I probably would not have seen her leave. It was that fast.

I then clutched my wife's clothing to my throat and started towards an elevator. I could hardly stifle the fear and panic that were trying to overcome me. I have never felt such lostness and abandonment in my life. There was no hope at that moment. 

I remember thinking that I needed to call my friend Dave. I awoke at that moment, and I am glad. If I had called my friend, Dave, and he hadn't answered, I don't think my mind could have held on.

This is a warning to me and others. I was only distracted for a moment by what was going on in the other line. Just an instant, but I was found unworthy. 

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Don't be distracted by what is going on around you down here. Please, I don't ever want to experience those feelings again, and I don't want any of my brothers and sisters ever to have to go through that either.

"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." Luke 21:36 

Steve: United States

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Steve's Dream of being Left Behind at the Rapture

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Samuel L Mills
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