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"A Magical and Blessed Experience"

One of the most magical and blessed experiences happened to me when I was in college. I always wanted to be part of a band as a vocalist and there came a time that I got a chance to audition, so I confidently grabbed it immediately. 

One of my classmates hears about my application, but unfortunately, doubts my ability and keeps telling me that I can't do it, that I'm not good enough, and I will drag down my bandmates. She keeps saying it so much that I began to doubt it as well. So I ended my application and was so depressed. 

Days pass, and I'm still trying to forget about what happened, but the depression in me keeps growing. After the band competition, the band wins, the truth is that half of me was happy, but the other half of me was devastated. The only thing that comes into my mind during that time is that "I should be there. It should be me," "I'm so weak that I let other people define what I can do." 

I was crying so hard until I fell asleep, and something magical happened, I had a dream, and in my dream, I was standing at the top of a mountain facing the sun. I'm with my friend, and I keep asking, "what should I do?" "What is my purpose," I was so confused. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice behind me saying, "Be braver, Be Bolder," and other words that I didn't understand. So I looked back, and to my surprise, all I saw was pure white light, so bright that I could hardly see.

And then I turned back to my friend and asked, what was that? Who is that? What did he say? But She doesn't know, so I turned around and saw a bible at the top of a stone, and that was when I realized it was our Lord reminding me that I should be braver. 

At the end of my dream, I heard Him laugh, and I could describe it as a mighty laugh, and it was magical. I woke up crying and feeling blessed that he visited me in my dreams. 

I know I don't deserve it, but I still remember that dream and will never forget it. I can't explain my feelings when I think about it. I feel so loved and blessed.

Chris: Philippines

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A Magical and Blessed Experience

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Samuel L Mills
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