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"George's Dream about a
Man in a Glass Booth"

I had this dream sometime in mid-November of 2018. In the dream, I found myself standing at the entrance of a small village that was surrounded by a forest of large tall trees and bushes. 

It did not appear that anyone was in the village,  and the environment was clean and very quiet. The houses were a relatively low-rise type. The electrical wires were overhead on poles typical of a rural village setting. 

A Narrow Road

There was only one narrow road entering from the bush into the village, and I was near the entrance standing and looking in that direction as if waiting for something. I was about two hundred meters away overlooking a wooded area. 

But something spectacular caught my eyes. I saw the entire area become covered with very bright lights, brighter than the sun, but clear and soft. A closer comparison might be of a reflection from a shinning side of aluminum foil. 

The stumps and leaves of the trees and the entire forest were covered by this bright white shinning soft light. It was a magnificently, beautiful, relaxing scene.

Man in a Glass Booth

In front of the bush was something similar to a glass booth under an arc-shaped object directly at the entrance of the road leading into the village.

In that booth was a figure of a man that was dressed in a complete white robe inside the booth. He was facing me, and he was looking slightly downward, preventing his eyes from making contact with me.

He was surrounded by a cloudy/foggy element revealing a translucent appearance of his figure.

You Cannot Come Closer

 Curious to understand what was happening, I quickly attempted to move a bit closer, and then, I heard a voice say, "you cannot come closer."

So, I stopped, and after a few moments, I attempted to take a few more steps, but when I was about a yard away, the ground began to move like a conveyer belt and breaking in layers. 

Each layer was like a flat piece of a concrete slab that was falling and leaving a deep trench as it moved, creating a barrier between me and the area where the Object was. 

Then I heard the voice once again say that the ground I was standing on would break and take me down in the hole if I attempted to move any farther. It was frightening, so I stopped. 

The movement of the ground immediately stopped also, and the holes disappeared.  As I stood watching the person in the glass booth, I heard a loud voice say, "it's your imagination," then I woke up. 

The entire episode lasted for about fifteen minutes.

George: Canada

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Man in a Glass Booth

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802