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  7. My Rapture Dream

"My Rapture Dream"

In my Rapture dream, I appeared in a company building as one of the workers. I was standing in one of the offices, witnessing to one of my male coworkers. We were having an awesome time discussing something about Jesus when a female coworker heard us and joined into the conversation. 

A Giant Hand

The male coworker walked away as the female coworker, and I continued talking. As we talked, a drop of water came from the ceiling. I kept moving to keep from getting wet and looked up to see why water was leaking from a multi-story company building; by this time, it was literally raining inside the building. 

As I was seeking a dry place to stand, I looked up to see where the rain was coming from and saw a huge hole in the ceiling, and a gigantic hand was extending down through it.  I looked up through the hole in the ceiling to see who or what the huge hand belonged to.  As big as the hand" was, I knew it had to be a huge body.

As I looked up through the hole, I could see that the body was the Lord, and as I looked out the window, I could see that it was very cloudy and pouring down rain outside.  When I realized that the huge body belonged to the Lord, I also realized, "OMG! This is the Rapture!"  

The High Ceiling

As I stood looking up, in amazement, I became weightless and began floating up toward the ceiling. I looked around and saw two or three others floating up with me.  All the other people were running wild, trying to get out of the building.  As the three or four of us rose toward the ceiling, I wondered what would happen when we reached the high ceiling, and it was amazing!

When we reached the ceiling, our bodies went right through it, as though the roof was not there, and as we continued floating up through the ceiling to the next floor of the building,  one of two people joined us, from that floor, and we all continued floating up. 

When we finally reached the roof of that building, I could see a huge, thick white cloud; in the sky, as far as the eyes could see, with many, many people of every race and age standing on it. Wow! I was SO disappointed to wake up and find that it was only a dream.  It was SO realistic.

 Rosie: United States

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My Rapture Dream

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802