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"Mysterious, Confusing,
Abstract Dreams"
Complex and often Inexpressible

All dreams are somewhat mysterious, but some do not seem to fit any category or to have a discernible meaning.

Is God trying to tell us something? If the dream is from God, He had a purpose in sending it, and therein lies the mystery.

Dreams and visions from God are often remembered for a lifetime. I am frequently amazed at His foresight and wisdom.

Some dreams can only be interpreted years later when a situation occurs, and a proper decision can be made by information from this dream.

Caroline: United States

I've had multiple. I've had some extraordinary "abductions," too. The dreams are bad.

In some, I saw a gold statue in the clouds of my town. It didn't feel godly to me; it felt deceiving.

I have had dreams of walking into a 711, and everyone's gone, including the registers.

Danielle: United States

It was daytime, and for some reason, my family and others were walking down a dirt road. I don't remember what was being said or the situation we were in, but the next thing I remember was my daughter's soul was being sucked up into the sky, and I was right behind her.

I was so happy for a second, but then I thought of my other children, and the next thing I knew, I was floating back down to earth. I was looking up, and people were around me, and for some reason, I was now dressed all in white, and when I opened my mouth, this loud, powerful angelic music came out, and then I woke up.

It was all very strange, and I don't really know what it meant, but it definitely left a weird feeling in my gut.

Clemence Wadzanayi: Zimbabwe

Of being a governer of nations - Jeremiah 1:1-15

Kayla: United States

I was outside in the front yard, and even though the grass had been mowed not too long ago, the grass was overgrown.
Can someone possibly tell me what this means?

Brian: United States

I had a dream that I was standing in front of my apartment with my friend. I’m not sure if it’s of any significance, but I am a believer and he is not.

Suddenly, clouds started forming biblical things; the most prominent one was a cross going fast across the sky.

Suddenly a light opened up in the sky. I didn’t see anything coming from the light and wasn’t scared, but I remember being amazed.

I had no sense of what direction it was. But today, I checked, and where I saw the light was directly East.

Robert: United States

Sometime back, when I was about 18, I had a series of dreams about going down a funnel-like spiral. At each level, I met with various bizarre personalities.

  • The first level was a house that had many living in it that tried to convince me to stay and party, but I left.
  • In the 2nd level, I met this guy who hated everything and was always angry. Here I got so disgusted that I left.
  • The 3rd level was full of lustful women and sex-driven men. They were drooling like dogs after eating their kill.
  • The 4th level was even more disgusting, with fake faces pointing fingers at each other and constantly blaming each other for everything.
  • The 5th level was even stranger, where people were Baptizing each other with blood.
  • In the 6th level, people were eating anything, including each other.
  • In the last level, people ran around as if they were lost and confused.

Then I walked up to the top, and the series of dreams were over. I never had these dreams ever again.

Jessica Montes: United States

I had a dream last night where it was God there, and I kept looking back at him, but every time I looked back, it was some sort of demon or evil thing (I know this because I remember the feeling of being scared in my dream) trying to reach to get me but when I would look forward, it was God. Every time I looked back, it was that bad thing trying to get me.

Then in that same dream but in a different part, it’s like the earth was flat. If I went too much one way, I would fall off into space, so I was scared, and when I looked up, it was stars and constellations connected with like lines and circles, and I remember being somewhat frightened in my dream to look up again because I knew where I was in my dream wasn’t “earth.”

Also, now that I sit here remembering my dream and meditating, I believe my uncle who passed away also showed his face and body; it was like I would blink, and it was God, and then I would blink again, and it would be my uncle that passed away just about a year ago.

I would like help in defining what this dream meant. Please and thank you.

Kelly: United States

I dreamt that I was in my car, stopped at a stoplight. I saw Jesus dressed in white and gold, and He was as tall as the sky, and it appeared that he was bowing or kneeling to me.

Tola: United States

Tola: United States
I was having an issue with my girlfriend, so I slept in a separate room. I was very angry and wasn’t going to forgive; then I slept off only to see myself awake In the same room, and then I saw Jesus at the door with a man beside him. I was so happy and eager to go and open the door, then I heard a loud knock on the door, only to wake up and realize it was my girlfriend who was crying and knocking at the door.

I was having an issue with my girlfriend, so I slept in a separate room. I was very angry and wasn’t going to forgive; then I slept off only to see myself awake In the same room, and then I saw Jesus at the door with a man beside him.

I was so happy and eager to go and open the door, then I heard a loud knock on the door, only to wake up and realize it was my girlfriend who was crying and knocking at the door.

Martha: United States

One night I dreamt of being a spiritual being in heaven. This part seemed to have spirits coming and going through a portal. It looked like a tube you just jumped in and out of.

My thoughts were that these were souls. They were coming back, and then others would jump in. I walked around, and I remember thinking, is this how we choose to go back and be reborn or when we first go to earth to be born?

After running to jump in, I woke up. During this, I was calm and apparently accepted this.

T: United States

SO, I don't really dream ever, and it's weird. 

So, anyway, I had this dream; it was myself and two other people. One was a child for sure, and the other, I have no clue. 

Anyway, I remember running from something, not sure what or who. The two other people and I were in like a kitchen Pantry, but not your ordinary pantry; it was huge, and in the pantry, a door leads to something. 

Fwd: I end up in a garage. I look back and see the child lifting up like the screen on a door to get out. 

Fwd: We are hiding under a car in the garage, and footsteps come out. The person gets under another car facing the one we are in and yells...

The person under the car was my aunt, and she was acting strangely. When she was under the car facing us, she acted as if she couldn't see us and was like moving as tho she was blind in a sense. She then laid her head on a piece of paper and fell asleep, I'm assuming. 

I woke up wondering.... Was she the one chasing us? Now, what does this mean???? Kinda spooked me out.

Daphne: United States

I had a dream on Nov 27 th or 28 th; I had to post this. 

I saw meteorites coming from the sky shooting down, then off in the distance.

I heard a boom; it was so loud I thought it was outside on my porch. I looked over at my husband and said that was so loud.

Two days before the dream, I saw what looked like shooting meteorites coming from the sky. Another friend on Facebook had posted her photo of the meteorites, or what ever was coming to earth.

 I took a picture and showed her, and she said, wow! She didn’t know what to think.

Kayla: United States

This dream took place somewhere, outside or in a building, but not sure.

My sister and I were doing something, I believe grocery shopping or something. My sister picked something up, and there I saw numbers appear above; the number was either 186.7 or 189.7 though in the dream I knew that number was correlating to my weight.

Kayla: United States

 October 25, 2021

I had a dream of a person I follow on TikTok, and her name is Linderia.

She was sitting at a table, and her kids came running in, and the last one knocked what she was eating off the table. She got up and asked me whether I wanted to use her AirPods, and I said yes. She got a switch as her three boys were in the shower, my sister came asking or telling me something, and she saw what was happening. 

Linderia quietly made her way into the bathroom, opened the shower door, and started to whoop them. While that was happening, I looked down and saw that I had two phones in my lap, I picked one up to see which one was who’s and the one I had was Linderia’s.

 Linderia came back, and I gave back her belongings, then she asked me something, I responded with, “College, but I need financial assistance.” But she didn’t understand me, so I repeated myself 2 or 3 times because she still couldn’t understand me, and as I was about to say it again, she grabbed my shoulders, looked me in my eyes, and said, “I will help you,” and again she kept her hands on my shoulder and repeated, “I will help you.”

This is accurate as I have to pay out of pocket to enroll for college classes and have to get a certain GPA score and grade point to be eligible for financial aid again. I partially understand what this means, but I am not really sure about it, so can someone tell me what this means?

Trent: United States

Today is September 18th, 2021, and this happened sometime during the summer of 2002:

Not sure where I was, but it was an empty room. I’m looking down at myself, lying in a fetal position.

In comes this figure in all black with wings; he lifted me like a husband would carry his newlywed wife. Not sure what happened after, but I ended up on my hands and knees on a street made of gold. 

Brightness approaches, and I see a glowing white cloth and shining feet that I assume were the color of brass. 

He spoke to me. I tried lifting my head to see him, but the power was too strong. I was like a servant at his feet. When he finished talking, I instantly sat up in my sleep. 

I awoke my wife; she asked what was wrong, and I told her I would tell her in the morning. 

But when I woke up could remember none of the conversation, but vividly remembered every other detail of the dream. 

Kayla: United States

September 6, 2021

In this vision, it was black, and I saw a necklace on a neck with a crystal pendant. The chain and the crystal pendant were shining and glowing white, but the crystal pendant shone a bit more brightly. 

Around 12:54 A.M last night, the word “obedient” came to thought; then, at 7:44 A.M this morning, the word “humble” came to thought, but I’m not sure if that has to do with the vision or not.


I had this dream or vision because not much happened, and I wondered if you could help me understand what it means or what the message is. 

Sunday evening, last week or the week before, I was taking out the trash and looked up and saw an arm-shaped cloud. I got the thought of going into the house to get my phone so that I could get a picture, but I never did; that same night, I had a dream.

I was sitting outside; the sun was set, but it was still light out, and the sky was an orange hue. 

When the evening starts to set, I looked up, and the arm-shaped cloud was there in front of me. The first part of it was an orange hue color, and I either grabbed my phone or already had it in my hand and took a picture of it; then, I woke up. 

Gerry Country

Dreamed I was outside the sanctuary and began to float toward the ceiling. I came down to the floor for a moment, and then it happened again. 

This time the preacher's wife witnessed. She had an astonished look. Suddenly I thought I should be praising God, and I did. She looked at me, doubtful. 

I wondered then about the origins of this experience, and she was going to ask her husband, the preacher.

Jamie: United States


I'm suddenly in a local restaurant at the time of this meeting about the jab. I'm standing in there with others, and a guy with medium-length grey hair comes inside with a group of powerful people, including Obama. The group stands out of the way, but the grey-haired man comes to speak in front of us. He walks back and forth, basically saying everyone needs to get jabbed. Then he walks up to me, sticks his face in my face, and says we will DIE if we don't. He says it in a loud, angry, menacing tone. I'm trying my best not to laugh; it's very difficult.

Brooklyn: United States

I dreamed about a partial eclipse, then it felt like I had passed out, went numb all over and couldn’t move, and was only thinking about my husband and daughter. I tried to open my eyes and couldn’t, and then after a little while, I woke up.

Daisy: United States

I had a dream that one wall in my Church was lined with Redbud trees. What does this mean?

John: Ireland

I had a dream two nights ago on the 25/01/21. I dreamt that Jesus and I were chatting. He was showing a map of the world and pointed at this island call reunion island. He said that is where he shall appear again. 

A couple of months ago, I had another dream, but it was of God, and he told me that a woman call Greta Mcd------  will save all of humanity.

Lovely: United States

The whole earth blew up, & as I was looking at the earth, I was nowhere near it. I was flying, and I had white wings. I'm curious what does that mean?

Irene: United States

My niece had a dream about me recently. She dreamt that she needed to check on me. She entered my bedroom and saw a whitish glow around me as I slept and heard whispers that sounded like praying. As soon as she made a noise, everything disappeared. What could it mean?

Shannon: United States

I had a dream that I was washing my face with a washcloth, and when I was scrubbing my chin...colorful scrolls popped out of my pores.

Olalekan: Nigeria

Please, sir/ma, I dreamt of seeing a very large like sky banner with a write-up something on it and started displaying in different ways come down and up later it was coming down. I was trying to give space to fall on the floor. Instead, it fell on me; it took me time before I could come out of the flex banner. When I eventually came out, I saw no one. I ran up to my house, and some boys and a man came to collect it, and I told them I'm not with it and I opened my eyes, peeled. I don't know the meaning, sir/ma thanks.

Jacqueline: United States

I had a dream of a field on the second mountain in pasture where a bunch of beautiful birds where flying delivering scrolls, and a golden owl came and delivered me a scroll like a scratch-off ticket; my finger uncovered words that said, "I've to heaven, but when it cleared it said exactly like this

 C O M E











Janelle: United States

Well, my cousin's wife's husband was walking down my dirt road and kept saying, 'SHES GONE' SHES GONE, 'I was like, who is gone? And he was like, 'SHES GONE,' and in my mind, I was like the rapture can't be happening now.

So my family and parents were beside the car, and a portal was in my neighbor's yard; it was pinkish, and it looked a little horrifying, but I was not paying attention. I saw my daycare teacher and some kids around her waving bye-bye to us.

I was freaked out, and it was like, I knew what to do during the rapture and, mmm, it's like, I did not care about being left behind.

So I was, like wow, so anyways, all my neighbors have daughters, and they were screaming, saying, she's gone! They kept saying it, so I ran to the backyard, and my mom was panicking. 

I saw a human shadow as I was looking through the house, and it was forming into a monster, so I went under the house, quickly; then my mom wanted to come under, so I let her come under the house with me.

The monster came around, and it passed by us; it was like God let go of the world and nothing was in place. 

When my mom and I went back into the house, a man told us that we could not lock the door; then the dream ended. 

Vernisha: United States

I was dreaming this morning, but I can not really remember what I dream about, but my daughter said that I was talking in my sleep, and I said, pass me the purple ball; what does that mean?

Kim: United Kingdom

Hi, my friend, who I love, had a dream: In his dream, he had a baby; we were shopping, and the baby kept crying in my arms, so when he took the baby, they stopped crying, and everyone was paying attention to him.

What does this mean? Because today he told me he thinks it means I will leave him and the friendship ends, and we have had a fall out that has triggered me off emotionally, and it just all feels very intense. 

When I look it up, it's more about him. But he has looked at it as it was about me leaving him.

Jeff: New Zealand

26 April 2020 - I had a dream from God involving disinterring a child's grave (named Arabella - in Hebrew, "Answered Prayer" - in Latin "Yield to Prayer"). 

The date on the grave marker, while I can not recall specifics, added up to 3 (not sure days, months or years).

 I was unable to decipher the meaning of the dream and was feeling somewhat distressed in case the message from God was urgent. - A day or two later, I felt the need for a short sleep around 11 am. I suddenly found myself walking down a road, not far from my home in North West Christchurch, NZ, - then suddenly being swept up into the sky at enormous speed. 

I awoke very quickly with a mix of exhilaration and anticipation. Sinner Saved By Grac.e Shawn: United States

C: Australia

I was walking around normally, everything seemed nice, the grass was green, and I was sitting at a table. I started to wonder around, and everything felt fine until I stepped onto a platform that had a little light with two colors; blue and red.

Blue meant you're all good, and red meant the platform would start to go down a level. The light went red for me, and as I looked around, I saw these tall, naked male guards with chains around their necks at a door way. I knew I could not take that way out, but I really wanted to escape ...

The platform went down another level; I thought it was going to free fall, and I say, “oh no ...” but it smoothly went down a level. When the door opened, the open land was dark, and this monstrous alien-like machine with tentacles was firing heaps of lasers, and people were trying to avoid them. I knew I had to enter and hopefully make it to the other side, but then I woke up.

William: United States

I was in a temple that had long royal drapes with a bathroom and shading building; there was a long hallway where the Sunday School classes were, but there was a door that had stairs like down to a basement.

 It was dark, and I was pushed down these stairs and landed upside down in a barrel. When I looked outside the barrel, I saw a duplicate temple with long red volute drapes; I was crying, scared, and in shock.

I remember crying out for my God to help me, but it seemed like he was the one who had pushed me down the stairs, but then he came and carried me up out of this basement?

Samantha: United Kingdom

I was awake, and I saw a tunnel and seven pure white figures coming out of the tunnel calling my name repeatedly; strange thing was they felt like one; it was very unusual. 

I closed my eyes and saw a table Full of gray stones. I picked up a stone, and it turned white in my hand, and then I heard a splash and saw purple water. (It was like the stone was thrown into purple water).

Any info would be very welcomed.

Country: United States

I was someone else .. in my dream..an ancient being who was laying floating facing this white headstone of some god-like importance.

I knew who I was in this world but took off the veil hiding me, to speak using a white headstone. 

I was speaking in an ancient language and was helping to strengthen these biblical forces. 

There was writing on this white stone headstone..it had power. I had crept under a dark veil of darkness above me to sneak under and pray the ancient words.

Then, I start to wake up because I hear some spirit angel-like prophet walking around my bed in your shape. That was last nite's dream.

Vicky: Namibia

Hi, l dreamt seeing an open sky surrounded by bright white clouds. In the open sky, some scriptures were written and interpreted by a voice. The voice was also singing and talking to me, but when l wake up, l cannot remember what we discussed or the scriptures. What is the meaning of my dream?

Tammy: United States

I was in a meeting at work, and my supervisor, Kristen, gave me her phone to complete an assessment because I had filed a COVID19 claim, stating that I did not feel well. 

I began to complete the electronic form on her phone. There was an abbreviation over a column on the form that read "1080". I asked Kristen what the number 1080 meant. She said, "it's the cost analysis which has gone over/been exceeded for the past two years in a row.

The End.

Brandy: United States

I have a recurring dream that I am in pitch-black darkness. I am wearing a glowing white suite feeling my way through the darkness....I am also a newly "diagnosed" empath...does this mean anything to anyone?? The spiritual world is really messing with me right now...in sleep and in awakeness.

Rene: South Africa

I was in Prayer. Jonathan Khan was praying a Blessing in Hebrew. The next moment I saw JESUS in a vision holding a small branch with beautiful green leaves on. What is the meaning of that? Thanks, GOD bless

Kwabena: Germany

I had a dream that the sky was dark and l was looking at the sky and l saw a lightning flash from the sky and l came out of the sky.

Barbara: United States

I see, in the spirit, a pastor taking sheep pants down using his authority

Carolina: South Africa

I dreamt that two men bow in front of you and put a huge golden ring on your finger.

Oluwaseun: Nigeria

I was in a room with my mom, and I heard my names from the sky, immediately I look to the sky and only saw lightning my mom was standing beside me looking at it too,

Jane: Kenya

I was asleep tonight and saw a bright light coming down from heaven followed by number 6, what does it mean?

Second dream: I was as tears going up in heaven with beautiful house which was very beautiful. I tried to open my phone to take pics, but I could not see my phone camera. Please let me know the meaning of my dream; is it from God? Please, God, talk to me.

Savannah: New Zealand

I had a dream; it was a normal day at work harvesting broccoli, and then in a sudden instant the clouds just turned black, and the sky started to produce thunder and lightning, and everyone was running and scared, and my friend was telling me, you were right about the end times. 

My work friends began to turn into like ghostly persons or like wither away, but some didn’t. And then the clouds went away I felt like I was reborn in a new body the dream then I was on a really big mountain looking down at the earth and on it was like a clay house with no windows only a foundation and our Lord Jesus ascended on it. 

I saw his face; he was standing and smiling Right in front of me, and he started to open this book full of names, and I looked away. I didn’t want to see it. 

Then I saw a lady I work with there and the Lord Jesus said a name of a boy we know and she said no and I said why he’s a good boy, and then he was before me, and he turned into this like a foul beast and I saw him wither away right I front of me and I felt sad for him.

Then it changed, and the Lord Jesus was gone, and we were all happy and celebrated, and we were given free concert passes so I threw them in the air for everyone and then so did merge people given them for free but then people were getting hurt from the happiness around them and I then I woke up.

Rhenel: Philippines

I dreamed that the world was broken, and we were all lined up to father Jesus. He asked if I wanted to go to heaven with him, and I said yes; then someone told me, "I should not hurry." 

I thought that it was Jesus' Father, who asked if I would go to heaven with him. When I ignored Him, something suddenly came out of my body, which was a white circle,   and I felt so happy at that moment, and I think it was real.

Then I woke up smiling, it's about 3:00 a.m on  5/10/20, and I can't sleep again, for trying to think of the meaning of my dream.

Beth: United States

I dreamt I was in this idyllic place with this giant wooden stump in the middle. We had to drill into the wood to get food, but we’re forbidden from splitting the wood. But it split by accident and inside was all rotten. God was angry; it was rotten. Then he showed me far away great atrocities happening, and He said He sees and hasn’t forgotten, and He was sick of it. I knew He was gonna destroy everything. Then I was in a cave, and some evil people were going to kill my kids and me when they caught us. But I knew it’d be okay. I was still scared to die painfully, so I asked God to make our deaths as quick and easy as possible. Then there was something about a little girl riding a horse, but I don’t remember that part too well.

Minnie: United States

I dreamed of a man with a white outfit, and he look like he was burnt up; he was real black

Toya: United States

I had a dream that I was naked with a naked man in my bed, and we were under my sheets in the dream. We are not married, and he's a friend of mine, we are brothers and sisters in the Lord it kind of started me. I hope you can help. Thank you

Andre: United States

I just had a real-life dream that I was being crucified on the cross, and they were putting nails in my hands and feet. I was yelling as loud as I can.and from my yelling was changing into talking in tongues.it was thunder and lightning, with no rain.

June: India

I dreamt I was in the clouds up in heaven, and I saw many people kneeling in white robes with crowns of thorns.

The second dream I saw my parents in different rooms in an unconstructed house, and I had to rescue them in a wooden boat passing through I could feel a lot of heat.

The third dream I saw a lot of chaos in the church and so many people surrounding the priest that were not happy, and I saw my self slapping the priest.. please if you can answer my dream it is in my mind so clear as I had these dreams along time ago.

Mladjen: Bosnia and Herzegovina

I have a dream where I woke up go to the bathroom then I look up in the mirror my eyes are something like golden, but I see flames inside too, then I feel a lot of power in my body, then I look up again in the mirror I saw other me behind me, then I scream, and I was looking myself from top how I screaming . can someone example me this dream.

Lori: United States

I had a dream of Jesus looking down at a gravesite

Jodi: United States

This dream happened eight years ago. It was so intense I can still remember like it was last night. I was outside, and I could see this bright light coming from the sky. I was hiding behind this pillar while this wind was so strong pushing against me. I could actually feel the wind and how strong it was. I could see trees struggling to stay up from the wind. The light had yellow Ray's coming from the light.

Sylvian: United States

I dreamed I was wearing a white dress with a few blue flowers and I was in Africa, and so many people were sitting down and standing up an unattractive man approached me and I wanted to punch him, but I didn't.

Renee: United States

I dreamed the sky opened up. I saw what look like a lot of fish in the hole and different faces. A lady appeared in white and said she wanted 3 of my ribs. She was getting married. I remember a wedding was happening. I remember the time was at 10 pm. One detail about the dream was it had my attention and was soo clear

Charmaine: New Zealand

I dreamt I looked in a mirror.. lines were running down my face. I looked closer, and they were deep scars.  A lot of them, all were running down both my cheeks.

Corinna: United States

I've been seeing many things that I don't understand what they mean. It's not in my dreams; I'm wide awake. I've seen orange/yellow verticle lines 1 to 3 at a time. I've just seen white hands inside a black box just looking at the wall. I'm trying to understand this. I've also had a dream with a prophet in my dream but never said anything to me. Please help me to understand.

Sincerely, Corinna

Lindi: South Africa

I remember my mom telling me to go pray on the mountain and that there is a priest who is always praying there. So it was about 6 p.m. that I went to the mountain, and on the way, I came across a man who joined me on the mountain to pray. 

When we got there, indeed, there was a priest in a long robe praying on top of the mountain. We didn't go up the mountain but prayed right next to it. 

As we were praying appeared a gigantic man with long hair and was wearing a crystal white robe. He was so big, and we just knew that was Jesus. We got so frightened and started shivering, but never ceased to pray.

 I had this dream a year ago, and to date, I still wonder what it meant.

Lanene: United States

I had a dream that I was walking with Jesus and his disciples, and every mile, I would get distracted by boots and sandals. I would venture off to pick up those shoes, but it was always dead bodies lying around. I would finally catch up to Jesus and his disciples and venture off again; This happened seven times in the dream.

Joyce: United States

I had a dream that I was making my bed, and there were small stones in it; they were beige and white stones. I asked who put these stones in my bed, and I woke up. Another dream the next night I had was I had awakened with this beautiful shiny head of long black hair. I would like an interpretation of what these two dreams meant.

Samantha: United States

I was dreaming about people going up in the sky, and then I was with my husband, and then it was a ship we were in, but some people fell back down to earth I don't understand.

Sonia: South Africa

I dreamed of a huge very clear beautiful sand statue of a man's head with his finger on his mouth and the rest of his closed hand very clearly from underneath as it was floating in the sky above me.

Charricka: United States

God told me I am Mary Magdalene in a dream.

Sarah: United States 

I fight in a battle alongside Him in the 1500s. CAUTIOUS WITH OUR ARROWS, WE ARE parallel to each other. He knows I have his back. We smile at each other because we are family. If I died there, I would be okay.

Sandra: United States

I had a dream that someone had a necklace on, and it had my surname plus a charm with a Lion on it. And as I walked away, someone called me Lady Sandra and bowed down his head before me, and others started doing that as well.

kathleen: United States

I am not sure my dream should be here, but on two dreams, I was lifted up in a chair. 

The first time was when I was living with my children. The second time I was at the salon getting my hair done, and this chair just lifted me. I freaked out because I had experienced this before and for no reason for it

Thembelani: South Africa


I would love to be helped. I have so many strange dreams and visions that really need some interpretations. Yesterday I dreamed I was standing with my brother in Christ when I began to see "my other self" a few meters away from me.

I told my brother to take a look at "my other self;" he "looked, and decided to go and greet my other self to see what he would say, only to find out he, (my other self), never recognized his (brother). They shook hands, and he came back to me. 

My other self turned and took a few steps towards me, and then he looked at me, and I looked at him, and he was shocked. 

When we looked at each other eye to eye, I felt some strange feeling as if something is happening to me; then, my other self, ran away and disappeared.

 I lifted my hands and began to thank the Lord, feeling happy inside me.

Thank you

Christopher: United States

I had a dream about a realm filled with snow and trees, I emerged from a cave after killing a cat that was trying to kill me, and all I saw was a land of snow and trees and a path that journeyed into the woods.

 I touched the snow, and it wasn't freezing or rough, but rather smooth, silky, and comforting. 

Naturally, I walked along the path. I decided I was bored, so I walked off into the forest until I came across an abandoned village-like place. 

There were small little homes that were made of stone, there were maybe 12 of these, and I just kept walking. I got to a cliff, and that's when I heard a voice behind saying, "Welcome to the Forsaken Realm."

Thomas: United States

Hi, I was between sleep and waking and saw an image of 3 crosses in front of a cave.there were no voices or sounds just me needing to remember it. I don't understand it yet, but I'm searching.

I also have lots of different dreams of tornados everywhere, with me being told that I'm safe, and in another dream that, when the sun rises in the west and is black, and the moon is red; the end is here.

I have a lot of strange dreams I don't understand and am trying to find the lord though I don't pray or read the bible as much as I should.

Gilbert: United States

Has anyone dreamed of a creature with a body like a mouse black and white stripes with feet like a shrimp?

Anyway the lord had been dealing with me to repent of my sinful evil ways. On Sunday 10-6-19, he broke my prideful spirit, and I cried so much from the grief and sin I had committed. I went to church, and the minister had an altar call at the end of service, so I went up to rededicate my life to Christ. A few days later, I saw a video by pastor Voddie Baucham on brokenness ( highly recommended). Well, I have always had trouble with my nose clogging up when I go to bed. Tonight on 10-9-19 at 4am in the morning, I had a dream of this creature that I pulled out of my left nostril when I woke up from the dream my left nostril was evident as it has never been before. Any info on dream would help.

ELEUTERIO: United States

On 10/07/19: About 11:30 am by the beach on long island, I was meditating and heard lime trumpets or some musical instrument playing in the air. It was amazing, and this is the 3rd time I have heard; it the first time in the morning twice at night.

I can even hear the birds even tho they are not around; somehow, just by using my conscious I can attract them around me and listen to them sing. 

Just yesterday I was meditating with my friend and told him, do you hear any birds? He said no, so I told him; you will in 3 minutes into the meditation. Not only once but three times, he heard them. He was amazed and said I was crazy, lol. When you believe and have faith, nothing is impossible in this life. Never use your mind to think, always use your conscious, and you will see and hear God's words.

Lyn: United Kingdom

I had a dream a few weeks ago. I dreamt I was lying on the concrete, and looking up at the dark sky. I could hear people all around me, but I couldn't see them. 

They were saying, look at all the white birds in the sky. I said, look closer; they are angels. Thousands of them hovering high up in the sky. I knew they were preparing to descend. 

Then the dream switched to the sea and a tsunami in the distance. Everyone was running for high ground; it was terrifying. Then the dream changed to the forest, and I could hear all the animals and insects like telepathy. It was very beautiful. 

Then a huge brown bear came out of the trees, and I somehow knew this was very important. Then the dream switched to the sky, which was dark, and I could see all the constellations lit up. It was beautiful. The one that stood out the most was the fox; this was more than a dream; it felt like a vision.

Portia: South Africa

I dreamed of being left behind by Christians in our church going to pray for this family. I followed them. They left me there again after prayer.

McQueen: Nigeria


I keep having this dream about the owner of the house where I grew up who is now deceased. I have had this dream three times now and the last one this morning as I saw him just lying down and sleeping and his wife was downstairs with all doors leading into the house I stayed in my young age closed. And she sat there like she wants to go inside the house, but the whole house was locked. I was just across the road. Please help interpret. Thank you

Joshua: Country

A few members of my close family and I were outside when the night sky started to look funny; the stars were disoriented with orange looking swirls filling the skies, and then disappearing in a couple of seconds. It looked like what you would think a solar system would look like in a picture. 

Then the after about 10 seconds the stars looked like they were moving super fast and I was giving suggestions to my family of what I thought was going on, which was completely wrong. Then all of a sudden, everything stopped. 

 I swooshed up in the air very fast screaming out the lords' name, "JESUS," in uncertain happiness; then, before reaching the clouds, I began to fall back down slowly. But I did not see the earth coming down because in the dream I had my eyes closed. 

But the one thing I will not forget is the intense heat that had been felt once falling back down, but just before the heat got unbearable, I woke up in bed flat on my back (which is a position I "never" sleep in) and saw very dark shadows in all corners of my bedroom, and then I decided to find something online about this experience, but nothing came of it. So I came here! Thanks for listening.

Emmanuel: United States

To see a large army matching in the bush, what does that mean?

Jaylean: United States

Large gold heart looked like a necklace was placed on my chest.

Judy: Kenya

I dreamt and saw writing on the sky, but it was not clear

Donta: United States

I dreamed I was in some beautiful clear water standing next to a beautiful woman. I went underwater to surprise her with a ring on her toe, she looked down at me, smiling as I placed the ring on her toe, but when I tried to come up for air she tried to drown me,

Anita: United States

I was praying and a lady whose face I recognized came to me. I began praying for her and started seeing the joint of a skinless knee that was very white. Within the joint and marrow was light blood, then heavier blood. The amount and thickness of it changed it flashed back and forth. 

Then I began to see a straw-like house with a roof of straw hanging down. The house had a long front porch and about four steps. 

I look to the left and people which I believe were all men came out with sticks and the same attire or material the house was built from, and they all stood in two rows in front of the house.

Rodney: United States

I don't know if I was awake or dreaming. But I saw a cloud floating across my bedroom with the date 9-14-20 inside of it. What does this mean?

Esther: United States

A blue eye Pharaoh stood in front of my bed and I looked into his eyes.

Sue: United States

I dreamt of an old lady carrying two lanterns who was staring at me. She had old clothing on, a black dress, with white undergarments and old black shoes. She was hunchback and very old.

Robert: Canada

In my dream, a boy I've never met is talking to me behind walls of a castle in poor-looking clothes that look like they're from the 5th 15th century I don't remember the face or anything else after I woke 

I do know or believe the kid could have only been 15 or younger 

Or though I'm 19 and people say I look 15 

Another thing, I believe the boy has blue eyes and blond hair 

I think there were grass and the wall old castle brick there may have been an opening to the right of me or maybe not because I don't remember a field 

Could this be another me in past 

Am I missing something important

Maddie: United States

I had a dream that a very very big meteorite was falling from the sky on fire, the big ball of rock was jagged and wiped out a lot of the earth. It didn't hurt me, but it hurt a lot of other people.

Bettie: United States

I had a dream of a door that I was Approaching that had great light radiation around it, was as glass. With a curtain in the doorway and the light, I could see was blinding.

Somaliona: United Kingdom

O most Holy Heart of Jesus, a fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow for my sins I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to your will. Grant, Good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you. Protect me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my afflictions. Give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death. Amen. Thank you for all of your blessings in my life; I am grateful. Amen. Sacred Heart Of Jesus Christ I pray to you please make all of the cute men to like me when they see me every day. I have faith in you. Amen. A prayer for Somaliona.Amen.

Kayla: United States

I had a dream one night, I got out of my bed, and at the bottom of my stairs, I saw a glowing figure. I thought it was Jesus, and then there was something forcing me to get on my knees and put my head down. And when the glowing figure was walking up the stairs, he put his hand out about to touch my head. Right, when he was about to move my head, I woke up. Please tell me what this means.

Nic: United States

I had a dream of myself and some other people I didn't know. We were looking up at this cloud shaped like a very detailed eye. Then my dream was over; so confusing.

Tatiana: United States

June 16, 2019, 3:30 am this happened.
I was in a deep sleep and started dreaming. I woke up, went to the bathroom came back to my room, and laid down. I was laying there trying to get comfortable but I couldn’t because it was a lump under my bed. So as I go to see what it was, my bed started floating in the air, so at this point I’m scared.

I go to put my had down to search what it was, and it bites me. So when I got hold of his upper mouth, we fell to the ground. As the bed disappeared, I see a baby goat-like animal with a curly tail form into a 1 to 2-year toddler. At that point, I was shocked and ain’t know what to do. So I took the baby downstairs to my grandmother and grandfather to find out what’s going on.

But when I get down there, I see my grandma but my not my grandfather then the man I saw was like an Arabic guy. So I asked them “ What’s Going On what I need to do? “

The guy started speaking Russian and told me repeatedly, “ To get that baby outta here “ when he said that the baby ran back into my arms and whispered “ Help Me Help me,“ & After that, I woke up out my Sleep Crying Hard and For a Long time.

Kathy: United States

My friend and I were asleep, and I saw a vision of a man in a long white robe and when I looked back, and he was gone.

Jessica: United States

First, I am not religious and know nothing of the bible. I had an intense dream where I could feel the sun, smell the sea air, and I was not myself.

I was in a city called Urr (two r's), and I was dancing around in tall reeds by the water's edge. I woke up confused, not knowing where this city was or how I could read the language or know the name.

The written language was like sticks...I was only able to find a city in biblical reference with the name Ur, and the text certainly did look Summarian. I have never had such a vivid dream before and have no idea what it means

Ruben: United States

So I was dreaming one night I open my eyes in my dream, and everything around me was surrounded with white fog and light. So I looked up, and I saw this two I don't know what to call them, but they both were on top of a cloud coming down towards me. 

They looked very serious, and one of them said, come with me if you want to live forever, and then he reached his hand out to me, and I thought, this is a joke or something, but then I felt this no joke. So I took his hand, and he raised me up next to him on his flying cloud took me up in the sky, and I was wondering what are we going to do next. 

I guess we were looking down to earth but didn't know why exactly. I would ask a question, but they wouldn't reply back and then all of a sudden I woke up. I think I saw two gods and I saw there faces. They were Waring like white robes.

Hasti: Canada

I dreamt that just like in real like I was a virgin, but I was pregnant with Jesus, and my mom believed me when I told her that I was a virgin, but other people talked behind my back.

I had my baby shower, and people asked me who the father of the child was, and no matter how hard I tried, they never believed that the child had no father. After I woke up, I heard someone call my name, but no one was there. 

(Sorry that my dreams are weird, but I need to know what this dream means because I knew since when I was a child that someone always looked over me. I knew it before I even learned about religion. Please help me understand this dream.)

Georgina: United Kingdom

I have had lots of dreams that I believe was from the Lord, but the other day I had a vision I am sure, and all that was there was a woman and above her was a group of lots of bright shining stars. I have no idea what it could mean, but that's all that I saw any help would be appreciative in understanding this

Patricia: United States

I dreamed that my heart was white and being held by hands.

Maeve: United States

It was really odd; I was having a vivid dream of talking to a partner I just broke up with, and then I ended the phone call and started walking to a nearby a church. I reached a prayer garden, and before I entered, I saw three cardinals. 

I walked in, and a huge boom happened followed by the Virgin Mary almost as is a statue but speaking. I immediately got down onto my knees and was stunned. I remember her asking me a few questions, but I forget exactly what because I wasn’t listening all the way I was still stunned. 

I remember the basis of her telling me to pray more and mentioning the different mysteries of the rosary. She asked if she was going to travel this summer and I said hopefully. And she mentioned me wanting to help others who were struggling, but I am killing myself because I don’t remember which way she said she wanted me to help. 

Then she disappeared, and a statue remained in her place. A friend from school who was not Catholic then appeared by me and asked what had happened.

Nazim: Country

Dreamed of someone wearing a white headscarf in front of a grave.

Ankita: India

I dreamt that I am standing on the roof of my house. Suddenly thundering and lightning start and then rain.

I was stunned, and at that moment a bright, magical light appeared and began moving in the sky. And, when it came to close with me, I heard two words from the magic light. The words have no meaning indeed. The words are 'verbalo' and 'elborno.' What does it mean? 

Lesha: United States

I woke up because I Heard my name, then I saw someone in a white robe. I closed my eyes, then there was a light so bright it hurt my eyes.

Icheal: United States 

I dreamt that people were praying to me and they were being killed. They were asking if they can make it to heaven. I said yes to all three.

Elaine: United States

This is not a dream. Last night I had a vision of a drawing in a bright green color, and it was a complete United States map. 

Theresa: United States

I dreamt there was negative energy around me and I started chanting in Native American which I new translated into, god is here. I closed my eyes chanting and when I opened them outside four rainbows surrounded each corner of the horizon. What could this mean?

Flossie: India

A ball rolling in the space and falling down.

Ragavendira: India

In my dream, I am at Nivvi post. It's near the seashore. A small girl comes toward me and tries to beat me with a thorn stick.

Flora: Malaysia

Hi, I"m Flora..I had a dream of capturing a pic of a small bright light like a star in the sky. When I zoomed it ..it appears to be a city that I have never seen before.

Destiny: Country

The weirdest thing ever. I woke up in the middle of the night after having a dream of a child showing me a bright light. I looked outside, and the sky was glowing, and there was a dark black outline of a child in the sky, clear as day I got it on video, and I don’t know what to make of it. I’ve been having a really hard time lately, and just want to know what this means if it’s good or bad?

Aodhan: Ireland

I had a dream where I was walking into my kitchen and-Warning, Noose, and Jesus mention-
I saw Jesus hanging from the ceiling by a noose, and His face shaded out so I couldn't see his features and he wore a white robe and his crown of thorns. I had the dream last year, and I can't stop questioning it

Chrus: United States

In a dream I recently had I was standing outside my house, and it began to rain, but soon after it stopped, like maybe 3 or 4 seconds, after that I look up to the clouds and see a human figure standing to look down at us (me and my father standing outside). After that I felt a weird feeling, so I came inside where I began to fall, and I caught myself, but as soon as I caught myself, I woke up. I've searched up what this can mean, but nothing too specific or similar to my dream comes up.

Tine: Philippines

I dreamed that our big window is somewhat haunted that near our window is where the altar and computer set. I had been browsing the computer but went to the kitchen to get some food. When I came back the curtain fell, and when I looked at the altar I saw that the crucifix was broken, and Jesus had no arms. What does it mean?

Jessica: United States

I dream about  I was at work. I am a breakfast attendant in a cafe, so I was walking with seven red buckets in my arms, but I want to know what it means. I know 7 is the number of God.

Junitha: Namibia

 On one fateful day, my colleagues and I were busy praying before knocking off. As we were concluding, I started seeing visions.

People in wheelchairs started walking, those who bind in chains, their chains, and those in jails, the doors to the jails were opened. All these people were so dirty and had long dirty beards and long dirty hair as if they never had a bath in 1000 years.

Keneethia: United States

To dream people are bowing and kissing your hand what does that mean

Samuel Modzak: Ghana

What does it mean to dream that you are going out and your friend calls on phone and tells you it is already raining at his place, but as I  turn my head up looking at the sky it truly is about to rain in my current location. I saw my house but when I turned my back to the  house I passed through the bush and missed my house and the rain was dropping on me before I entered the house.  I saw my friend in the house taking something at the corner of the building and I saw two other men gossiping about me, and one took a hoe and started working on his garden. means what?

Leticia: South Africa
I dreamed of the sky and there were two cloudy faces of men next to one another. The sky opened, and I could see stars, beautiful stars. I thought one was a shooting star but when I lifted my hands it landed on me and it was a grain of sand. I held it and the sky closed again. 

Faith: United States

I had a dream I was looking up in the sky at night and saw thousands of beautiful bright stars all over the sky and some were in clusters there was so many, Then something said I will not keep watching the sky because I am afraid of what I will see.

Armida: United States

I had another dream that my 10-year-old son and I were at a doctors clinic we were in a line sitting against the wall waiting to be seen when two middle eastern ladies (wearing those robes that cover their body and face)came down the hall on horses. They were separating the people. They looked at me and said she has a yellow bracelet on she is a Christian take her down that hall. (I knew I was going to be killed) When they took me I thought, what about my son what are they going to do with him? And something told me they were keeping kids as slaves. Then I woke up.

Lesley: Australia

I dreamt my husband, and I were sleeping in an empty patch of land surrounded by mountains of dirt and excavating machine I was awake next to  him this patch of land was opposite our home.

Kimberlee: United States

Woke up this morning and in the dream, I was asleep and heard a soft knock on a door I went to answer it, and there was a man with long hair, honey color complexion, no facial hair. Looked to be in his 30's or 40's. White clothing (not modern) like loose material, he was standing there. He glanced at me put his head down and walked away, and then I woke up. No words were spoken, and it happened within a few seconds, he didn't appear to be of this era. Middle Eastern, I was not afraid just wondered why he was there.

Keith: United States

I saw a black ladder going up. It was made out of precious stones likes black onyx 

Tracy: United States

Today I dreamt of a shriveled up body wrapped around my stomach. I don't know what it means.

Theresa: United States

My pastor's face and a waterfall while I was praying.

Iliseva: Fiji

In the dream, I saw a man with a bald head and white eyes, and also he has a smile that is kinda creepy and scary. And he told me something about which I don't understand.

Please tell me. what this means

Carrie: United States

Not once but three times have I had the exact same dream... it's dark outside and the sky is black looking, but it's early in the morning. I hear a loud crack, and I as look up I see a huge rock that is whole, and it splits in-half it has the ten commandments on it. At the time it splits open, I hear the sound of the trumpets and the sky splits open and turns very bright. Then the dream ends. I never get to see Jesus!?!

Olivia: United States

I had a very vivid dream that I still remember even after a couple days.  I remember seeing two of me, one of me was trying to protect the other?  And there was an angel or some figure always attached to the other one, and the other me was holding onto a book, protecting it.  The dark figure wasn’t scary, but I remember the me that did not have a book screamed in the figure's face saying, leave me alone! 

What does this mean?

Zech: United States

Last night I dreamed of someone putting something in my eye, and after he did that a light started shining out of my left eye, and I could change the shapes it made. It was a rather bright kind of like a flashlight.

Shantell: United Kingdom

I was on a mission to somewhere I have never seen in a desert or somewhere I was carrying two silver poles and twiddling them around in my hands and woken with a sore bottom.

Janet: Australia

I saw a vision of a Jewish man poking his tongue out gently.

Veronica: United States

My dream about rugged white men from the wilderness with long hair and beards no shirts on with ropes Shackled around their hands going out of my backdoor walking on the West side towards the front of the house into the street headed West.

Dolores: South Africa

I dreamt I was standing in the house overlooking the beach. And my eye fell on the right-hand side of the beach the sea was clear water and calm. But all of a sudden on that particular spot a very rough fire took place while I was still looking a human figure came out of the fire that is in the water. For one moment I thought it was a man. But there was a lot of restaurants or hotels also facing the beach all with glass windows. But this figure that came out of the fire and sea became a woman. She gently and slowly walked around the beach entered the buildings but felt as though her eyes were watching me. I got scared though. It could be a ghost, so I pretended not to be watching her. But I watched her very closely. These buildings were like a moving train. I watched until I could see her anymore

Karen: United States

I just saw the short introduction to this site. I have been keeping a "vision," and I stress Vision because when it occurred, I was fully awake and so much so that I was at work. This Vision holds a message of God's INFINITE LOVE for humanity. In my vision, I became aware that I was on a "journey" when I touched the hand of a man while handing him his change. I at the time was 18yrs old and a jewelry cashier at Wal-mart January 1990. It was this exchange that would have a positive effect on the rest of my life. I once I touched his hand journeyed through "light" brilliant and shining like a tunnel of light. I was set upon a "scene" which showed me a great Tree. A tree that although (black...not solid black but the shape and grandness (mass) emphasized. I observed these very small yet connected "veins" out from underneath the tree as roots and represented in my mind as a "feeling." These veins were not of water but gold. A Living viscous material that was slowly revealed to me to be every living thing ever created. This Living Tree that connects all of the plant animal and human life was glowing from within. The grandeur of it was absolutely stunning. I saw, but most importantly I Felt God's presence in all of this as "seeing" God's love. Gods love for all of creation is never-ending. We, in essence, are not better than a blade of grass for instance but because it is a living thing are miraculously a part of it.

I could add more but just wanted to share this bit of my vision. I just saw that the gold had appeared in someone else's account. There were other things shown to me, but I would say with my "mind's eye" not my own eyes. The whole experience lasted 20 minutes as I had to go back through the same sort of light to get back. I had enough time to reason and even when I awoke thought I might have had a type of stroke. When I had again regained my awareness, not one second had passed. I was still handing the man his change.

Poptart: United States

Have had three dreams lately that have been very, I guess you would say, physical. He first came to a house, and kids were asleep I was with my best friend she slowly as we all know left my dream I found a big new York rat, literally an enormous rodent, but it was of no harm to us it was simply hungry cold and alone. I saw Jesus Christ I felt extremely relaxed, not awake though but somewhere else trying to get to my daughter, but along the way, jesus, not God,  told me to tell me 11 months old he too must ask for forgiveness at judgment for he knows God. I have two more I don't know, it's more severe now I can draw with charcoal. I found the 23 psalms and need guidance and more wisdom. I need a friend or someone to just tell me not stupid; God is all I have, please anyone.

Brenda: United States

I dreamed that spirits, and human bodies were in the sky sort of like a tornado, and after the tornado, only the heads were left on the ground. What could that mean? I and my family and a few members of church survived and between 4-6 nonmembers who are friends of mine survived.

Lourdes: Federated States of Micronesia

I was sleeping one night, and then I have a dream that I was in church, and I was in the  back of then church looking at most of the people going to attend the mass but then suddenly as I was walking on the side of the aisle, I saw a woman in black walking the same direction as I am but heading towards the altar but when I look I was one of my pastors in the middle of the altar looks like waiting to give out the body of christ and holding it up higher than his head then suddenly I started to run in the church but instead of the side of the aisle, I ran in the middle of the aisle, and I was running as fast as I can but it was like in the slow motion and boom the pastor drop the communion in slow motion as it was waiting for either of us to get it, and I ran up and jump as like I didn't mind or care the consequence of falling or getting hurt to catch the communion which I did and landed in my hand and when I look down there was a lack cloth on the floor. The cloth was so shiny black as the silks, but then I looked up saw two angels flying around me, but babies and I looked down by me, and I saw an angel but was injured, but the two angels lifted up the angel who was injured.they were so bright as gold and had crown above there head.then I woke up.What is the meaning of my dream?

Shimmy: United States

Last night I had a dream of Holy Mother appeared in the sky, very marvelous, and my niece and sister and some kids in my family also were with me. She disappeared after few seconds even if we tried to take photos nothing captured on our phone. But after some time a beautiful earth image appeared in the same spot and part of it is falling. Is there any meaning for this dream?

Tracie: United States

Hi, I have a question.  I recently had a dream of me driving about to cross a bridge all if a sudden the car stops while on the bridge and the car starts to move backward. I was upset in the car and pulled into the what looked like a deserted gas station. The dream then shifts to a black coconut surrounded by Brown feathers. I have been experiencing an emotional rollercoaster.  I have a history of being mental, emotionally, and physically abused which I now know was narcissistic abuse. Having this revelation made relive the childhood abuse. But in the spiritual world, it's called the Jezebel spirit.  I have a strong belief in God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost and I'm trying to be obedient, but I still feel a mental fight, and I'm at a standstill. I need to know is it something I'm not doing or doing wrong? I just want to break free finally.

"My Second Chance"

I Dreamed of a tidal wave, sharks, the earth jet black and burning, a dove, I woke up and I said Yah (God) is giving us a second chance to clean up our lives

Sylvia: United States

I have been praying so hard for my husband to get back into the church. I just recently turned it over to God at the altar. About three weeks ago, I started seeing people in my room while I was trying to sleep. One night, I saw two ladies looking out of my bedroom bathroom. I could see them plainly. They looked like my sisters. I called to them asking "What are you doing in there? Why are you here?" They slowly just disappeared after a few minutes or less.  Another time I saw someone with a small flash coming to the side of the bed. Again I could see them plainly, but I didn't know her. I asked "who are you? What are you doing in my house?" and wroke my husband up but he saw nothing. I've seen an Angel on the wall beside my bed several nights, but that doesn't bother me. Just last night for the 1st time I heard my passes away son's guitar playing soft angelic-like music. I know in my heart it was him. I sat up on the side of the side of the bed and listened. It brought tears, and I asked: "God what are you trying to tell me?" What does all of this mean? I am losing a lot of sleep, but I know God has His plan! 

Kira: United States

I had a dream of being in a foreign country. I was riding a motorcycle with two other people that I believe were married, were also on a motorcycle. We stopped at a gas station, and I went to the bathroom and when I walked into the bathroom was pure white, and it had a bathtub. There was a leak in the tub, but the floor was not wet.
I walked out of the bathroom and (all this was during the day) went back to my motorcycle but remembered that I left my cell phone on the bathroom sink. So I went back to the all-white bathroom and grabbed my phone. 
As I walked back outside, I notice that it was dark and that I was in an alley (maybe the back of the gas station). As I began walking towards the gate, I saw people following me and trying to harm me, but I told them to get back. One person was going to hit me with his fist, and I called out his name and punched him right in the face, and that's when all the ones following me disburse.
When I got to the gate, I placed my hand on it and turned around toward the people. I could hear electricity coming from the gate, but no one follows me. So I turned around toward the gate I looked up and saw Bob wire and could hear the electricity from the gate. So I opened the gate and walked through.
As I was walking, I saw the couple I was with and asked them was they were ready to go. They said, we can't leave because a court we attended took the motorcycles. So we started to walk, (by this time it was day again) and I saw my brother, and he told me that the living arrangements in his household were that his wife slept in her room and he slept in a different room. But he said he was living in Germany (but he lives in the US). 
After that, I saw myself in a car on the highway, and I saw street signs and street lights, (it was dark again). I guess we went to some store and walked around. I stopped to read I believe it was a sort of comic book or something. Then a sale associate came by and offered me a seat that was there, so I could finish reading...... After that, I woke up

"My Second Chance

I Dreamed of a tidal wave, sharks, the earth jet black and burning, a dove, I woke up and I said Yah (God) is giving us a second chance to clean up our lives

Sylvia: United States
I have been praying so hard for my husband to get back into church. I just recently turned it over to God at the altar. About three weeks ago, I started seeing people in my room while I was trying to sleep. One night, I saw two ladies looking out of my bedroom bathroom. I could see them plainly. They looked like my sisters. I called to them asking "What are you doing in there? Why are you here?" They slowly just disappeared after a few minutes or less.  Another time I saw someone with a small flash coming to the side of the bed. Again I could see them plainly, but I didn't know her. I asked "who are you? What are you doing in my house?" and wroke my husband up but he saw nothing. I've seen an Angel on the wall beside my bed several nights, but that doesn't bother me. Just last night for the 1st time I heard my passes away son's guitar playing soft angelic-like music. I know in my heart it was him. I sat up on the side of the side of the bed and listened. It brought tears, and I asked: "God what are you trying to tell me?" What does all of this mean? I am losing a lot of sleep, but I know God has His plan! 

Kira: United States
I had a dream of being in foreign country. I was riding a motorcycle with two other people that I believe were married, were also on a motorcycle. We stopped at a gas station, and I went to the bathroom and when I walked into the bathroom was pure white, and it had a bath tub. There was a leak in the tub, but the floor was not wet.

I walked out of the bathroom and (all this was during the day) went back to my motorcycle but remembered that I left my cell phone on the bathroom sink. So I went back to the all-white bathroom and grabbed my phone. 

As I walked back outside, I notice that it was dark and that I was in an alley (maybe the back of the gas station). As I started walking towards the gate, I saw people following me and trying to harm me, but I told them to get back. One person was going to hit me with his fist, and I called out his name and punched him right in the face, and that's when all the ones following me disburse.

When I got to the gate, I placed my hand on it and turned around toward the people. I could hear electricity coming from the gate, but no one follows me. So I turned around toward the gate I looked up and saw Bob wire and could hear the electricity from the gate. So I opened the gate and walked through.

As I was walking, I saw the couple I was with and asked them was they were ready to go. They said, we can not leave because a court we attended took the motorcycles. So we started to walk, (by this time it was day again) and I saw my brother, and he told me that the living arrangements in his house hold were that his wife slept in her room and he slept in a different room. But he said he was living in Germany (but he lives in the US). 

After that, I saw myself in a car on the highway, and I saw street signs and street lights, (it was dark again). I guess we went to some store and walked around. I stopped to read I believe it was a sort of comic book or something. Then a sale associate came by and offered me a seat that was there, so I could finish reading ...... After that, I woke up

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"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802