Back in 2006, I had a dream. I was with my friends in the field grazing our cows. As the cows grazed, we decided to sit and chat. As we were talking a small fire appeared in front of us in the grass. Then an unknown person came from behind us and lit still another fire that spread quickly like petrol.
We all ran to escape the fire. Those who were clever took the direction away from the fire, but I passed through the middle where the fire was hot. I managed to get through but received small burns on my face, and arms, and a severe burn on my left leg.
I was in pain, but something was telling me that the ignorance of a sinner will divert him/her from a peaceful & safe path to a more dangerous, risky & distractive path.
Many people, among them, were two of my friends, came to me quickly. There was an herbalist woman who knows how to treats burns, but some proposed to rush me to a hospital.
But since the beginning of my dream with my friends and grazing cows there had been a man who was like our boss but was not, and my two friends and I were defending our selves to him for an unknown reason.
So the herbalist woman who was to treat by severely burnt leg arrived. But before she treated me, I intentionally put my burnt leg in the lake's wet sand & pulled it back. Then, our boss stood up quickly & ordered that when we heard a big bang in the form of an earthquake, we should prepare ourselves.
He pointed to a four-sided boat at the edge of the lake in very deep water and told us not to hesitate to hold on firmly when we heard the terrifying sound because it will be followed by floods and we would need to hold onto the boat so as not to be taken away by water.
Five seconds later a loud bang shook the earth, and everybody else rushed to hold onto the boat. But I was confused about what to do, and when I saw a huge wave of water coming towards me, like the fire, instead of running to where there was no water I ran to where water was deep, and there were big rolling rocks. I was helpless, the floods had surrounded me & I was almost drowning.
Suddenly I saw Jesus standing a few meters far away, and I started crying for help, saying, "My Savior don't forgive me because of my ignorance please forgive me because I believe in you as my Savior;" then Jesus smiled & took my right arm and saved my life seconds before drowning.
When he pulled me out of the water, I was happy and felt a special power, strength & believed in Jesus because of the wonders he did for me. I was full of the Holy Spirit & to show Jesus that I trust & believe in Him I decided to jump into the deep flowing water with big rolling rocks, well aware that I was in the hands of Jesus and nothing would happen to me.
So I dove into that deepest water, but instead of moving at high speed I was moving slowly downwards into the lake. I was almost in the deepest running water with rocks when a smiling Jesus pulled me up again. I was feeling great that really nothing could happen to me, so again, to show that I couldn't die when I was with Jesus I dove into the main lake. Again, I struggled not to drown until Jesus pulled me out
Then the kind people informed Jesus of the wound I have on my left leg from the fire burns. Immediately He rubbed my burnt leg from the knee to the feet, and when he removed his hands there was no wound, no pain, not even a scar, I was completely healed.
I was happy and still wondering what had happened to me when I woke up. And I felt sad that it was not real but only a dream.
However, I felt that Jesus was with me while sleeping and was very happy for the rest of the night. I decided to wake up to record that dream in my diary so that I should not forget that special dream with JESUS CRIST.
Tumushabey: Uganda
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802