United States
As I was worshiping I seen I was being
rowed on a cloud and as air was in the midst of the clouds I began to
see a kingdom and I kept worshiping. And I seen two doves fly from me
towards the kingdom
Reno: United States
I too
had a dream that I believe is the rapture. The strange thing is that
I never knew what the rapture was before my dream. I had told my
friend who at the time was a very educated on the bible. I then told
my grandma who was a lot more literate.
Like all my dreams,
I do not know the beginning or the end. But I do remember the middle
just enough to explain what the story was about.
I was near
this opened grass field and near it was this castle that later turned
out to be my middle school. Setting always changed rapidly for
As I left the school going home, I turned back, which is
also a church that I forgot to mention and seen a huge mountain about
several miles away. On top of that mountain was a huge dark cloud
forming, leading that cloud was a man or God with I believe a cannon
of some sort?
I'm not sure if that was a resemblance to
Gabriel's horn but nothing loud was in my dream other than hard gust
of wind and rain. Somehow I begin running down a street that was
cracking apart as the what seemed like the world was turning 90
degrees. I ran into what looked like a funeral home and that was
pretty much all I remember.
I understand everything you are
saying and your relationship with God is what is something I want but
can't feel. I need signs or a connection. I don't pray as much as I
should and when I do, I sometimes feel safe.
I wish I can
dedicate most of my time with God but the world is getting in my way.
I am 21, the decisions I make I know are sins. When I grow my own
family I want them and my self to be connected with the lord just as
much with each other.
I guess what I am really asking is his
guidance. I want to live life to the fullest, I want him to take me
places and meet people that he created. And in return help others who
need help. Better living, better lives , better community.
I feel
something telling me that rapture will not be soon, because we still
have empty seats in our flight to Heaven. Amen
United States
I was awake and a vision of a tall figure
dressed in white rob with a deep red like scarf I could not see a
face or feet, than I saw a hand pushing out for me as if to say take
my hand.
As time went on I had a dream I was in a car and I
looked up and it was this huge not small form of a man coming down in
the clouds. I remember crying saying "look do you see it,"
over and over, pointing at the clouds, do you see it?
United States
April 4th, 2015 the night before Easter
Sunday I had a very vivid dream, but am unsure and confused on what
or who came to me. The dream and our exact setting:
my husband was up, eyes opened wide tapping me trying to awake me.
Finally I was awake and he says, look its right there, look. Cover
was over my head, body has chills, scared.
I look beyond the
cover and a woman in black was walking across the living room floor
towards my 8 month old baby, and she grabs him. Now without fear I
demand to know why she is taking my baby. She only replies, Jesus is
I knell before her asking if Jesus has forgiven me
for my sin, she replied, that's up to you. I tell my son, son
remember me and know that i love you, then I watched as my child
walked away with this figure. That's the dream.
I wake up
with chills, near to tears. seconds after I wake up my baby wakes up
crying. While trying to go back to sleep I feel as if someone is
sitting my chest trying to choke me, and I wake up again,
The next day I was explaining my dream to my
sister, who we are staying with. I was in the middle of explaining
the figure when my 3 year old explained it before I could get my
words out.
United States
I was walking in a field and all of a sudden
every pore on my skin began singing out "He is here! He is
Next, I was face down on the ground. The dry
grass was touching my nose and I could see Him above me although I
was face down.. He was in the air above me with millions of souls
with Him..
I cried out, "Please don't leave me here Lord,"
and instantly I was drawn in the air feeling the entire force in my
thorax area..He took me with Him...
Thank You Jesus ...I had this
dream about 15 years ago.
United States
My friend and I ran up to a man in a white
robe,we tried to look at his face but it was too bright. He held on
to our shoulders as we flew up in the sky so fast. Then we arrived to
Golden gates (I knew it was heaven) the golden gates opened and then
BAMMM! I woke up, I wish my dream was longer.
South Africa
Dreaming of white flashy lights falling out of
heaven, a big white horse and a human figure with big white wings
sitting on the horse, telling me to fix things and then he will come
and fetch me again.
United States
Rapture: I certainly hope it's soon. It's
unbelievable how evil people can be, how asleep the church is. My
wife was woken up last year in the summer by a loud voice saying, I
It is reassuring to know
that others are having the same types of dreams, confirming that
Jesus is coming sooner than some of us may think. Over the last year
or so I have had repeated dreams of the rapture and Jesus saying He
is coming soon. I love the Lord with all my heart.
morning I had another one of those dreams that left me totally
shaken. I was shaking and found it even hard to pray out loud as my
heart was racing so fast.
I dreamt that someone was saying
that something had some years ago but cannot remember for sure but 19
seem to be in the year, then the voice was saying that the time had
come and the next thing I know was that the rapture had taken
A voice was telling me what was happening in my
spirit and saying, "Congratulations" to those who were in
the rapture as they were ready.
I could sense people leaving
this earth but could not see them, but was quite afraid as I felt I
would also be going up, but did not experience the actual event. I
woke up with my heart beating really fast and very afraid about being
left behind, which is usually the case after these kinds of
I could not even get up after the dream but prayed
for myself and for all those who do not know Jesus, including the
Muslims, some of who are so sincere, but sincerely wrong about
Thank you for this forum as it continues to encourage
us all to be ready for leaving this world before the Anti-Christ
takes center stage.
United States
As I was sleeping I was having a dream.
The dream was about the rapture, at least I think it was. Well in my
dream me and my friend and two brothers were playing outside in my
back yard, and I was painting my bike.
I got thirsty so I
went inside my house, opened the fridge and got a soda, and offered
my friend one. He didn't want any so I gave him a monster which he
gladly took.
As I walked outside the sky turned black and I
saw a huge cross in the sky. There was red, white, blue, and yellow
lightning in the background. We heard voices from the sky which I'm
guessing was Jesus or god himself.
We all went on our knees
and started praying and repenting and I called my mom outside to see
what's going on outside, and as soon as I did time started to go
slow, as everything was in slow motion. We were all crying.
Everything felt so real. I was scared cause I thought our time was
up. T
Then I woke up sweating, a lot, and my heart beating really
fast as If I were working out a lot. Then my heart started skipping
for a few minutes. Don't know if it was a nightmare or a vision, but
this was pretty weird.
This is the fourth time I have had these dreams
about rapture... funny enough I didn't make heaven 3 times, I only
made it once... those 3 times is much more worse than a scary
movie...I cried out my eyes and even when I woke up I could see tears
on my cheek.
I pray God helps me, may his Grace continue to
lead us
I had a dream of seeing a white horse glowing
brightly in a bright light in the sky feeling that God sent the white
horse for me to see in the sky Lakeisha: United States I saw Jesus in
the bright light of the rapture. Both of my love ones were gone, and
there was only me, I was left behind. Jesus turn ed his head away
from me, and I'm afraid I'm going to go to hell. I want to go to
United States
This is my second dream about the rapture, but I
like this one much better than the first.
I was in my house
one afternoon and I saw my spirit just leave my body and rise up
through the top of the house through the clouds and sky. I saw this
gate on top of the clouds and went through it.
There were people
there, some I knew and some I did not know; then I saw Jesus in
person, his clothes, his face, body, everything. He touched me
and then said something to me, but I have forgotten what He said.
United States
I had a dream about two women in a car driving
and they were taken quickly in the Rapture.
Then flying from
the sky came a large white pure dove that flew toward me, and it
consumed my entire body. Please help me understand what The Lord is
saying to me
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
Feb 08, 25 12:57 PM
Feb 05, 25 12:13 PM
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802