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  7. My Three Rapture Warning Dreams

"My Three Rapture
Warning Dreams"

"I had three Rapture warning dreams"

Dream One

I dreamt that everyone was lining-up on earth to go to heaven. It was a pretty long line. The strange thing was we all had 24 hrs until the World Ends;

When the time came, only a few people flew up, and I was not one of them. I was stuck with everyone else who wasn't ready.

Dream Two

I was in my country in the (Marshall Islands) outside of my grandpa's door. When all of a sudden, the moon literally turned blood red! It was daylight, but as soon as the moon became red nightfall hits but it wasn't like a normal night. It was like a pitch-black night. I ran to my grandma's house to get my daughter (I'm 24 and recently gave birth). When I tried to find her, I couldn't. I woke up with my heart racing and scared. I knew God was telling me again!

Dream Three

I was out in an open field or somewhere with a road. There were all these people I didn't know. Except for my cousin's husband. 

The sky started to get stormy, and when it rained, it didn't happen all at once. The rain came all the way from one end and worked its way towards us. It was a heavy rain. We all took shelter at what seemed to be like a gas station roof but no buildings-just a roof. When the rain stopped, the sky was gloomy, and it was getting dark. 

Somehow everyone stopped interacting with each other, and we all looked up at the far-away Sun (on a gloomy dark day), and at that exact moment, it just Vanished! Disappeared, not fading wholly but away, vanished from there. 

As soon as it did that, it was pitch black, and we all instantly knew the World started ending. I whispered under my breath, "God, please forgive me of my sins!" I was so scared, and I literally felt like I was really there for real! I looked up at the moon, and it was white, but it was slightly turning pink. I woke up cuddling my daughter. 

This is God warning me, and I really need to just forget about everything of this world and focus on Him only! I need to rescue all my family & friends before it's too late. 

Please keep me in all your prayers. You guys are in my prayers as well. May God continue to guide yall and strengthen you in Jesus' name. Amen ♡

Shannon: United States 

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Maryville, TN 37802