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"My Dream of Physically Struggling with Jesus"

In my dream, I was running through a maze that was outside. It was dark, and I kept cutting myself on the branches of the maze. I remember feeling the sweat getting into my cuts and it stung. Somehow, I found a door somewhere in the maze, and I went through it. 

I entered a room that was underground with walls of dirt, and I knew it was a restroom. The ground itself was some dark tile. I went to the sink to wash up and realized there was no faucet or water, or even a washbasin at the counter, only a stone bowl, and some oil

Injuries Healed

I poured the oil into the bowl and used that and a towel to clean myself. I remember the oil stung to the touch as I expected it to, but then it immediately followed with a sense of relief. I looked in the mirror, and all my cuts and bruises had been healed. I finished wiping myself off with the towel and exited the restroom through another door. 

A Green Forest

This time when I stepped outside into a forest area. I immediately noticed a white bird sitting in a tree because it contrasted so much with the vibrant green of the forest. In front of me towards the left were trees, low shrubbery, and an entire forest. Directly in front of me was a log which marked the edge of a waterfall. 

I noticed a stream of water flowing down underneath the trunk and into a pool of water which flowed down into a cave. There were large stones and boulders outside the front of the cave. 

A Bow and an Adversary

I had taken several steps through some of the shrubberies when somebody either spoke or touched me, I can't remember. I was so startled that I turned around and attacked them out of sudden fear. I had a bow on me for some reason and didn't know where I got it, but I was carrying it, and I hit my intruder over the head, and it broke.

 I then tried to strangle the person with my string, and thought I was succeeding, but then realized He was calmly opening my hand through sheer strength. Even though I felt powerful in this dream and had my full capacities,  this person didn't move an inch when I attacked him. 

I Am Jesus

It was unlike anything I ever experienced. He wasn't trying to hurt me, but it was like trying to fight the ocean. I wanted to know His name, so I asked, and He replied, "I'm Jesus," and then promptly put an arrow through both of my cheeks.

 I was on my knee, and even though I had just gotten an arrow through both cheeks, it wasn't an intense pain. It tasted metallic. I was in shock, and when He said, "I am Jesus," I believed it.

Before I could stand up or ask him any questions, he kicked me off the edge of the log and into the waterfall, and I was carried away by the water. As I entered the cave, I woke up.  

Nikolas: United States

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Struggling with Jesus

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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