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"To See Your Face"
Roger's Dream

It was the year 2000, I was in Rice Audubon boot camp, and been there for about seven months, when I was taken from my family and put in a disciplinary encampment. The only person I trusted was our Lord. I read His word, and prayer was always on my mind, day in and out. 

Other things also happened while in this new me; since my heart was in God's hands and not of man, I was always happy, smiling every day, although some others and never knew I did. 

He is very real, but you have to get so close, it would be a first time experience, and when it happens, it all just seems to work out for you/being close to: "not a spot found - was my state." Before this vision; I prayed as I did every night. 

This is the prayer, and I have only said it once since then, ("Lord, my faith is strong enough I would die for you, but to see your face would make that faith even stronger.") There was more, but this is all I remember.

DREAM: I woke up with my face in the dirt, hearing multitudes of people chattering. I couldn't see and knew I was blind. I was startled by an arm wrapping under the pit of my right arm, picking me up, saying, "I know a man that can help you." 

As he led me I felt as though we were traveling an upward climb or a hill; the man left my aid, and I just reached out my fingertips, and when I did I touched cloth, My eyes shot open and there before I was our Lord. 

His presence was so great that I fell face down, feeling so undeserving. I spoke and prayed to him in a language I couldn't understand. He placed His hand on my shoulder and said, "Everything's going to be ok, Roger, everything going to be alright" and we lifted off the ground about 5'to 6'ft. 

I woke up in my bunk excited, still filled with that overwhelming presence, and was about to wake up my bunkie. 

I stopped and realized, and will always know that he had answered me. Thank you, Lord

Roger: United States

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To See Your Face

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802